# Everything after "#" is a comment. # A file is a class! # (optional) icon to show in the editor dialogs: @icon("res://path/to/optional/icon.svg") # (optional) class definition: class_name MyClass # Inheritance: extends BaseClass # Member variables. var a = 5 var s = "Hello" var arr = [1, 2, 3] var dict = {"key": "value", 2: 3} var other_dict = {key = "value", other_key = 2} var typed_var: int var inferred_type := "String" # Constants. const ANSWER = 42 const THE_NAME = "Charly" # Enums. enum {UNIT_NEUTRAL, UNIT_ENEMY, UNIT_ALLY} enum Named {THING_1, THING_2, ANOTHER_THING = -1} # Built-in vector types. var v2 = Vector2(1, 2) var v3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3) # Functions. func some_function(param1, param2, param3): const local_const = 5 if param1 < local_const: print(param1) elif param2 > 5: print(param2) else: print("Fail!") for i in range(20): print(i) while param2 != 0: param2 -= 1 match param3: 3: print("param3 is 3!") _: print("param3 is not 3!") var local_var = param1 + 3 return local_var # Functions override functions with the same name on the base/super class. # If you still want to call them, use "super": func something(p1, p2): super(p1, p2) # It's also possible to call another function in the super class: func other_something(p1, p2): super.something(p1, p2) # Inner class class Something: var a = 10 # Constructor func _init(): print("Constructed!") var lv = Something.new() print(lv.a)