name: yml_app version: 1.0 about: an example using a .yml file to build a CLI author: Kevin K. # AppSettings can be defined as a list and are **not** ascii case sensitive settings: - ArgRequiredElseHelp # All Args must be defined in the 'args:' list where the name of the arg, is the # key to a Hash object args: # The name of this argument, is 'opt' which will be used to access the value # later in your Rust code - opt: help: example option argument from yaml short: o long: option multiple: true takes_value: true - pos: help: example positional argument from yaml index: 1 # A list of possible values can be defined as a list possible_values: - fast - slow - flag: help: demo flag argument short: F multiple: true global: true # Conflicts, mutual overrides, and requirements can all be defined as a # list, where the key is the name of the other argument conflicts_with: - opt requires: - pos - mode: long: mode help: shows an option with specific values # possible_values can also be defined in this list format possible_values: [ vi, emacs ] takes_value: true - mvals: long: mult-vals help: demos an option which has two named values # value names can be described in a list, where the help will be shown # --mult-vals value_names: - one - two - minvals: long: min-vals multiple: true help: you must supply at least two values to satisfy me min_values: 2 - maxvals: long: max-vals multiple: true help: you can only supply a max of 3 values for me! max_values: 3 # All subcommands must be listed in the 'subcommand:' object, where the key to # the list is the name of the subcommand, and all settings for that command are # are part of a Hash object subcommands: # The nae of this subcommand will be 'subcmd' which can be accessed in your # Rust code later - subcmd: about: demos subcommands from yaml version: 0.1 author: Kevin K. # Subcommand args are exactly like App args args: - scopt: short: B multiple: true help: example subcommand option takes_value: true - scpos1: help: example subcommand positional index: 1 # ArgGroups are supported as well, and must be sepcified in the 'groups:' # object of this file groups: # the name of the ArgGoup is specified here - min-max-vals: # All args and groups that are a part of this group are set here args: - minvals - maxvals # setting conflicts is done the same manner as setting 'args:' # # to make this group required, you could set 'required: true' but for # this example we won't do that.