use clap::{arg, App}; use clap_man::generate_manpage; use std::io; #[test] fn render_manpage() { let mut app = App::new("myapp") .version("1.0") .author("Kevin K. ") .about("Does awesome things") .long_about("With a longer description to help clarify some things.") .after_help("This is an extra section added to the end of the manpage.") .after_long_help("With even more text added.") .arg( arg!(-c --config "Sets a custom config file") .long_help("Some more text about how to set a custom config file") .required(false) .takes_value(true), ) .arg(arg!([output] "Sets an optional output file").index(1)) .arg(arg!(-d --debug ... "Turn debugging information on")) .subcommand( App::new("test") .about("does testing things") .arg(arg!(-l --list "Lists test values")), ); generate_manpage(&mut app, &mut io::sink()).unwrap(); }