use clap::Parser; use crate::utils::assert_output; #[test] fn test_safely_nest_parser() { #[derive(Parser, Debug, PartialEq)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] foo: Foo, } #[derive(Parser, Debug, PartialEq)] struct Foo { #[arg(long)] foo: bool, } assert_eq!( Opt { foo: Foo { foo: true } }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "--foo"]).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn implicit_struct_group() { #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Opt { #[arg(short, long, requires = "Source")] add: bool, #[command(flatten)] source: Source, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug)] struct Source { crates: Vec, #[arg(long)] path: Option, #[arg(long)] git: Option, } const OUTPUT: &str = "\ error: the following required arguments were not provided: |--git > Usage: prog --add |--git > For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_output::("prog --add", OUTPUT, true); use clap::Args; assert_eq!(Source::group_id(), Some(clap::Id::from("Source"))); assert_eq!(Opt::group_id(), Some(clap::Id::from("Opt"))); } #[test] fn skip_group_avoids_duplicate_ids() { #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[group(skip)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] first: Compose, #[command(flatten)] second: Compose, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug)] #[group(skip)] pub(crate) struct Compose { #[command(flatten)] pub(crate) left: L, #[command(flatten)] pub(crate) right: R, } #[derive(clap::Args, Clone, Copy, Debug)] #[group(skip)] pub(crate) struct Empty; use clap::CommandFactory; Opt::command().debug_assert(); use clap::Args; assert_eq!(Empty::group_id(), None); assert_eq!(Compose::::group_id(), None); assert_eq!(Opt::group_id(), None); } #[test] fn optional_flatten() { #[derive(Parser, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] source: Option, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Source { crates: Vec, #[arg(long)] path: Option, #[arg(long)] git: Option, } assert_eq!(Opt { source: None }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test"]).unwrap()); assert_eq!( Opt { source: Some(Source { crates: vec!["serde".to_owned()], path: None, git: None, }), }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "serde"]).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( Opt { source: Some(Source { crates: Vec::new(), path: Some("./".into()), git: None, }), }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "--path=./"]).unwrap() ); } #[test] #[should_panic = "\ Command clap: Argument group name must be unique \t'Compose' is already in use"] fn helpful_panic_on_duplicate_groups() { #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] first: Compose, #[command(flatten)] second: Compose, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Compose { #[command(flatten)] pub(crate) left: L, #[command(flatten)] pub(crate) right: R, } #[derive(clap::Args, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Empty; use clap::CommandFactory; Opt::command().debug_assert(); } #[test] fn custom_group_id() { #[derive(Parser, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] source: Option, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[group(id = "source")] struct Source { crates: Vec, #[arg(long)] path: Option, #[arg(long)] git: Option, } assert_eq!(Opt { source: None }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test"]).unwrap()); assert_eq!( Opt { source: Some(Source { crates: vec!["serde".to_owned()], path: None, git: None, }), }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "serde"]).unwrap() ); assert_eq!( Opt { source: Some(Source { crates: Vec::new(), path: Some("./".into()), git: None, }), }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "--path=./"]).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn required_group() { #[derive(Parser, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Opt { #[command(flatten)] source: Source, } #[derive(clap::Args, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[group(required = true, multiple = false)] struct Source { #[arg(long)] path: Option, #[arg(long)] git: Option, } assert_eq!( Opt { source: Source { path: Some("./".into()), git: None, }, }, Opt::try_parse_from(["test", "--path=./"]).unwrap() ); const OUTPUT: &str = "\ error: the following required arguments were not provided: <--path |--git > Usage: test <--path |--git > For more information, try '--help'. "; assert_output::("test", OUTPUT, true); }