We were accidentally showing long help just because a hidden argument had a description for a possible value. This is most likely to be hit with the derive API as the value descriptions are automatically applied from documentation.
Since `Inner::into_string` already takes ownership of `self` we can
avoid unnecessary copy and allocation by moving `Box<str>` and using
its implementation of `Into<String>`.
To "append" calls, we were passing in a more and more complex expression
on each recursive invocation. We now pass in a fixed amount of data on
each iteration, reducing how much the macro machinery needs to parse,
speeding up builds.
Fresh builds went from 39s to 32s on my machine.
Inspired by #4670
Implementation of Jaro-Winkler similarity in the dguo/strsim-rs crate
is wrong, causing strings with common prefix >=10
to all be considered perfect matches
Using Jaro instead from the same crate fixes this issue
Benefit of favoring long prefixes exists for matching common names
But not for typo detection
Hence use of Jaro instead of Jaro-Winkler is acceptable
Confidence threshold adjusted so that `bar` is still suggested for `baz`
since Jaro is strictly < Jaro-Winkler
such an adjustment is expected. This is acceptable.
While exact suggestions may change, the net change will be positive
Suggestions are purely decorative and should thus not breaking change
Also see https://github.com/dguo/strsim-rs/issues/53
derive arguments like this:
pub flag: bool,
were producing option descriptions like this:
FLAG is spurious. It turns out that derive always sets a value name, for
simplicity, even when there are no arguments. Check for this case.
Adding "found" might seem minor but I feel it has a slight softening on the message. It also maintains scanability as it is at the end and short.
As this is a one-off message change and not a styling issue to be consistent with, I think this is safe to put in a patch release.