#![crate_type= "lib"] #![feature(collections, core, libc, env)] //! A simply library for parsing command line arguments when writing //! command line and console applications. //! //! //! You can use `clap` to lay out a list of possible valid command line arguments and let `clap` parse the string given by the user at runtime. //! When using `clap` you define a set of parameters and rules for your arguments and at runtime `clap` will determine their validity. //! Also, `clap` provides the traditional version and help switches 'for free' by parsing the list of possible valid arguments lazily at runtime. //! i.e. only when it's been determined that the user wants or needs to see the help and version information. //! //! After defining a list of possible valid arguments you get a list of matches that the user supplied at runtime. You can then use this list to //! determine the functioning of your program. //! //! Example: //! //! ```rust.example //! extern crate clap; //! use clap::{Arg, App}; //! //! // ... //! //! let matches = App::new("MyApp") //! .version("1.0") //! .author("Kevin K. ") //! .about("Does awesome things") //! .arg(Arg::new("config") //! .short("c") //! .long("config") //! .help("Sets a custom config file") //! .takes_value(true)) //! .arg(Arg::new("output") //! .help("Sets an optional output file") //! .index(1)) //! .arg(Arg::new("debug") //! .short("d") //! .multiple(true) //! .help("Turn debugging information on")) //! .get_matches(); //! //! if let Some(o) = matches.value_of("output") { //! println!("Value for output: {}", o); //! } //! //! if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("config") { //! println!("Value for config: {}", c); //! } //! //! match matches.occurrences_of("debug") { //! 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"), //! 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"), //! 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"), //! 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"), //! } //! //! // more porgram logic goes here... //! ``` //! //! If you were to compile the above program and run it with the flag `--help` or `-h` the following output woud be presented //! //! ```sh //! $ myprog --help //! MyApp 1.0 //! Kevin K. //! Does awesome things //! //! USAGE: MyApp [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [POSITIONAL] //! Where... //! //! FLAGS: //! -d Turn debugging information on //! //! OPTIONS: //! -c,--config Sets a custom config file //! //! POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS: //! output Sets an optional output file //! ``` pub use argmatches::ArgMatches; pub use arg::Arg; pub use app::App; mod app; mod argmatches; mod arg; mod args;