#[macro_use] extern crate clap; extern crate regex; include!("../clap-test.rs"); use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgSettings, ErrorKind}; static REQUIRE_DELIM_HELP: &'static str = "test 1.3 Kevin K. tests stuff USAGE: test --fake : FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -f, --fake : some help"; static HELP: &'static str = "clap-test v1.4.8 Kevin K. tests clap library USAGE: clap-test [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS] [SUBCOMMAND] ARGS: tests positionals tests positionals with exclusions ... tests specific values [possible values: vi, emacs] FLAGS: -f, --flag tests flags -F tests flags with exclusions -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -O, --Option specific vals [possible values: fast, slow] --long-option-2 tests long options with exclusions --maxvals3 ... Tests 3 max vals --minvals2 ... Tests 2 min vals --multvals Tests mutliple values, not mult occs --multvalsmo Tests mutliple values, and mult occs -o, --option ... tests options SUBCOMMANDS: help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) subcmd tests subcommands"; static SC_NEGATES_REQS: &'static str = "prog 1.0 USAGE: prog --opt [PATH] prog [PATH] ARGS: help FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --opt tests options SUBCOMMANDS: help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) test"; static ARGS_NEGATE_SC: &'static str = "prog 1.0 USAGE: prog [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [PATH] prog ARGS: help FLAGS: -f, --flag testing flags -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --opt tests options SUBCOMMANDS: help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) test"; static AFTER_HELP: &'static str = "some text that comes before the help clap-test v1.4.8 tests clap library USAGE: clap-test FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information some text that comes after the help"; static HIDDEN_ARGS: &'static str = "prog 1.0 USAGE: prog [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -f, --flag testing flags -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --opt tests options"; static SC_HELP: &'static str = "clap-test-subcmd 0.1 Kevin K. tests subcommands USAGE: clap-test subcmd [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [scpositional] ARGS: tests positionals FLAGS: -f, --flag tests flags -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --option ... tests options -s, --subcmdarg tests other args"; static ISSUE_1046_HIDDEN_SCS: &'static str = "prog 1.0 USAGE: prog [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [PATH] ARGS: some FLAGS: -f, --flag testing flags -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -o, --opt tests options"; // Using number_of_values(1) with multiple(true) misaligns help message static ISSUE_760: &'static str = "ctest 0.1 USAGE: ctest [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -O, --opt tests options -o, --option