use clap::{arg, ArgMatches, Command}; macro_rules! create_app { () => {{ Command::new("claptests") .version("0.1") .about("tests clap library") .author("Kevin K. ") .arg(arg!(-o --option ... "tests options")) .arg(arg!([positional] "tests positionals")) .arg(arg!(-f --flag ... "tests flags").global(true)) .args([ arg!(flag2: -F "tests flags with exclusions") .conflicts_with("flag") .requires("option2"), arg!(option2: --"long-option-2" "tests long options with exclusions") .conflicts_with("option") .requires("positional2"), arg!([positional2] "tests positionals with exclusions"), arg!(-O --Option "tests options with specific value sets") .value_parser(["fast", "slow"]), arg!([positional3] ... "tests positionals with specific values") .value_parser(["vi", "emacs"]), arg!(--multvals "Tests multiple values not mult occs").value_names(["one", "two"]), arg!( --multvalsmo "Tests multiple values, not mult occs" ).required(false).value_names(["one", "two"]), arg!(--minvals2 ... "Tests 2 min vals").num_args(2..), arg!(--maxvals3 ... "Tests 3 max vals").num_args(1..=3), ]) .subcommand( Command::new("subcmd") .about("tests subcommands") .version("0.1") .author("Kevin K. ") .arg(arg!(-o --option ... "tests options")) .arg(arg!([scpositional] "tests positionals")) ) }}; } #[divan::bench] fn build() -> Command { create_app!() } #[divan::bench(args=COMPLEX_ARGS)] fn startup(args: &Args) -> ArgMatches { create_app!().get_matches_from(args.args()) } #[divan::bench] fn render_help(bencher: divan::Bencher) { let mut cmd = create_app!(); bencher.bench_local(|| build_help(&mut cmd)); } fn build_help(cmd: &mut Command) -> String { let help = cmd.render_help(); help.to_string() } const COMPLEX_ARGS: &[Args] = &[ Args("empty", &[""]), Args("flag", &["myprog", "-f"]), Args("opt", &["myprog", "-o", "option1"]), Args("pos", &["myprog", "arg1"]), Args("sc", &["myprog", "subcmd"]), Args("sc_flag", &["myprog", "subcmd", "-f"]), Args("sc_opt", &["myprog", "subcmd", "-o", "option1"]), Args("sc_pos", &["myprog", "subcmd", "arg1"]), Args( "sc_nested", &["myprog", "subcmd", "-f", "-o", "option1", "arg1"], ), Args( "mixed1", &[ "myprog", "-ff", "-o", "option1", "arg1", "-O", "fast", "arg2", "--multvals", "one", "two", "emacs", ], ), Args( "mixed2", &[ "myprog", "arg1", "-f", "arg2", "--long-option-2", "some", "-O", "slow", "--multvalsmo", "one", "two", "--minvals2", "3", "2", "1", ], ), ]; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Args(&'static str, &'static [&'static str]); impl Args { pub const fn name(&self) -> &'static str { self.0 } pub const fn args(&self) -> &[&str] { self.1 } } impl std::fmt::Display for Args { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { } } fn main() { divan::main(); }