name: claptests version: "1.0" about: tests clap library author: Kevin K. settings: - ArgRequiredElseHelp args: - help: short: h long: help help: prints help with a nonstandard description - option: short: o long: option takes_value: true multiple_values: true help: tests options - positional: help: tests positionals index: 1 - positional2: help: tests positionals with exclusions index: 2 default_value_if: - [flag, null, some] - [positional, other, something] - flag: short: f long: flag takes_value: true multiple_values: true help: tests flags global: true - flag2: short: F help: tests flags with exclusions conflicts_with: - flag requires: - option2 - option2: long: long-option-2 help: tests long options with exclusions conflicts_with: - option requires: - positional2 - option3: short: O long: option3 help: tests options with specific value sets takes_value: true possible_values: - fast - slow requires_if: - [fast, flag] - positional3: index: 3 help: tests positionals with specific values possible_values: [ vi, emacs ] - multvals: long: multvals help: Tests multiple values, not mult occs value_names: - one - two - multvalsmo: long: multvalsmo multiple_values: true help: Tests multiple values, not mult occs value_names: [one, two] - multvalsdelim: long: multvalsdelim help: Tests multiple values with required delimiter takes_value: true multiple_occurrences: true use_delimiter: true require_delimiter: true - settings: short: s takes_value: true multiple_values: true - singlealias: long: singlealias help: Tests single alias aliases: [alias] required_if_eq: - [multvalsmo, two] - multaliases: long: multaliases help: Tests multiple aliases aliases: [als1, als2, als3] - singleshortalias: long: singleshortalias help: Tests single short alias short_aliases: [a] required_if_eq: - [multvalsmo, two] - multshortaliases: long: multshortaliases help: Tests multiple short aliases short_aliases: [b, c] - minvals2: long: minvals2 multiple_values: true help: Tests 2 min vals min_values: 2 - maxvals3: long: maxvals3 multiple_values: true help: Tests 3 max vals max_values: 3 - exclusive: long: exclusive help: Tests 3 exclusive exclusive: true - case_insensitive: index: 4 help: Test case_insensitive possible_values: [test123, test321] case_insensitive: true - value_hint: long: value-hint help: Test value_hint value_hint: FilePath - verbose: short: v multiple_occurrences: true takes_value: false help: Sets the level of verbosity - visiblealiases: long: visiblealiases help: Tests visible aliases visible_alias: visals1 visible_aliases: [visals2, visals2, visals3] - visibleshortaliases: long: visibleshortaliases help: Tests visible short aliases visible_short_alias: e visible_short_aliases: [l, m] groups: - test: args: - maxvals3 - minvals2 conflicts_with: - option3 requires: - multvals subcommands: - subcmd: about: tests subcommands version: "0.1" author: Kevin K. args: - scoption: short: o long: option multiple_values: true help: tests options takes_value: true - scpositional: help: tests positionals index: 1