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2015-03-23 02:04:17 +00:00
var searchIndex = {};
searchIndex['clap'] = {"items":[[0,"","clap","# clap",null,null],[3,"Arg","","The abstract representation of a command line argument used by the consumer of the library.",null,null],[12,"name","","The unique name of the argument, required",0,null],[12,"short","","The short version (i.e. single character) of the argument, no preceding `-`\n**NOTE:** `short` is mutually exclusive with `index`",0,null],[12,"long","","The long version of the flag (i.e. word) without the preceding `--`\n**NOTE:** `long` is mutually exclusive with `index`",0,null],[12,"help","","The string of text that will displayed to the user when the application's\n`help` text is displayed",0,null],[12,"required","","If this is a required by default when using the command line program\ni.e. a configuration file that's required for the program to function\n**NOTE:** required by default means, it is required *until* mutually\nexclusive arguments are evaluated.",0,null],[12,"takes_value","","Determines if this argument is an option, vice a flag or positional and\nis mutually exclusive with `index` and `multiple`",0,null],[12,"index","","The index of the argument. `index` is mutually exclusive with `takes_value`\nand `multiple`",0,null],[12,"multiple","","Determines if multiple instances of the same flag are allowed. `multiple`\nis mutually exclusive with `index` and `takes_value`.\nI.e. `-v -v -v` or `-vvv`",0,null],[12,"blacklist","","A list of names for other arguments that *may not* be used with this flag",0,null],[12,"requires","","A list of names of other arguments that are *required* to be used when\nthis flag is used",0,null],[3,"SubCommand","","The abstract representation of a command line subcommand used by the consumer of the library.",null,null],[12,"name","","",1,null],[12,"matches","","",1,null],[3,"ArgMatches","","Used to get information about the arguments that\nwhere supplied to the program at runtime.",null,null],[12,"matches_of","","",2,null],[12,"flags","","",2,null],[12,"opts","","",2,null],[12,"positionals","","",2,null],[12,"subcommand","","",2,null],[3,"App","","Used to create a representation of the program and all possible command line arguments\nfor parsing at runtime.",null,null],[11,"new","","Creates a new instance of an application requiring a name (such as the binary). Will be displayed\nto the user when they print version or help and usage information.",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"author","","Sets a string of author(s)",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"about","","Sets a string briefly describing what the program does",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"version","","Sets a string of the version number",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"usage","","Sets a custom usage string to over-ride the one auto-generated by `clap`",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"arg","","Adds an argument to the list of valid possibilties",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"arg"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"args","","Adds multiple arguments to the list of valid possibilties",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"subcommand","","Adds a subcommand to the list of valid possibilties. Subcommands\nare effectively sub apps, because they can contain their own arguments\nand subcommands. They also function just like apps, in that they get their\nown auto generated help and version switches.",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"app"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"subcommands","","Adds multiple subcommands to the list of valid possibilties",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"},{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"app"}}],[11,"get_matches","","",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"app"}],"output":{"name":"argmatches"}}],[11,"new","","Creates a new instace of `Arg` using a unique string name.\nThe name will be used by the library consumer to get information about\nwhether or not the argument was used at runtime. ",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"arg"}