#![allow(unused_imports, dead_code)] use std::io::{BufRead, Cursor, Write}; use std::str; use regex::Regex; use clap::{arg, Arg, ArgGroup, Command}; #[track_caller] pub fn assert_eq(expected: S, actual: S2) where S: AsRef, S2: AsRef, { let expected = expected.as_ref(); let actual = actual.as_ref(); snapbox::assert_eq(expected, actual); } #[track_caller] pub fn assert_output(l: Command, args: &str, expected: &str, stderr: bool) { let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50)); let res = l.try_get_matches_from(args.split(' ').collect::>()); let err = res.unwrap_err(); write!(&mut buf, "{}", err).unwrap(); let actual = buf.into_inner(); let actual = String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap(); assert_eq!( stderr, err.use_stderr(), "Should Use STDERR failed. Should be {} but is {}", stderr, err.use_stderr() ); assert_eq(actual, expected) } // Legacy tests from the python script days pub fn complex_app() -> Command<'static> { let opt3_vals = ["fast", "slow"]; let pos3_vals = ["vi", "emacs"]; Command::new("clap-test") .version("v1.4.8") .about("tests clap library") .author("Kevin K. ") .arg( arg!( -o --option "tests options" ) .required(false) .multiple_values(true) .multiple_occurrences(true), ) .arg(arg!([positional] "tests positionals")) .arg(arg!(-f --flag ... "tests flags").global(true)) .args(&[ arg!(flag2: -F "tests flags with exclusions") .conflicts_with("flag") .requires("long-option-2"), arg!(--"long-option-2" "tests long options with exclusions") .required(false) .conflicts_with("option") .requires("positional2"), arg!([positional2] "tests positionals with exclusions"), arg!(-O --option3 "specific vals") .required(false) .possible_values(opt3_vals), arg!([positional3] ... "tests specific values").possible_values(pos3_vals), arg!(--multvals "Tests multiple values, not mult occs") .value_names(&["one", "two"]) .required(false), arg!(--multvalsmo ... "Tests multiple values, and mult occs") .value_names(&["one", "two"]) .required(false), arg!(--minvals2 "Tests 2 min vals") .required(false) .min_values(2), arg!(--maxvals3 "Tests 3 max vals") .required(false) .max_values(3), arg!(--optvaleq "Tests optional value, require = sign") .required(false) .min_values(0) .number_of_values(1) .require_equals(true), arg!(--optvalnoeq "Tests optional value") .required(false) .min_values(0) .number_of_values(1), ]) .subcommand( Command::new("subcmd") .about("tests subcommands") .version("0.1") .author("Kevin K. ") .arg( arg!(-o --option "tests options") .required(false) .multiple_values(true), ) .arg(arg!(-s --subcmdarg "tests other args").required(false)) .arg(arg!([scpositional] "tests positionals")), ) }