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Ported all the commits from structopt (#23) * Automatic naming of fields and subcommands (#143) * Introduce smarter parsing of doc comments. (#146) * Fix invalid structopt syntax error message (#154) There was a typo preventing the probematic attr to be shown to the user. * Fix spelling: occurences -> occurrences, (#158) was found in comments and code, but required no user-facing API change. * Remove line-ending periods from short help. (#161) * Fix #168 * Support Option<Option<T>> field types (#190) * Support Option<Vec<T>> field type (#191) * Fix use of deprecated function * Fix some clippy lints * Update deprecated function and provide more info about the parsing error (#193) * Improve ChangeLog as suggested by @ErichDonGubler (#194) * [Casing] Change default from verbatim to kebab. (#204) .. fixes TeXitoi/structopt#202 * Use trybuild for testing expected proc macro errors (#205) * Custom attributes parser (#198) * update for 0.3 fix #208 * Small fixes: clippy and typos (#215) * Add example for environment variables (#160) (#216) * Support skipping struct fields (#213) * Now error messages highlight the error location (#225) * Minor fixes * Change behavior of `about/author/version` and ad `no_version` * Emit error about `raw` removal * Update changelog * Update keyvalue example (#234) * Update documentation and changelog (#236) * Update dependencies (#227) * Bump minimum rustc version to 1.36 * Fix issues * Fix structopt-derive permissions (#239) * Fix #245 (#246) * Emit dummy impls on error (#248) * Fix changelog example (#250) * Do not call .verison() when CARGO_PKG_VERSION is not set * Update and improve docs * Propagate span info from origin code to generated code Most of `quote!` invocations are replaced with `quote_spanned!` ones. Now everywhere - sometimes it's pointless, sometimes we don't have any meaningless location to toke a span from, sometimes I just can't workaround the current implementation - too much changes. * Fix nightly tests * Do not mangle `author` string inside `<...>` * Support `skip = value` syntax * Fix code formatting * Fix nightly tests * Run ui tests only on stable * Add from_flag parser (#271) * Clarify docs and error messages (#277) * Fix parse for OptionVec (#279) ref pull #191 * Fix #269 and #265 (#278) * Pass the try_from_str functions a &str instead of a &String. (#282) In most cases this doesn't matter, as &String is coerced to a &str, but this fails for generic functions like CString::new. * Add an example of a negative flag (i.e. --no-verbose) Question from * Fix #283 (#284) Fix #283 * Add `examples/` and do some cleanup * Handle special types correctly * cargo clippy * Handle inter-expansion top-level args properly * Cleanup tests * Update proc-macro-error to v0.4 * Offer helpful suggestion on `raw(...)` error * Add `after_help` example * Prohibit positional `bool` args * Add tests/ * fixed typo, removed misleading doc * Remove CHANGELOG additions * Rust 2018 * Addressed review Co-authored-by: rnd <> Co-authored-by: Robin Lambertz <> Co-authored-by: florianjacob <> Co-authored-by: Ted Driggs <> Co-authored-by: Guillaume P. <> Co-authored-by: Ivan Veselov <> Co-authored-by: Owen Walpole <> Co-authored-by: Robin Stocker <> Co-authored-by: CreepySkeleton <> Co-authored-by: Ophir LOJKINE <> Co-authored-by: kpcyrd <> Co-authored-by: Luiz F. A. de Prá <> Co-authored-by: Andy Weiss <> Co-authored-by: xiaoniu-578fa6bff964d005 <> Co-authored-by: Mara Bos <> Co-authored-by: Renê Couto e Silva <>
2020-01-07 10:17:23 +00:00
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use proc_macro_error::{abort, ResultExt};
use syn::{
self, parenthesized,
parse::{Parse, ParseBuffer, ParseStream},
Attribute, Expr, ExprLit, Ident, Lit, LitBool, LitStr, Token,
pub struct ClapAttributes {
pub paren_token: syn::token::Paren,
pub attrs: Punctuated<ClapAttr, Token![,]>,
impl Parse for ClapAttributes {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let content;
let paren_token = parenthesized!(content in input);
let attrs = content.parse_terminated(ClapAttr::parse)?;
Ok(ClapAttributes { paren_token, attrs })
pub enum ClapAttr {
// single-identifier attributes
// ident [= "string literal"]
About(Ident, Option<LitStr>),
Author(Ident, Option<LitStr>),
// ident = "string literal"
Version(Ident, LitStr),
RenameAll(Ident, LitStr),
NameLitStr(Ident, LitStr),
// parse(parser_kind [= parser_func])
Parse(Ident, ParserSpec),
// ident [= arbitrary_expr]
Skip(Ident, Option<Expr>),
// ident = arbitrary_expr
NameExpr(Ident, Expr),
// ident(arbitrary_expr,*)
MethodCall(Ident, Vec<Expr>),
impl Parse for ClapAttr {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
use self::ClapAttr::*;
let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
let name_str = name.to_string();
if input.peek(Token![=]) {
// `name = value` attributes.
let assign_token = input.parse::<Token![=]>()?; // skip '='
if input.peek(LitStr) {
let lit: LitStr = input.parse()?;
let lit_str = lit.value();
let check_empty_lit = |s| {
if lit_str.is_empty() {
"`#[clap({} = \"\")` is deprecated, \
now it's default behavior",
match &*name_str.to_string() {
"rename_all" => Ok(RenameAll(name, lit)),
"version" => {
Ok(Version(name, lit))
"author" => {
Ok(Author(name, Some(lit)))
"about" => {
Ok(About(name, Some(lit)))
"skip" => {
let expr = ExprLit {
attrs: vec![],
lit: Lit::Str(lit),
let expr = Expr::Lit(expr);
Ok(Skip(name, Some(expr)))
_ => Ok(NameLitStr(name, lit)),
} else {
match input.parse::<Expr>() {
Ok(expr) => {
if name_str == "skip" {
Ok(Skip(name, Some(expr)))
} else {
Ok(NameExpr(name, expr))
Err(_) => abort! {
"expected `string literal` or `expression` after `=`"
} else if input.peek(syn::token::Paren) {
// `name(...)` attributes.
let nested;
parenthesized!(nested in input);
match name_str.as_ref() {
"parse" => {
let parser_specs: Punctuated<ParserSpec, Token![,]> =
if parser_specs.len() == 1 {
Ok(Parse(name, parser_specs[0].clone()))
} else {
abort!(name.span(), "parse must have exactly one argument")
"raw" => match nested.parse::<LitBool>() {
Ok(bool_token) => {
let expr = ExprLit {
attrs: vec![],
lit: Lit::Bool(bool_token),
let expr = Expr::Lit(expr);
Ok(MethodCall(name, vec![expr]))
Err(_) => {
"`#[clap(raw(...))` attributes are removed, \
they are replaced with raw methods";
help = "if you meant to call `clap::Arg::raw()` method \
you should use bool literal, like `raw(true)` or `raw(false)`";
note = raw_method_suggestion(nested);
_ => {
let method_args: Punctuated<_, Token![,]> =
Ok(MethodCall(name, Vec::from_iter(method_args)))
} else {
// Attributes represented with a sole identifier.
match name_str.as_ref() {
"long" => Ok(Long(name)),
"short" => Ok(Short(name)),
"flatten" => Ok(Flatten(name)),
"subcommand" => Ok(Subcommand(name)),
"no_version" => Ok(NoVersion(name)),
"about" => (Ok(About(name, None))),
"author" => (Ok(Author(name, None))),
"skip" => Ok(Skip(name, None)),
"version" => abort!(
"#[clap(version)] is invalid attribute, \
clap_derive inherits version from Cargo.toml by default, \
no attribute needed"
_ => abort!(name.span(), "unexpected attribute: {}", name_str),
pub struct ParserSpec {
pub kind: Ident,
pub eq_token: Option<Token![=]>,
pub parse_func: Option<Expr>,
impl Parse for ParserSpec {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let kind = input
.map_err(|_| input.error("parser specification must start with identifier"))?;
let eq_token = input.parse()?;
let parse_func = match eq_token {
None => None,
Some(_) => Some(input.parse()?),
Ok(ParserSpec {
fn raw_method_suggestion(ts: ParseBuffer) -> String {
let do_parse = move || -> Result<(Ident, TokenStream), syn::Error> {
let name = ts.parse()?;
let _eq: Token![=] = ts.parse()?;
let val: LitStr = ts.parse()?;
Ok((name, syn::parse_str(&val.value())?))
if let Ok((name, val)) = do_parse() {
let val = val.to_string().replace(" ", "").replace(",", ", ");
"if you need to call `clap::Arg/App::{}` method you \
can do it like this: #[clap({}({}))]",
name, name, val
} else {
"if you need to call some method from `clap::Arg/App` \
you should use raw method, see \"
pub fn parse_clap_attributes(all_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Vec<ClapAttr> {
.filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("clap"))
.flat_map(|attr| {
let attrs: ClapAttributes = parse2(attr.tokens.clone())
.map_err(|e| match &*e.to_string() {
// this error message is misleading and points to Span::call_site()
// so we patch it with something meaningful
"unexpected end of input, expected parentheses" => {
let span = attr.path.span();
let patch_msg = "expected parentheses after `clap`";
syn::Error::new(span, patch_msg)
_ => e,