extern crate clap; extern crate regex; include!("../clap-test.rs"); use clap::{App, SubCommand, ErrorKind, Arg}; static HELP: &'static str = "clap-test v1.4.8 Kevin K. tests clap library USAGE: clap-test [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS] [SUBCOMMAND] FLAGS: -f, --flag tests flags -F tests flags with exclusions -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -O, --Option specific vals [values: fast, slow] --long-option-2 tests long options with exclusions --maxvals3 ... Tests 3 max vals --minvals2 ... Tests 2 min vals --multvals Tests mutliple values, not mult occs --multvalsmo Tests mutliple values, and mult occs -o, --option ... tests options ARGS: tests positionals tests positionals with exclusions ... tests specific values [values: vi, emacs] SUBCOMMANDS: help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) subcmd tests subcommands"; static AFTER_HELP: &'static str = "some text that comes before the help clap-test v1.4.8 tests clap library USAGE: clap-test FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information some text that comes after the help"; static SC_HELP: &'static str = "subcmd 0.1 Kevin K. tests subcommands USAGE: subcmd [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [scpositional] FLAGS: -f, --flag tests flags OPTIONS: -o, --option ... tests options ARGS: tests positionals"; static MULTI_SC_HELP: &'static str = "ctest-subcmd-multi 0.1 Kevin K. tests subcommands USAGE: ctest subcmd multi [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -f, --flag tests flags -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --option ... tests options"; static ISSUE_626_CUTOFF: &'static str = "ctest 0.1 USAGE: ctest [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -c, --cafe A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or café is an establishment which primarily serves hot coffee, related coffee beverages (e.g., café latte, cappuccino, espresso), tea, and other hot beverages. Some coffeehouses also serve cold beverages such as iced coffee and iced tea. Many cafés also serve some type of food, such as light snacks, muffins, or pastries."; static ISSUE_626_PANIC: &'static str = "ctest 0.1 USAGE: ctest [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -c, --cafe La culture du café est très développée dans de nombreux pays à climat chaud d\'Amérique, d\'Afrique et d\'Asie, dans des plantations qui sont cultivées pour les marchés d\'exportation. Le café est souvent une contribution majeure aux exportations des régions productrices."; #[test] fn help_short() { let m = App::new("test") .author("Kevin K.") .about("tests stuff") .version("1.3") .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-h"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn help_long() { let m = App::new("test") .author("Kevin K.") .about("tests stuff") .version("1.3") .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "--help"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn help_no_subcommand() { let m = App::new("test") .author("Kevin K.") .about("tests stuff") .version("1.3") .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "help"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument); } #[test] fn help_subcommand() { let m = App::new("test") .author("Kevin K.") .about("tests stuff") .version("1.3") .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test") .about("tests things") .arg_from_usage("-v --verbose 'with verbosity'")) .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "help"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn subcommand_short_help() { let m = test::complex_app() .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["clap-test", "subcmd", "-h"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn subcommand_long_help() { let m = test::complex_app() .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["clap-test", "subcmd", "--help"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn subcommand_help_rev() { let m = test::complex_app() .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["clap-test", "help", "subcmd"]); assert!(m.is_err()); assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed); } #[test] fn complex_help_output() { test::check_help(test::complex_app(), HELP); } #[test] fn after_and_before_help_output() { let app = App::new("clap-test") .version("v1.4.8") .about("tests clap library") .before_help("some text that comes before the help") .after_help("some text that comes after the help"); test::check_help(app, AFTER_HELP); } #[test] fn multi_level_sc_help() { let app = App::new("ctest") .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("subcmd") .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("multi") .about("tests subcommands") .author("Kevin K. ") .version("0.1") .args_from_usage(" -f, --flag 'tests flags' -o, --option [scoption]... 'tests options' "))); test::check_err_output(app, "ctest help subcmd multi", MULTI_SC_HELP, false); } #[test] fn no_wrap_help() { let app = App::new("ctest") .set_term_width(0) .help(MULTI_SC_HELP); test::check_err_output(app, "ctest --help", MULTI_SC_HELP, false); } #[test] fn complex_subcommand_help_output() { let mut a = test::complex_app(); let _ = a.get_matches_from_safe_borrow(vec![""]); let sc = a.p.subcommands.iter().filter(|s| s.p.meta.name == "subcmd").next().unwrap(); // Now we check the output of print_help() let mut help = vec![]; sc.write_help(&mut help).ok().expect("failed to print help"); assert_eq!(&*String::from_utf8(help).unwrap(), SC_HELP); } #[test] fn issue_626_unicode_cutoff() { let app = App::new("ctest") .version("0.1") .set_term_width(70) .arg(Arg::with_name("cafe") .short("c") .long("cafe") .value_name("FILE") .help("A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or café is an establishment \ which primarily serves hot coffee, related coffee beverages \ (e.g., café latte, cappuccino, espresso), tea, and other hot \ beverages. Some coffeehouses also serve cold beverages such as \ iced coffee and iced tea. Many cafés also serve some type of \ food, such as light snacks, muffins, or pastries.") .takes_value(true)); test::check_err_output(app, "ctest --help", ISSUE_626_CUTOFF, false); } #[test] fn issue_626_panic() { let app = App::new("ctest") .version("0.1") .set_term_width(52) .arg(Arg::with_name("cafe") .short("c") .long("cafe") .value_name("FILE") .help("La culture du café est très développée dans de nombreux pays à climat chaud d'Amérique, \ d'Afrique et d'Asie, dans des plantations qui sont cultivées pour les marchés d'exportation. \ Le café est souvent une contribution majeure aux exportations des régions productrices.") .takes_value(true)); test::check_err_output(app, "ctest --help", ISSUE_626_PANIC, false); } #[test] fn issue_626_variable_panic() { for i in 10..320 { let _ = App::new("ctest") .version("0.1") .set_term_width(i) .arg(Arg::with_name("cafe") .short("c") .long("cafe") .value_name("FILE") .help("La culture du café est très développée dans de nombreux pays à climat chaud d'Amérique, \ d'Afrique et d'Asie, dans des plantations qui sont cultivées pour les marchés d'exportation. \ Le café est souvent une contribution majeure aux exportations des régions productrices.") .takes_value(true)) .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["ctest", "--help"]); } }