mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 15:27:16 +00:00
Cleaned up codebase...a little
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 426 additions and 437 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use std::vec::IntoIter;
use args::{ ArgMatches, Arg, OptArg, FlagArg, PosArg, SubCommand };
use args::{ ArgMatches, Arg, SubCommand };
use args::{FlagArg, FlagBuilder};
use args::{OptArg, OptBuilder};
use args::{PosArg, PosBuilder};
/// Used to create a representation of the program and all possible command line arguments
/// for parsing at runtime.
@ -41,9 +44,9 @@ pub struct App {
version: Option<&'static str>,
// A brief explaination of the program that gets displayed to the user when shown help/usage information
about: Option<&'static str>,
flags: HashMap<&'static str, FlagArg>,
opts: HashMap<&'static str, OptArg>,
positionals_idx: BTreeMap<u8, PosArg>,
flags: HashMap<&'static str, FlagBuilder>,
opts: HashMap<&'static str, OptBuilder>,
positionals_idx: BTreeMap<u8, PosBuilder>,
subcommands: HashMap<&'static str, Box<App>>,
needs_long_help: bool,
needs_long_version: bool,
@ -81,7 +84,6 @@ impl App {
opts: HashMap::new(),
positionals_idx: BTreeMap::new(),
subcommands: HashMap::new(),
// positionals_name: HashMap::new(),
needs_long_version: true,
needs_long_help: true,
needs_short_help: true,
@ -210,14 +212,13 @@ impl App {
if a.takes_value {
panic!("Argument \"{}\" has conflicting requirements, both index() and takes_value(true) were supplied", a.name);
self.positionals_idx.insert(i, PosArg {
self.positionals_idx.insert(i, PosBuilder {
name: a.name,
index: i,
required: a.required,
blacklist: a.blacklist,
requires: a.requires,
help: a.help,
value: None
} else if a.takes_value {
if a.short.is_none() && a.long.is_none() {
@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ impl App {
// No need to check for .index() as that is handled above
self.opts.insert(a.name, OptArg {
self.opts.insert(a.name, OptBuilder {
name: a.name,
short: a.short,
long: a.long,
@ -233,9 +234,7 @@ impl App {
blacklist: a.blacklist,
help: a.help,
requires: a.requires,
occurrences: 1,
required: a.required,
values: vec![]
} else {
if let Some(ref l) = a.long {
@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ impl App {
// if self.required.contains(a.name) {
// self.required.remove(a.name);
// }
self.flags.insert(a.name, FlagArg{
self.flags.insert(a.name, FlagBuilder {
name: a.name,
short: a.short,
long: a.long,
@ -273,7 +272,6 @@ impl App {
blacklist: a.blacklist,
multiple: a.multiple,
requires: a.requires,
occurrences: 1
@ -341,17 +339,6 @@ impl App {
fn exit(&self) {
unsafe { libc::exit(0); }
fn report_error(&self, msg: String, help: bool, quit: bool) {
println!("{}", msg);
if help { self.print_usage(true); }
if quit { env::set_exit_status(1); self.exit(); }
fn print_usage(&self, more_info: bool) {
if let Some(u) = self.usage_str {
@ -451,290 +438,33 @@ impl App {
if quit { self.exit(); }
fn check_for_help_and_version(&self, arg: char) {
if arg == 'h' && self.needs_short_help {
} else if arg == 'v' && self.needs_short_version {
fn exit(&self) {
unsafe { libc::exit(0); }
fn parse_long_arg(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches ,full_arg: &String) -> Option<&'static str> {
let mut arg = full_arg.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-');
let mut found = false;
if arg == "help" && self.needs_long_help {
} else if arg == "version" && self.needs_long_version {
let mut arg_val: Option<String> = None;
if arg.contains("=") {
let arg_vec: Vec<&str> = arg.split("=").collect();
arg = arg_vec[0];
// prevents "--config= value" typo
if arg_vec[1].len() == 0 {
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} requires a value, but none was supplied", arg), true, true);
arg_val = Some(arg_vec[1].to_string());
for (k, v) in self.opts.iter() {
if let Some(ref l) = v.long {
if *l == arg {
if self.blacklist.contains(k) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument --{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
let mut done = false;
if v.multiple {
if let Some(ref mut o) = matches.opts.get_mut(v.name) {
if arg_val.is_some() {
o.occurrences += 1;
return None;
done = true;
if ! done {
matches.opts.insert(k, OptArg{
name: v.name,
short: v.short,
long: v.long,
help: v.help,
required: v.required,
blacklist: None,
occurrences: 1,
multiple: v.multiple,
requires: None,
values: if arg_val.is_some() { vec![arg_val.clone().unwrap()]} else {vec![]}
match arg_val {
None => { return Some(v.name); },
_ => { return None; }
for (k, v) in self.flags.iter() {
if let Some(ref l) = v.long {
if *l != arg { continue; }
found = true;
let mut multi = false;
if let Some(ref mut f) = matches.flags.get_mut(k) {
f.occurrences = if f.multiple { f.occurrences + 1 } else { 1 };
multi = true;
if ! multi {
if self.blacklist.contains(k) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument --{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
matches.flags.insert(k, FlagArg{
name: v.name,
short: v.short,
long: v.long,
help: v.help,
multiple: v.multiple,
occurrences: v.occurrences,
blacklist: None,
requires: None
if self.required.contains(k) {
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
if ! bl.is_empty() {
for name in bl.iter() {
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
if ! reqs.is_empty() {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs.iter().filter(|&a|
! matches.opts.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.flags.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.positionals.contains_key(a) ) {
if ! found {
format!("Argument --{} isn't valid", arg),
true, true);
fn report_error(&self, msg: String, help: bool, quit: bool) {
println!("{}", msg);
if help { self.print_usage(true); }
if quit { env::set_exit_status(1); self.exit(); }
fn parse_short_arg(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches ,full_arg: &String) -> Option<&'static str> {
let arg = &full_arg[..].trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-');
if arg.len() > 1 {
// Multiple flags using short i.e. -bgHlS
for c in arg.chars() {
if ! self.parse_single_short_flag(matches, c) {
format!("Argument -{} isn't valid",c),
true, true);
return None;
// Short flag or opt
let arg_c = arg.chars().nth(0).unwrap();
pub fn get_matches(mut self) -> ArgMatches {
let mut matches = ArgMatches::new(self.name);
// Ensure the arg in question isn't a help or version flag
// Check for a matching flag, and return none if found
if self.parse_single_short_flag(matches, arg_c) { return None; }
// Check for matching short in options, and return the name
// (only ones with shorts, of course)
for v in self.opts.values().filter(|&v| v.short.is_some()) {
if v.short.unwrap() == arg_c {
return Some(v.name)
// Didn't match a flag or option, must be invalid
self.report_error( format!("Argument -{} isn't valid",arg_c), true, true);
fn parse_single_short_flag(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches, arg: char) -> bool {
for (k, v) in self.flags.iter() {
if let Some(s) = v.short {
if s != arg { continue; }
if !matches.flags.contains_key(k) {
if self.blacklist.contains(k) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument -{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
false, true);
matches.flags.insert(k, FlagArg{
name: v.name,
short: v.short,
long: v.long,
help: v.help,
multiple: v.multiple,
occurrences: v.occurrences,
blacklist: None,
requires: None
if self.required.contains(k) {
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
if ! reqs.is_empty() {
for n in reqs.iter() {
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
if ! bl.is_empty() {
for name in bl.iter() {
} else if matches.flags.get(k).unwrap().multiple {
matches.flags.get_mut(k).unwrap().occurrences += 1
return true;
fn validate_blacklist(&self, matches: &ArgMatches) {
if ! self.blacklist.is_empty() {
for name in self.blacklist.iter() {
for (k, v) in matches.flags.iter() {
if k == name {
self.report_error(format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
if let Some(s) = v.short {
format!("-{}", s)
} else if let Some(l) = v.long {
format!("--{}", l)
} else {
format!("\"{}\"", v.name)
true, true);
for (k, v) in matches.opts.iter() {
if k == name {
self.report_error(format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
if let Some(s) = v.short {
format!("-{}", s)
} else if let Some(l) = v.long {
format!("--{}", l)
} else {
format!("\"{}\"", v.name)
true, true);
for (k, v) in matches.positionals.iter() {
if k == name {
self.report_error(format!("The argument \"{}\" is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",v.name),
false, true);
let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut it = args.into_iter();
if let Some(name) = it.next() {
let p = Path::new(&name[..]);
if let Some(f) = p.file_name() {
match f.to_os_string().into_string() {
Ok(s) => self.bin_name = Some(s),
Err(_) => {}
self.get_matches_from(&mut matches, &mut it );
fn create_help_and_version(&mut self) {
if self.needs_long_help {
self.flags.insert("clap_help", FlagArg{
name: "clap_help",
short: if self.needs_short_help { Some('h') } else { None },
long: Some("help"),
help: Some("Prints this message"),
blacklist: None,
multiple: false,
requires: None,
occurrences: 1
if self.needs_long_version {
self.flags.insert("clap_version", FlagArg{
name: "clap_version",
short: if self.needs_short_help { Some('v') } else { None },
long: Some("version"),
help: Some("Prints version information"),
blacklist: None,
multiple: false,
requires: None,
occurrences: 1
if self.needs_subcmd_help && ! self.subcommands.is_empty() {
self.subcommands.insert("help", Box::new(App::new("help").about("Prints this message")));
fn get_matches_from(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches, it: &mut IntoIter<String>) {
@ -747,63 +477,23 @@ impl App {
while let Some(arg) = it.next() {
let arg_slice = &arg[..];
let mut skip = false;
if ! pos_only {
if !pos_only {
if let Some(nvo) = needs_val_of {
if let Some(ref opt) = self.opts.get(nvo) {
if self.blacklist.contains(opt.name) {
format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
if let Some(long) = opt.long {
}),true, true);
let mut done = false;
if opt.multiple {
if let Some(ref mut o) = matches.opts.get_mut(opt.name) {
done = true;
o.occurrences += 1;
if ! done {
matches.opts.insert(nvo, OptArg{
name: opt.name,
short: opt.short,
long: opt.long,
help: opt.help,
requires: None,
blacklist: None,
multiple: opt.multiple,
occurrences: 1,
required: opt.required,
values: vec![arg.clone()]
if let Some(ref bl) = opt.blacklist {
if ! bl.is_empty() {
for name in bl.iter() {
if self.required.contains(opt.name) {
if let Some(ref reqs) = opt.requires {
if ! reqs.is_empty() {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs.iter().filter(|&a|
! matches.opts.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.flags.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.positionals.contains_key(a) ) {
// if self.blacklist.contains(opt.name) {
// self.report_error(
// format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
// if let Some(long) = opt.long {
// format!("--{}",long)
// }else{
// format!("-{}",opt.short.unwrap())
// }),true, true);
// }
if let Some(ref mut o) = matches.opts.get_mut(opt.name) {
o.occurrences = if opt.multiple { o.occurrences + 1 } else { 1 };
skip = true;
@ -812,7 +502,7 @@ impl App {
needs_val_of = None;
if arg_slice.starts_with("--") && ! pos_only {
if arg_slice.starts_with("--") && !pos_only {
if arg_slice.len() == 2 {
pos_only = true;
@ -841,36 +531,29 @@ impl App {
self.report_error(format!("The argument \"{}\" is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
matches.positionals.insert(p.name, PosArg{
name: p.name,
help: p.help,
required: p.required,
blacklist: None,
requires: None,
value: Some(arg.clone()),
index: pos_counter
value: arg.clone(),
if let Some(ref bl) = p.blacklist {
if ! bl.is_empty() {
for name in bl.iter() {
for name in bl {
if self.required.contains(p.name) {
if let Some(ref reqs) = p.requires {
if ! reqs.is_empty() {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs.iter().filter(|&a|
! matches.opts.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.flags.contains_key(a) ||
! matches.positionals.contains_key(a) ) {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs {
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) {continue;}
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) {continue;}
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) {continue;}
pos_counter += 1;
@ -879,7 +562,6 @@ impl App {
match needs_val_of {
Some(ref a) => {
@ -899,29 +581,323 @@ impl App {
if let Some(ref mut sc) = self.subcommands.get_mut(sc_name) {
let mut new_matches = ArgMatches::new(sc_name);
sc.get_matches_from(&mut new_matches, it);
matches.subcommand = Some((sc_name, Box::new(SubCommand{
matches.subcommand = Some(Box::new(SubCommand{
name: sc_name,
matches: new_matches})));
matches: new_matches}));
pub fn get_matches(mut self) -> ArgMatches {
let mut matches = ArgMatches::new(self.name);
fn create_help_and_version(&mut self) {
if self.needs_long_help {
self.flags.insert("clap_help", FlagBuilder {
name: "clap_help",
short: if self.needs_short_help { Some('h') } else { None },
long: Some("help"),
help: Some("Prints this message"),
blacklist: None,
multiple: false,
requires: None,
if self.needs_long_version {
self.flags.insert("clap_version", FlagBuilder {
name: "clap_version",
short: if self.needs_short_help { Some('v') } else { None },
long: Some("version"),
help: Some("Prints version information"),
blacklist: None,
multiple: false,
requires: None,
if self.needs_subcmd_help && !self.subcommands.is_empty() {
self.subcommands.insert("help", Box::new(App::new("help").about("Prints this message")));
let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut it = args.into_iter();
if let Some(name) = it.next() {
let p = Path::new(&name[..]);
if let Some(f) = p.file_name() {
match f.to_os_string().into_string() {
Ok(s) => self.bin_name = Some(s),
Err(_) => {}
fn check_for_help_and_version(&self, arg: char) {
if arg == 'h' && self.needs_short_help {
} else if arg == 'v' && self.needs_short_version {
fn parse_long_arg(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches ,full_arg: &String) -> Option<&'static str> {
let mut arg = full_arg.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-');
if arg == "help" && self.needs_long_help {
} else if arg == "version" && self.needs_long_version {
let mut arg_val: Option<String> = None;
if arg.contains("=") {
let arg_vec: Vec<&str> = arg.split("=").collect();
arg = arg_vec[0];
// prevents "--config= value" typo
if arg_vec[1].len() == 0 {
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} requires a value, but none was supplied", arg), true, true);
arg_val = Some(arg_vec[1].to_string());
if let Some(v) = self.opts.values().filter(|&v| v.long.is_some()).filter(|&v| v.long.unwrap() == arg).nth(0) {
// Ensure this option isn't on the master mutually excludes list
if self.blacklist.contains(v.name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument --{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
if matches.opts.contains_key(v.name) && !v.multiple {
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} was supplied more than once, but does not support multiple values", arg), true, true);
// Ensure this isn't an option being added multiple times if it doesn't suppor it
if v.multiple && arg_val.is_some() {
if let Some(ref mut o) = matches.opts.get_mut(v.name) {
o.occurrences += 1;
return None;
self.get_matches_from(&mut matches, &mut it );
matches.opts.insert(v.name, OptArg{
name: v.name,
occurrences: 1,
values: if arg_val.is_some() { vec![arg_val.clone().unwrap()]} else {vec![]}
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
for name in bl {
if self.required.contains(v.name) {
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs {
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) { continue; }
match arg_val {
None => { return Some(v.name); },
_ => { return None; }
for v in self.flags.values().filter(|&v| v.long.is_some()).filter(|&v| v.long.unwrap() == arg) {
// Ensure this flag isn't on the mutually excludes list
if self.blacklist.contains(v.name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument --{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
// Make sure this isn't one being added multiple times if it doesn't suppor it
if matches.flags.contains_key(v.name) && !v.multiple {
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} was supplied more than once, but does not support multiple values", arg), true, true);
let mut done = false;
if let Some(ref mut f) = matches.flags.get_mut(v.name) {
done = true;
f.occurrences = if v.multiple { f.occurrences + 1 } else { 1 };
if !done {
matches.flags.insert(v.name, FlagArg{
name: v.name,
occurrences: 1
// If this flag was requierd, remove it
// .. even though Flags shouldn't be required
if self.required.contains(v.name) {
// Add all of this flags "mutually excludes" list to the master list
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
for name in bl {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the master list
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
for n in reqs {
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) { continue; }
return None;
// Shouldn't reach here
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} isn't valid", arg), true, true);
fn parse_short_arg(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches ,full_arg: &String) -> Option<&'static str> {
let arg = &full_arg[..].trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-');
if arg.len() > 1 {
// Multiple flags using short i.e. -bgHlS
for c in arg.chars() {
if !self.parse_single_short_flag(matches, c) {
self.report_error(format!("Argument -{} isn't valid",c), true, true);
return None;
// Short flag or opt
let arg_c = arg.chars().nth(0).unwrap();
// Ensure the arg in question isn't a help or version flag
// Check for a matching flag, and return none if found
if self.parse_single_short_flag(matches, arg_c) { return None; }
// Check for matching short in options, and return the name
// (only ones with shorts, of course)
for v in self.opts.values().filter(|&v| v.short.is_some()) {
if v.short.unwrap() != arg_c { continue; }
// Ensure this option isn't on the master mutually excludes list
if self.blacklist.contains(v.name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument --{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
if matches.opts.contains_key(v.name) && !v.multiple {
self.report_error(format!("Argument --{} was supplied more than once, but does not support multiple values", arg), true, true);
matches.opts.insert(v.name, OptArg{
name: v.name,
occurrences: 1,
values: vec![]
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
for name in bl {
if self.required.contains(v.name) {
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the
// final required list
for n in reqs {
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) { continue; }
return Some(v.name)
// Didn't match a flag or option, must be invalid
self.report_error( format!("Argument -{} isn't valid",arg_c), true, true);
fn parse_single_short_flag(&mut self, matches: &mut ArgMatches, arg: char) -> bool {
for v in self.flags.values().filter(|&v| v.short.is_some()).filter(|&v| v.short.unwrap() == arg) {
// Ensure this flag isn't on the mutually excludes list
if self.blacklist.contains(v.name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument -{} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments", arg),
true, true);
// Make sure this isn't one being added multiple times if it doesn't suppor it
if matches.flags.contains_key(v.name) && !v.multiple {
self.report_error(format!("Argument -{} was supplied more than once, but does not support multiple values", arg), true, true);
let mut done = false;
if let Some(ref mut f) = matches.flags.get_mut(v.name) {
done = true;
f.occurrences = if v.multiple { f.occurrences + 1 } else { 1 };
if !done {
matches.flags.insert(v.name, FlagArg{
name: v.name,
occurrences: 1
// If this flag was requierd, remove it
// .. even though Flags shouldn't be required
if self.required.contains(v.name) {
// Add all of this flags "mutually excludes" list to the master list
if let Some(ref bl) = v.blacklist {
for name in bl {
// Add all required args which aren't already found in matches to the master list
if let Some(ref reqs) = v.requires {
for n in reqs {
if matches.flags.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.opts.contains_key(n) { continue; }
if matches.positionals.contains_key(n) { continue; }
return true;
fn validate_blacklist(&self, matches: &ArgMatches) {
for name in self.blacklist.iter() {
if matches.flags.contains_key(name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
if let Some(s) = self.flags.get(name).unwrap().short {
format!("-{}", s)
} else if let Some(l) = self.flags.get(name).unwrap().long {
format!("--{}", l)
} else {
format!("\"{}\"", name)
}), true, true);
if matches.opts.contains_key(name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument {} is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",
if let Some(s) = self.opts.get(name).unwrap().short {
format!("-{}", s)
} else if let Some(l) = self.opts.get(name).unwrap().long {
format!("--{}", l)
} else {
format!("\"{}\"", name)
}), true, true);
if matches.positionals.contains_key(name) {
self.report_error(format!("The argument \"{}\" is mutually exclusive with one or more other arguments",name),
false, true);
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use args::{ FlagArg, OptArg, PosArg, SubCommand };
use args::SubCommand;
use args::flagarg::FlagArg;
use args::optarg::OptArg;
use args::posarg::PosArg;
/// Used to get information about the arguments that
/// where supplied to the program at runtime.
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ pub struct ArgMatches {
pub flags: HashMap<&'static str, FlagArg>,
pub opts: HashMap<&'static str, OptArg>,
pub positionals: HashMap<&'static str, PosArg>,
pub subcommand: Option<(&'static str, Box<SubCommand>)>
pub subcommand: Option<Box<SubCommand>>
impl ArgMatches {
@ -100,18 +103,16 @@ impl ArgMatches {
/// println!("Value for output: {}", o);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn value_of(&self, name: &'static str) -> Option<&String> {
pub fn value_of(&self, name: &'static str) -> Option<&str> {
if let Some(ref opt) = self.opts.get(name) {
if ! opt.values.is_empty() {
if !opt.values.is_empty() {
if let Some(ref s) = opt.values.iter().nth(0) {
return Some(s);
return Some(&s[..]);
if let Some(ref pos) = self.positionals.get(name) {
if let Some(ref v) = pos.value {
return Some(v);
return Some(&pos.value[..]);
@ -157,14 +158,12 @@ impl ArgMatches {
/// }
/// ```
pub fn is_present(&self, name: &'static str) -> bool {
if let Some((sc_name, _ )) = self.subcommand {
if sc_name == name { return true; }
if let Some(ref sc) = self.subcommand {
if sc.name == name { return true; }
if self.flags.contains_key(name) ||
self.opts.contains_key(name) ||
self.positionals.contains_key(name) {
return true;
if self.flags.contains_key(name) {return true;}
if self.opts.contains_key(name) {return true;}
if self.positionals.contains_key(name) {return true;}
@ -210,8 +209,8 @@ impl ArgMatches {
/// }
/// ```
pub fn subcommand_matches(&self, name: &'static str) -> Option<&ArgMatches> {
if let Some( ( sc_name, ref sc)) = self.subcommand {
if sc_name != name { return None; }
if let Some( ref sc) = self.subcommand {
if sc.name != name { return None; }
return Some(&sc.matches);
@ -232,8 +231,8 @@ impl ArgMatches {
/// }
/// ```
pub fn subcommand_name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
if let Some((name, _)) = self.subcommand {
return Some(name);
if let Some( ref sc ) = self.subcommand {
return Some(sc.name);
@ -8,9 +8,28 @@
/// ```sh
/// $ myprog -a --some
/// ```
pub struct FlagArg {
/// The unique name of the argument, required
pub name: &'static str,
/// How many occurences of this flag have been
/// found when parsing
pub occurrences: u8
pub struct FlagBuilder {
pub name: &'static str,
/// Determines if multiple instances of the same
/// flag are allowed
/// I.e. `-v -v -v` or `-vvv`
pub multiple: bool,
/// A list of names for other arguments that
/// *may not* be used with this flag
pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// A list of names of other arguments that
/// are *required* to be used when this
/// flag is used
pub requires: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// The short version (i.e. single character)
/// of the argument, no preceding `-`
pub short: Option<char>,
@ -21,18 +40,4 @@ pub struct FlagArg {
/// the user when the application's `help`
/// text is displayed
pub help: Option<&'static str>,
/// Determines if multiple instances of the same
/// flag are allowed
/// I.e. `-v -v -v` or `-vvv`
pub multiple: bool,
/// How many occurences of this flag have been
/// found when parsing
pub occurrences: u8,
/// A list of names for other arguments that
/// *may not* be used with this flag
pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// A list of names of other arguments that
/// are *required* to be used when this
/// flag is used
pub requires: Option<Vec<&'static str>>
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
pub use self::arg::Arg;
pub use self::argmatches::ArgMatches;
pub use self::flagarg::FlagArg;
pub use self::optarg::OptArg;
pub use self::posarg::PosArg;
pub use self::subcommand::SubCommand;
pub use self::flagarg::{FlagArg, FlagBuilder};
pub use self::optarg::{OptArg, OptBuilder};
pub use self::posarg::{PosArg, PosBuilder};
mod arg;
mod argmatches;
mod subcommand;
mod flagarg;
mod optarg;
mod posarg;
mod subcommand;
mod posarg;
@ -14,6 +14,18 @@
pub struct OptArg {
/// The unique name of the argument, required
pub name: &'static str,
/// How many occurences of this option have been found when parsing
pub occurrences: u8,
/// The value provided to the argument by the user
pub values: Vec<String>
pub struct OptBuilder {
pub name: &'static str,
/// Allow multiple occurrences of an option argument such as "-c some -c other"
pub multiple: bool,
/// A list of names for other arguments that *may not* be used with this flag
pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// The short version (i.e. single character) of the argument, no preceding `-`
pub short: Option<char>,
/// The long version of the flag (i.e. word) without the preceding `--`
@ -29,12 +41,4 @@ pub struct OptArg {
/// A list of names of other arguments that are *required* to be used when
/// this flag is used
pub requires: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// A list of names for other arguments that *may not* be used with this flag
pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// Allow multiple occurrences of an option argument such as "-c some -c other"
pub multiple: bool,
/// How many occurences of this option have been found when parsing
pub occurrences: u8,
/// The value provided to the argument by the user
pub values: Vec<String>
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
/// **NOTE:** The index starts at `1` **NOT** `0`
pub struct PosArg {
/// The unique name of the argument, required
pub name: &'static str,
/// The value provided to the argument by the user
pub value: String,
pub struct PosBuilder {
pub name: &'static str,
/// The string of text that will displayed to the user when the application's
/// `help` text is displayed
@ -27,8 +33,6 @@ pub struct PosArg {
pub requires: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// A list of names for other arguments that *may not* be used with this flag
pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
/// The value provided to the argument by the user
pub value: Option<String>,
/// The index of the argument
pub index: u8
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
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