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synced 2024-12-14 06:42:33 +00:00
Merge pull request #173 from Vinatorul/issue169
Replaced some application settings with enum variants
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 168 additions and 1 deletions
@ -53,6 +53,146 @@ enum DidYouMeanMessageStyle {
/// Some application options
pub enum AppSettings {
/// Allows subcommands to override all requirements of the parent (this command). For example
/// if you had a subcommand or even top level application which had a required arguments that
/// are only required as long as there is no subcommand present.
/// **NOTE:** This defaults to false (using subcommand does *not* negate requirements)
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs)
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Allows specifying that if no subcommand is present at runtime, error and exit gracefully
/// **NOTE:** This defaults to false (subcommands do *not* need to be present)
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Specifies that the help text sould be displayed (and then exit gracefully), if no
/// arguments are present at runtime (i.e. an empty run such as, `$ myprog`.
/// **NOTE:** Subcommands count as arguments
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp)
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Uses version of the current command for all subcommands. (Defaults to false; subcommands
/// have independant version strings)
/// **NOTE:** The version for the current command and this setting must be set **prior** to
/// adding any subcommands
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .version("v1.1")
/// .setting(AppSettings::GlobalVersion)
/// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
/// .get_matches();
/// // running `myprog test --version` will display
/// // "myprog-test v1.1"
/// ```
/// Disables `-V` and `--version` for all subcommands (Defaults to false; subcommands have
/// version flags)
/// **NOTE:** This setting must be set **prior** adding any subcommands
/// **NOTE:** Do not set this value to false, it will have undesired results!
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .version("v1.1")
/// .setting(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands)
/// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
/// .get_matches();
/// // running `myprog test --version` will display unknown argument error
/// ```
/// By default the auto-generated help message groups flags, options, and positional arguments
/// separately. This setting disable that and groups flags and options together presenting a
/// more unified help message (a la getopts or docopt style).
/// **NOTE:** This setting is cosmetic only and does not affect any functionality.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage)
/// .get_matches();
/// // running `myprog --help` will display a unified "docopt" or "getopts" style help message
/// ```
/// Will display a message "Press [ENTER]/[RETURN] to continue..." and wait user before
/// exiting
/// This is most useful when writing an application which is run from a GUI shortcut, or on
/// Windows where a user tries to open the binary by double-clicking instead of using the
/// command line (i.e. set `.arg_required_else_help(true)` and `.wait_on_error(true)` to
/// display the help in such a case).
/// **NOTE:** This setting is **not** recursive with subcommands, meaning if you wish this
/// behavior for all subcommands, you must set this on each command (needing this is extremely
/// rare)
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::WaitOnError)
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Specifies that the help text sould be displayed (and then exit gracefully), if no
/// subcommands are present at runtime (i.e. an empty run such as, `$ myprog`.
/// **NOTE:** This should *not* be used with `.subcommand_required()` as they do the same
/// thing, except one prints the help text, and one prints an error.
/// **NOTE:** If the user specifies arguments at runtime, but no subcommand the help text will
/// still be displayed and exit. If this is *not* the desired result, consider using
/// `.arg_required_else_help()`
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Used to create a representation of a command line program and all possible command line
/// arguments.
@ -545,6 +685,33 @@ impl<'a, 'v, 'ab, 'u, 'h, 'ar> App<'a, 'v, 'ab, 'u, 'h, 'ar>{
/// Enables Application Option, passed as argument
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
/// App::new("myprog")
/// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
/// .setting(AppSettings::WaitOnError)
/// # ;
/// ```
pub fn setting(mut self, option: AppSettings) -> Self {
match option {
AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs => self.subcmds_neg_reqs = true,
AppSettings::SubcommandRequired => self.no_sc_error = true,
AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp => self.help_on_no_args = true,
AppSettings::GlobalVersion => self.global_ver = true,
AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands => self.versionless_scs = Some(true),
AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage => self.unified_help = true,
AppSettings::WaitOnError => self.wait_on_error = true,
AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp => self.help_on_no_sc = true,
/// Adds an argument to the list of valid possibilties manually. This method allows you full
/// control over the arguments settings and options (as well as dynamic generation). It also
/// allows you specify several more advanced configuration options such as relational rules
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ extern crate strsim;
extern crate ansi_term;
pub use args::{Arg, SubCommand, ArgMatches, ArgGroup};
pub use app::App;
pub use app::{App, AppSettings};
pub use fmt::Format;
Reference in a new issue