#[cfg(debug_assertions)] use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, Command}; #[test] #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[should_panic = "Unknown argument or group id. Make sure you are using the argument id and not the short or long flags"] fn arg_matches_if_present_wrong_arg() { let m = Command::new("test") .arg(Arg::new("flag").short('f').action(ArgAction::SetTrue)) .try_get_matches_from(&["test", "-f"]) .unwrap(); assert!(*m.get_one::("flag").expect("defaulted by clap")); m.contains_id("f"); } #[test] #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[should_panic = "Mismatch between definition and access of `o`. Unknown argument or group id. Make sure you are using the argument id and not the short or long flags"] fn arg_matches_value_of_wrong_arg() { let m = Command::new("test") .arg(Arg::new("opt").short('o').takes_value(true)) .try_get_matches_from(&["test", "-o", "val"]) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.get_one::("opt").map(|v| v.as_str()), Some("val")); m.get_one::("o").map(|v| v.as_str()); } #[test] #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[should_panic = "`seed` is not a name of a subcommand."] fn arg_matches_subcommand_matches_wrong_sub() { let m = Command::new("test") .subcommand(Command::new("speed")) .try_get_matches_from(&["test", "speed"]) .unwrap(); assert!(m.subcommand_matches("speed").is_some()); m.subcommand_matches("seed"); }