2015-09-30 23:34:23 -04:00
extern crate clap;
use clap::{App, Arg};
fn hidden_args() {
let mut app = App::new("test")
.author("Kevin K.")
.about("tests stuff")
2016-01-21 01:48:30 -05:00
.args(&[Arg::from_usage("-f, --flag 'some flag'").hidden(true),
2015-09-30 23:34:23 -04:00
Arg::from_usage("-F, --flag2 'some other flag'"),
Arg::from_usage("--option [opt] 'some option'")]);
// We call a get_matches method to cause --help and --version to be built
let _ = app.get_matches_from_safe_borrow(vec![""]);
// Now we check the output of print_help()
let mut help = vec![];
app.write_help(&mut help).ok().expect("failed to print help");
assert_eq!(&*String::from_utf8_lossy(&*help), &*String::from("test 1.3\n\
Kevin K.
tests stuff
\ttest [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-F, --flag2 some other flag
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--option <opt> some option\n"));