@update-contributors: echo 'Removing old CONTRIBUTORS.md' mv CONTRIBUTORS.md CONTRIBUTORS.md.bak echo 'Downloading a list of new contributors' echo "the following is a list of contributors:" > CONTRIBUTORS.md echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md githubcontrib --owner kbknapp --repo clap-rs --sha master --cols 6 --format md --showlogin true --sortBy contributions --sortOrder desc >> CONTRIBUTORS.md echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md echo "This list was generated by [mgechev/github-contributors-list](https://github.com/mgechev/github-contributors-list)" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md rm CONTRIBUTORS.md.bak run-test TESTG TEST="": cargo test --test {{TESTG}} -- {{TEST}} debug TESTG TEST="": cargo test --test {{TESTG}} --features debug -- {{TEST}} run-tests: cargo test --features "yaml unstable" @bench: cargo bench @lint: rustup add component clippy rustup add component rustfmt cargo clippy --lib --features "yaml unstable" -- -D warnings cargo clippy --tests --examples --features "yaml unstable" cargo fmt -- --check clean: cargo clean find . -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm {} \; find . -type f -name "*.bk" -exec rm {} \; find . -type f -name ".*~" -exec rm {} \; top-errors NUM="95": @cargo check 2>&1 | head -n {{NUM}} count-errors: @cargo check 2>&1 | grep -e '^error' | wc -l find-errors: @cargo check 2>&1 | grep --only-matching -e '-->[^:]*' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr count-warnings: @cargo check 2>&1 | grep -e '^warning' | wc -l find-warnings: @cargo check 2>&1 | grep -A1 -e 'warning' | grep --only-matching -e '-->[^:]*' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr @count-failures: ./count-tests.sh