= Hello, AsciiDoc! This is an interactive editor. Use it to try https://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc]. Italic text is surrounded by _underscores_. Bold text is surrounded by *asterisks*. == Section Title * A list item * Another list item - A third list item Some Stuff 1. A numbered list item 2. Another numbered list item 3. A third numbered list item [,ruby] ---- puts 'Hello, World!' ---- = h1 == h2 === h3 ==== h4 ===== h5 ====== h6 = Chapter Title A paragraph with *bold* and _italic_ text. .Image title image::an-image.jpg[align=center] The `xref` macro is used for source-to-source links, like xref:a-book.adoc[]. An external link to https://eclipse.org[Eclipse]. NOTE: One of five built-in admonition block types. = Document Title :toc: :url-gitlab: https://gitlab.eclipse.org A paragraph with *bold* and _italic_ text. A link to https://eclipse.org[Eclipse]. A reusable link to {url-gitlab}[GitLab]. image::an-image.png[An image,800] == Section title * Unordered list item ** Add another marker to make a nested item * Another unordered list item NOTE: One of five built-in admonition block types. === Subsection title Text indented by one space is preformatted. A source block with a Ruby function named `hello` that prints "`Hello, World!`": [,ruby] ---- def hello name = 'World' puts "Hello, #{name}!" end ----