// Note: this requires the `cargo` feature use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::{arg, Command}; fn main() { let matches = Command::new("git") .about("A fictional versioning CLI") .subcommand_required(true) .arg_required_else_help(true) .allow_external_subcommands(true) .allow_invalid_utf8_for_external_subcommands(true) .subcommand( Command::new("clone") .about("Clones repos") .arg(arg!( "The remote to clone")) .arg_required_else_help(true), ) .subcommand( Command::new("push") .about("pushes things") .arg(arg!( "The remote to target")) .arg_required_else_help(true), ) .subcommand( Command::new("add") .about("adds things") .arg_required_else_help(true) .arg(arg!( ... "Stuff to add").allow_invalid_utf8(true)), ) .get_matches(); match matches.subcommand() { Some(("clone", sub_matches)) => { println!( "Cloning {}", sub_matches.value_of("REMOTE").expect("required") ); } Some(("push", sub_matches)) => { println!( "Pushing to {}", sub_matches.value_of("REMOTE").expect("required") ); } Some(("add", sub_matches)) => { let paths = sub_matches .values_of_os("PATH") .unwrap_or_default() .map(PathBuf::from) .collect::>(); println!("Adding {:?}", paths); } Some((ext, sub_matches)) => { let args = sub_matches .values_of_os("") .unwrap_or_default() .collect::>(); println!("Calling out to {:?} with {:?}", ext, args); } _ => unreachable!(), // If all subcommands are defined above, anything else is unreachabe!() } // Continued program logic goes here... }