use crate::utils; use clap::{arg, error::ErrorKind, App, Arg, ArgGroup}; static CONFLICT_ERR: &str = "error: The argument '--flag' cannot be used with '-F' USAGE: clap-test --flag --long-option-2 For more information try --help "; static CONFLICT_ERR_REV: &str = "error: The argument '-F' cannot be used with '--flag' USAGE: clap-test -F --long-option-2 For more information try --help "; static CONFLICT_ERR_THREE: &str = "error: The argument '--one' cannot be used with: --two --three USAGE: three_conflicting_arguments --one For more information try --help "; #[test] fn flag_conflict() { let result = App::new("flag_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("other")) .arg(arg!(-o --other "some flag")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f", "-o"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); } #[test] fn flag_conflict_2() { let result = App::new("flag_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("other")) .arg(arg!(-o --other "some flag")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-o", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); } #[test] fn flag_conflict_with_all() { let result = App::new("flag_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with_all(&["other"])) .arg(arg!(-o --other "some flag")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-o", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); } #[test] fn flag_conflict_with_everything() { let result = App::new("flag_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").exclusive(true)) .arg(arg!(-o --other "some flag")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-o", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); } #[test] fn arg_conflicts_with_group() { let mut app = App::new("group_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("gr")) .group(ArgGroup::new("gr").arg("some").arg("other")) .arg(arg!(--some "some arg")) .arg(arg!(--other "other arg")); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f", "--some"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--flag"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } } #[test] fn arg_conflicts_with_group_with_multiple_sources() { let mut app = clap::App::new("group_conflict") .arg(clap::arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("gr")) .group(clap::ArgGroup::new("gr").multiple(true)) .arg( clap::arg!(--some "some arg") .required(false) .group("gr"), ) .arg( clap::arg!(--other "other arg") .required(false) .default_value("1000") .group("gr"), ); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some", "usb1"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some", "usb1", "--other", "40"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f", "--some", "usb1"]); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); } #[test] fn group_conflicts_with_arg() { let mut app = App::new("group_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag")) .group( ArgGroup::new("gr") .arg("some") .arg("other") .conflicts_with("flag"), ) .arg(arg!(--some "some arg")) .arg(arg!(--other "other arg")); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f", "--some"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--flag"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } } #[test] fn arg_conflicts_with_required_group() { let mut app = App::new("group_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("gr")) .group(ArgGroup::new("gr").required(true).arg("some").arg("other")) .arg(arg!(--some "some arg")) .arg(arg!(--other "other arg")); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f", "--some"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } } #[test] fn required_group_conflicts_with_arg() { let mut app = App::new("group_conflict") .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag")) .group( ArgGroup::new("gr") .required(true) .arg("some") .arg("other") .conflicts_with("flag"), ) .arg(arg!(--some "some arg")) .arg(arg!(--other "other arg")); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "-f", "--some"]); assert!(result.is_err()); let err = result.err().unwrap(); assert_eq!(err.kind(), ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict); let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--some"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } let result = app.try_get_matches_from_mut(vec!["myprog", "--other"]); if let Err(err) = result { panic!("{}", err); } } #[test] fn conflict_output() { assert!(utils::compare_output( utils::complex_app(), "clap-test val1 fa --flag --long-option-2 val2 -F", CONFLICT_ERR, true, )); } #[test] fn conflict_output_rev() { assert!(utils::compare_output( utils::complex_app(), "clap-test val1 fa -F --long-option-2 val2 --flag", CONFLICT_ERR_REV, true, )); } #[test] fn conflict_output_with_required() { assert!(utils::compare_output( utils::complex_app(), "clap-test val1 --flag --long-option-2 val2 -F", CONFLICT_ERR, true, )); } #[test] fn conflict_output_rev_with_required() { assert!(utils::compare_output( utils::complex_app(), "clap-test val1 -F --long-option-2 val2 --flag", CONFLICT_ERR_REV, true, )); } #[test] fn conflict_output_three_conflicting() { let app = App::new("three_conflicting_arguments") .arg( Arg::new("one") .long("one") .conflicts_with_all(&["two", "three"]), ) .arg( Arg::new("two") .long("two") .conflicts_with_all(&["one", "three"]), ) .arg( Arg::new("three") .long("three") .conflicts_with_all(&["one", "two"]), ); assert!(utils::compare_output( app, "three_conflicting_arguments --one --two --three", CONFLICT_ERR_THREE, true, )); } #[test] fn two_conflicting_arguments() { let a = App::new("two_conflicting_arguments") .arg( Arg::new("develop") .long("develop") .conflicts_with("production"), ) .arg( Arg::new("production") .long("production") .conflicts_with("develop"), ) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--develop", "--production"]); assert!(a.is_err()); let a = a.unwrap_err(); assert!( a.to_string() .contains("The argument \'--develop\' cannot be used with \'--production\'"), "{}", a ); } #[test] fn three_conflicting_arguments() { let a = App::new("three_conflicting_arguments") .arg( Arg::new("one") .long("one") .conflicts_with_all(&["two", "three"]), ) .arg( Arg::new("two") .long("two") .conflicts_with_all(&["one", "three"]), ) .arg( Arg::new("three") .long("three") .conflicts_with_all(&["one", "two"]), ) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--one", "--two", "--three"]); assert!(a.is_err()); let a = a.unwrap_err(); assert!( a.to_string() .contains("The argument \'--one\' cannot be used with:"), "{}", a ); } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[test] #[should_panic = "Argument 'config' cannot conflict with itself"] fn self_conflicting_arg() { let _ = App::new("prog") .arg(Arg::new("config").long("config").conflicts_with("config")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--config"]); } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] #[test] #[should_panic = "Argument or group 'extra' specified in 'conflicts_with*' for 'config' does not exist"] fn conflicts_with_invalid_arg() { let _ = App::new("prog") .arg(Arg::new("config").long("config").conflicts_with("extra")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--config"]); } #[test] fn conflict_with_unused_default() { let result = App::new("conflict") .arg( arg!(-o --opt "some opt") .required(false) .default_value("default"), ) .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag").conflicts_with("opt")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f"]); assert!(result.is_ok(), "{}", result.unwrap_err()); let m = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.value_of("opt"), Some("default")); assert!(m.is_present("flag")); } #[test] fn conflicts_with_alongside_default() { let result = App::new("conflict") .arg( arg!(-o --opt "some opt") .default_value("default") .required(false) .conflicts_with("flag"), ) .arg(arg!(-f --flag "some flag")) .try_get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f"]); assert!( result.is_ok(), "conflicts_with should ignore default_value: {:?}", result.unwrap_err() ); let m = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.value_of("opt"), Some("default")); assert!(m.is_present("flag")); }