2015-04-13 22:18:50 -04:00
// De-duplication macro used in src/app.rs
2015-04-10 11:40:08 -04:00
macro_rules! get_help {
($opt:ident) => {
if let Some(h) = $opt.help {
format!("{}{}", h,
if let Some(ref pv) = $opt.possible_vals {
let mut pv_s = pv.iter().fold(String::with_capacity(50), |acc, name| acc + &format!(" {}",name)[..]);
format!(" [values:{}]", &pv_s[..])
} else {
" ".to_owned()
2015-04-13 00:37:59 -04:00
// Thanks to bluss and flan3002 in #rust IRC
2015-04-13 22:18:50 -04:00
// Helps with rightward drift when iterating over something and matching each item.
2015-04-13 00:37:59 -04:00
macro_rules! for_match {
($it:ident, $($p:pat => $($e:expr);+),*) => {
for i in $it {
match i {
$p => { $($e)+ }
2015-04-14 12:06:15 -04:00
/// Convenience macro getting a typed value
macro_rules! value_t {
($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
match $m.value_of($v) {
Some(v) => {
match v.parse::<$t>() {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(_) => Err(format!("{} isn't a valid {}",v,stringify!($t))),
None => Err(format!("Argument not found"))
2015-04-14 12:30:53 -04:00
/// Convenience macro getting a typed value or exiting on failure
macro_rules! value_t_or_exit {
($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
match $m.value_of($v) {
Some(v) => {
match v.parse::<$t>() {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(_) => {
println!("{} isn't a valid {}\n{}\nPlease re-run with --help for more information",v,stringify!($t), $m.usage());
None => {
println!("Argument not found\n{}\nPlease re-run with --help for more information", $m.usage());
2015-04-10 11:40:08 -04:00