collaborators: - &112cxyz url: - &21st-centuryman url: - &89iuv url: - &abhishekmj303 url: - &AdalZanabria url: - &AlphaTechnolog url: - &andreasgrafen url: - &AngelBerihuete url: - &Anomalocaridid url: - &AnubisNekhet name: Anubis url: - &asrvd url: - &aszecsei url: - &Aurn1ox url: - &ayamir url: - &backwardspy name: pigeon url: - &bagelwaffle url: - &BlueFalconHD url: - &brambozz url: - &Brianalmeida url: - &caarlos0 url: - &CallMeEchoCodes url: - &catb00mer url: - &cattokomo url: - &Cristhyano url: - &coldenate url: - &Daeraxa url: - &daveyholler url: - &davidbgonz url: - &daylinmorgan url: - &Delta456 url: - &denis-g url: - &didair url: - &djflan url: - &DonutDev url: - &DorielRivalet url: - &Dukatron url: - &elkrien url: - &fapfaff url: - &fathulfahmy url: - &fruzitent url: - &gabrielmagno url: - &getchoo url: - &ghishadow url: - &ghostx31 url: - &Gingeh url: - &griimick url: - &hyperreal64 url: - &icy-comet url: - &ignamartinoli url: - &InvitedToHell url: - &iruzo url: - &isabelincorp url: - &isabelroses url: - &James-McK url: - &jayylmao url: - &JK-Flip-Flop96 url: - &jolheiser url: - &JoshPaulie url: - &justleoo url: - &JustLetterV url: - &justTOBBI url: - &kerichdev url: - &Kettukaa url: - &kkrypt0nn url: - &lemon-sh url: - &lewisakura url: - &likendev url: - &lighttigerXIV url: - &lokesh-krishna url: - &LudoPinelli url: - &M3nny url: - &mainrs url: - &mbeckrich url: - &mekb-turtle url: - &meme8383 url: - &Moodzz1 url: - &moseeking url: - &Mqisty url: - &mrdoge515 url: - &mrtnvgr url: - &NamesCode url: - &ndsboy url: - &nekowinston name: winston url: - &NickSquiggles name: Nick url: - &NikSneMC url: - &nullchilly url: - &nullishamy url: - &nyxkrage url: - &ohitstom url: - &ohxxm url: - &opakholis url: - &ozwaldorf url: - &PanAeon url: - &pocco81 url: - &prateektade url: - &Prayag2 url: - &prazdevs url: - &pspiagicw url: - &quentinguidee name: Quentin url: - &rayhanadev url: - &remiposo url: - &reniivali url: - &rogeruiz url: - &riivx url: - &rithikasilva url: - &rubyowo url: - &sacerd-OS url: - &SadAlexa url: - &sakkke url: - &Sekki21956 url: - &schoblaska url: - &ShyyLexi name: Lexi url: - &sgoudham name: Hammy url: - &skinatro url: - &sofycodes url: - &soradotwav url: - &southqaw url: - &Sourcastic url: - &Stonks3141 url: - &Syndrizzle url: - &taka0o url: - &TarunDaCoder url: - &tecandrew url: - &tetov url: - &TheExistingOne url: - &tiepp url: - &Tnixc url: - &ToxicAven url: - &tsjazil url: - &uncenter url: - &useEffects url: - &ValentinTT url: - &vdbe url: - &VictorTennekes url: - &walshyb url: - &Waxxx333 url: - &WitherCubes url: - &xhayper url: - &Xurdejl url: - &Zazucki url: ports: aerc: name: aerc categories: [email_client, productivity, cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*Stonks3141] alacritty: name: Alacritty categories: [terminal] color: peach icon: alacritty platform: [linux, macos, windows] current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] past-maintainers: [*VictorTennekes] alfred: name: Alfred categories: [application_launcher, productivity] color: mauve icon: alfred platform: [macos] current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] aliucord: name: Aliucord categories: [social_networking] platform: [android] color: blue icon: discord current-maintainers: [*isabelincorp] amfora: name: Amfora categories: [entertainment] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*hyperreal64] anki: name: Anki categories: [education, productivity] platform: agnostic icon: anki.svg color: blue current-maintainers: [*AnubisNekhet] past-maintainers: [*BlueFalconHD] aseprite: name: Aseprite categories: [productivity] icon: aseprite color: text platform: [linux, macos, windows] current-maintainers: [*sofycodes] azuredatastudio: name: Azure Data Studio categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: microsoftazure color: blue alias: vscode current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] base16: name: Base16 categories: [system] platform: agnostic color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*schoblaska] bat: name: bat categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: bat color: blue current-maintainers: [*ghostx31, *nekowinston] bemenu: name: bemenu categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*iruzo] bento: name: Bento categories: [productivity] icon: bento color: lavender platform: agnostic current-maintainers: [*BlueFalconHD] binary-ninja: name: Binary Ninja categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red current-maintainers: [*kkrypt0nn] bitburner: name: BitBurner categories: [game] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green current-maintainers: [*reniivali] blackbox: name: Black Box categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] blink: name: Blink categories: [terminal] platform: [ios] color: teal current-maintainers: [*rithikasilva] blockbench: name: Blockbench categories: [3d_modelling, game] icon: blockbench color: sky platform: [linux, macos, windows] current-maintainers: [*Tnixc] bottom: name: bottom categories: [cli, analytics] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] btop: name: Btop++ categories: [cli, analytics] platform: [linux, macos] color: red current-maintainers: [*lokesh-krishna] cava: name: C.A.V.A. categories: [music, cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: sky current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] past-maintainers: [*pocco81] chatterino2: name: Chatterino 2 categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*fruzitent] chroma: name: Chroma categories: [development, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text upstreamed: true current-maintainers: [*icy-comet, *jolheiser] chrome: name: Google Chrome categories: [browser] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: googlechrome color: yellow current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] cider: name: Cider categories: [music] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] codemirror: name: CodeMirror categories: [code_editor] color: red icon: codemirror platform: agnostic current-maintainers: [*uncenter] past-maintainers: [*griimick] conky: name: Conky categories: [system, analytics] platform: [linux] color: mauve current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*ohxxm] contour: name: Contour categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: pink current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*TarunDaCoder] crt: name: "CRT: cool-retro-term" categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*iruzo] cursors: name: Cursors categories: [system] platform: [linux] icon: cursors.svg color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] cutter: name: Cutter categories: [code_editor, development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*kkrypt0nn] dark-reader: name: Dark Reader categories: [browser_extension] platform: agnostic icon: darkreader color: teal current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] delta: name: delta categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*Anomalocaridid] discord: name: Discord categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: discord current-maintainers: [*rubyowo, *ToxicAven] diohub: name: DioHub categories: [productivity] platform: [android] color: text current-maintainers: [*cattokomo] dmenu: name: dmenu categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*ohxxm] dopamine: name: Dopamine categories: [music] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue current-maintainers: [*jayylmao] drracket: name: DrRacket categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red icon: racket current-maintainers: [*PanAeon] dunst: name: Dunst categories: [notification_daemon, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] dwarf-fortress: name: Dwarf Fortress categories: [game] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] egui: name: egui categories: [development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*Stonks3141] element: name: Element categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: element current-maintainers: [*ghostx31] emacs: name: Emacs categories: [code_editor, system] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: gnuemacs color: mauve current-maintainers: [*NamesCode, *nyxkrage] past-maintainers: [*pspiagicw] enmity: name: Enmity categories: [social_networking] platform: [ios] color: blue icon: discord current-maintainers: [*112cxyz] fcitx5: name: fcitx5 categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*ayamir] firefox: name: Firefox categories: [browser] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: peach icon: firefoxbrowser current-maintainers: [*isabelincorp, *ShyyLexi] fish: name: Fish categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: green icon: fishshell current-maintainers: [*ghostx31, *backwardspy] fitbit: name: Fitbit categories: [health_and_fitness] platform: agnostic color: teal icon: fitbit current-maintainers: [*lighttigerXIV] fleet: name: JetBrains Fleet categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: jetbrains color: text current-maintainers: [*kkrypt0nn] floris-board: name: FlorisBoard categories: [system] platform: [android] color: green current-maintainers: [*skinatro] flow-launcher: name: Flow Launcher categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [windows] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Syndrizzle] fluentterminal: name: Fluent Terminal categories: [terminal] platform: [windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*mrdoge515] flutter: name: Flutter categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: flutter current-maintainers: [*useEffects] foliate: name: Foliate categories: [document_viewer, productivity] platform: [linux] color: teal current-maintainers: [*ghostx31] foot: name: foot categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Cristhyano] forklift-4: name: "Forklift 4" categories: [file_manager, system] platform: [macos] color: peach current-maintainers: [*denis-g] fr33zmenu: name: Fr33zmenu categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*iruzo] freshrss: name: FreshRSS categories: [productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*isabelroses] fuzzel: name: Fuzzel categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*tetov] fzf: name: fzf categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] geany: name: Geany categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux] color: yellow current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Waxxx333] gedit: name: Gedit categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*sacerd-OS] ghostwriter: name: ghostwriter categories: [note_taking, productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red current-maintainers: [*bagelwaffle] giscus: name: Giscus categories: [discussion_forum] platform: agnostic color: sky current-maintainers: [*uncenter] gitea: name: Gitea categories: [productivity] platform: agnostic color: green icon: gitea current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] github-file-explorer-icons: name: GitHub File Explorer Icons categories: [browser_extension] platform: agnostic color: text icon: github current-maintainers: [*uncenter] github-readme-stats: name: GitHub Readme Stats categories: [analytics] platform: agnostic color: text icon: github current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] github-readme-streak-stats: name: GitHub Readme Streak Stats categories: [analytics] platform: agnostic color: text icon: github current-maintainers: [*abhishekmj303] github-readme-tech-stack: name: GitHub Readme Tech Stack categories: [analytics] platform: agnostic color: text icon: github current-maintainers: [*sakkke] gitui: name: GitUI categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] icon: gitui.svg color: text current-maintainers: [*BlueFalconHD] glamour: name: Glamour categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: pink current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] past-maintainers: [*Dukatron] glazewm: name: GlazeWM categories: [window_manager, system] platform: [windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*fathulfahmy] gnome-terminal: name: GNOME Terminal categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text icon: gnometerminal current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] go: name: Go categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: sapphire icon: go current-maintainers: [*caarlos0] godot: name: Godot categories: [game_development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: godotengine current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] grub: name: GRUB categories: [boot_loader, system] platform: [linux] icon: gnu color: text current-maintainers: [*isabelincorp] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] gtk: name: GTK categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: green icon: gtk current-maintainers: [*rubyowo, *Syndrizzle] halloy: name: Halloy categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: peach current-maintainers: [*Daeraxa] helix: name: Helix categories: [code_editor, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] past-maintainers: [*ohxxm] heroic: name: Heroic categories: [game, application_launcher] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: sky current-maintainers: [*ndsboy] hexchat: name: HexChat categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, windows] icon: hexchat.svg color: peach current-maintainers: [*aszecsei] highlightjs: name: Highlight.js categories: [development] platform: agnostic color: maroon links: - name: NPM icon: npm color: red url: current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] home-assistant: name: Home Assistant categories: [productivity] platform: agnostic icon: homeassistant color: blue current-maintainers: [*fapfaff] hyper: name: Hyper categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text icon: hyper links: - name: NPM icon: npm color: red url: current-maintainers: [*asrvd] hyprland: name: Hyprland categories: [window_manager, system] platform: [linux] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*rubyowo] hyprlock: name: Hyprlock categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*NikSneMC] i3: name: i3/sway categories: [window_manager, system] platform: [linux] color: sky icon: i3 current-maintainers: [*rubyowo] ida-debugger: name: IDA (Interactive Disassembler) categories: [code_editor, development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*ValentinTT] imhex: name: ImHex categories: [development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*DorielRivalet] imv: name: imv categories: [photo_and_video, cli] platform: [linux] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*Anomalocaridid] infinity: name: Infinity for Reddit categories: [discussion_forum, social_networking] platform: [android] icon: reddit color: peach current-maintainers: [*Xurdejl] insomnia: name: Insomnia categories: [development] platform: [android] color: mauve icon: insomnia current-maintainers: [*opakholis] iterm: name: iTerm2 categories: [terminal] platform: [macos] icon: iterm2 color: green current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] past-maintainers: [*VictorTennekes] java: name: Java categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: maroon current-maintainers: [*sgoudham, *nullishamy] jetbrains: name: JetBrains categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text icon: jetbrains links: - name: JetBrains Marketplace icon: jetbrains color: text url: current-maintainers: [*sgoudham, *quentinguidee] past-maintainers: [*tiepp] jetbrains-icons: name: JetBrains Icons categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text icon: jetbrains links: - name: JetBrains Marketplace icon: jetbrains color: text url: current-maintainers: [*quentinguidee] joplin: name: Joplin categories: [note_taking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: joplin current-maintainers: [*ghostx31] jupyterlab: name: JupyterLab categories: [development, analytics] platform: agnostic color: peach icon: jupyter current-maintainers: [*gabrielmagno] k9s: name: k9s categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] icon: kubernetes color: blue current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] Kvantum: name: Kvantum categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] kakoune: name: Kakoune categories: [code_editor, cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*bagelwaffle] kde: name: KDE categories: [desktop_environment, system] platform: [linux] color: blue icon: kde current-maintainers: [*Sourcastic] past-maintainers: [*Prayag2] kitty: name: Kitty categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*andreasgrafen] konsole: name: Konsole categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] icon: kde color: blue current-maintainers: [*TheExistingOne] ksyntaxhighlighting: name: KSyntaxHighlighting (Kate, Kwrite, etc) categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: kde color: blue current-maintainers: [*Sourcastic] latex: name: LaTeX categories: [library] platform: agnostic icon: latex color: teal current-maintainers: [*walshyb] lapce: name: Lapce categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: lapce current-maintainers: [*ghishadow] lazygit: name: Lazygit categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*nullishamy] limine: name: Limine categories: [boot_loader, system] platform: [linux] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*mekb-turtle] linear: name: Linear categories: [productivity] platform: agnostic color: lavender icon: linear current-maintainers: [*kkrypt0nn] logseq: name: Logseq categories: [note_taking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: teal icon: logseq current-maintainers: [*griimick] lua: name: Lua categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: lua current-maintainers: [*cattokomo] lxqt: name: LXQt categories: [desktop_environment, system] platform: [linux] icon: lxqt.svg color: sky current-maintainers: [*DonutDev] lxterminal: name: LXTerminal categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] icon: lxqt.svg color: sky current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*prateektade] mailspring: name: Mailspring categories: [email_client, productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: lavender current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] mako: name: Mako categories: [notification_daemon, system] platform: [linux] icon: wayland color: yellow current-maintainers: [*lokesh-krishna] matplotlib: name: Matplotlib categories: [development, analytics] platform: agnostic color: blue current-maintainers: [*brambozz] mattermost: name: Mattermost categories: [social_networking] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: mattermost current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] mc: name: Midnight Commander categories: [file_manager, cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: sky current-maintainers: [*AdalZanabria] mdBook: name: mdBook categories: [development] platform: agnostic color: text icon: mdbook current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] micro: name: Micro categories: [code_editor, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: lavender icon: microeditor current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] minecraft: name: Minecraft categories: [game] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: minecraft.svg current-maintainers: [*JustLetterV] past-maintainers: [*Aurn1ox] mirc: name: mIRC categories: [social_networking] platform: [windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*lemon-sh] misskey: name: Misskey categories: [social_networking] platform: agnostic color: green icon: misskey upstreamed: true current-maintainers: [*catb00mer] mobaxterm: name: MobaXterm categories: [terminal] platform: [windows] color: blue current-maintainers: [*likendev] monkeytype: name: monkeytype categories: [entertainment] platform: agnostic color: yellow icon: monkeytype current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*VictorTennekes] moon-animator-2: name: Moon Animator 2 categories: [game] platform: [macos, windows] color: peach current-maintainers: [*xhayper] mpv: name: mpv categories: [photo_and_video, cli] platform: [linux] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*Anomalocaridid] musicbee: name: MusicBee categories: [music] platform: [windows] color: yellow current-maintainers: [*James-McK] neomutt: name: NeoMutt categories: [email_client, cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*Sekki21956] newsboat: name: Newsboat categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: peach current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*ignamartinoli] nighttab: name: Nighttab categories: [browser_extension] platform: agnostic color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*justTOBBI] nim: name: Nim categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: yellow icon: nim current-maintainers: [*daylinmorgan] nilesoft-shell: name: Nilesoft Shell categories: [system] platform: [windows] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*jayylmao] nix: name: Nix categories: [system] platform: [linux, macos] color: blue icon: nixos current-maintainers: [*Stonks3141, *getchoo] noir: name: Noir categories: [browser_extension] platform: [ios] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] notepad-plus-plus: name: Notepad++ categories: [code_editor] platform: [windows] icon: notepadplusplus color: green current-maintainers: [*InvitedToHell] nova: name: Nova categories: [code_editor] platform: [macos] color: red links: - name: Nova Extensions url: current-maintainers: [*daveyholler] nvim: name: Neovim categories: [code_editor, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: neovim color: green current-maintainers: [*nullchilly, *mrtnvgr] obs: name: OBS Studio categories: [productivity, photo_and_video] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text icon: obsstudio current-maintainers: [*Xurdejl] obsidian: name: Obsidian categories: [note_taking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: mauve icon: obsidian current-maintainers: [*mbeckrich] oldtwitter: name: OldTwitter categories: [browser_extension, social_networking] platform: agnostic icon: twitter color: blue current-maintainers: [*isabelincorp] openbox: name: Openbox categories: [window_manager, system] platform: [linux] color: sky current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*prateektade] opera-gx: name: Opera GX categories: [browser] platform: [windows] color: maroon icon: operagx current-maintainers: [*isabelroses] pantone: name: Pantone categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: text current-maintainers: [*BlueFalconHD] papirus-folders: name: Papirus Folders categories: [system] platform: [linux] icon: folders.svg color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] plank: name: Plank categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: sky current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] plymouth: name: Plymouth categories: [boot_loader, system] platform: [linux] color: blue current-maintainers: [*ndsboy] polybar: name: Polybar categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: maroon current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*justTOBBI] pomotroid: name: Pomotroid categories: [productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red current-maintainers: [*coldenate] powerpoint-slides: name: PowerPoint Slides categories: [productivity] icon: microsoftpowerpoint color: red platform: [macos, windows] current-maintainers: [*kkrypt0nn] powershell: name: PowerShell categories: [cli] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: powershell current-maintainers: [*JK-Flip-Flop96] prismlauncher: name: Prism Launcher categories: [game, application_launcher] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*Mqisty] pyradio: name: PyRadio categories: [music] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] python: name: Python categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: python current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] qbittorrent: name: qBittorrent categories: [productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: qbittorrent current-maintainers: [*Xurdejl] qt5ct: name: qt5ct categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*Syndrizzle] qutebrowser: name: qutebrowser categories: [browser] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: qutebrowser.svg color: blue current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] qtcreator: name: Qt Creator categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: qt current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] qterminal: name: QTerminal categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] icon: lxqt.svg color: sky current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*prateektade] raycast: name: Raycast categories: [application_launcher, productivity] platform: [macos] color: maroon icon: raycast current-maintainers: [*rayhanadev] rboard: name: Rboard categories: [system] platform: [android] color: blue icon: gboard.svg current-maintainers: [*Moodzz1] refind: name: rEFInd categories: [boot_loader, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*fapfaff] regolith: name: Regolith Desktop categories: [desktop_environment, system] platform: [linux] color: red current-maintainers: [*taka0o] remnote: name: RemNote categories: [note_taking] platform: agnostic color: blue current-maintainers: [*coldenate] past-maintainers: [*justTOBBI] replit: name: Replit categories: [code_editor] platform: agnostic color: peach icon: replit current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Gingeh] revolt: name: Revolt categories: [social_networking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: maroon icon: revoltdotchat current-maintainers: [*andreasgrafen] past-maintainers: [*pocco81] rio: name: Rio categories: [terminal] color: peach platform: [linux, macos, windows] current-maintainers: [*Brianalmeida] rofi: name: Rofi categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*AlphaTechnolog] rstudio: name: RStudio categories: [code_editor, analytics] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: sky icon: rstudio current-maintainers: [*AngelBerihuete] rust: name: Rust categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: text icon: rust current-maintainers: [*backwardspy] sc-im: name: sc-im categories: [cli, analytics] platform: [linux, macos] color: green current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] scrivener: name: Scrivener categories: [productivity] platform: [macos] color: maroon current-maintainers: [*NickSquiggles] sddm: name: SDDM categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: sky current-maintainers: [*isabelroses] serenity-os: name: SerenityOS categories: [system] platform: agnostic color: red current-maintainers: [*nullishamy] sharex: name: ShareX categories: [photo_and_video, productivity] platform: [windows] color: blue icon: sharex current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] shiki: name: Shiki categories: [development] platform: agnostic url: color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] sidebery: name: Sidebery categories: [browser_extension] platform: agnostic color: text current-maintainers: [] simplex: name: SimpleX categories: [social_networking] platform: [android] color: sapphire current-maintainers: [*iruzo] skim: name: skim categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*gabrielmagno] slack: name: Slack categories: [social_networking] platform: agnostic color: mauve icon: slack current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] sioyek: name: Sioyek categories: [document_viewer, productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [*21st-centuryman] solvespace: name: SolveSpace categories: [3d_modelling, productivity] platform: [linux] color: mauve current-maintainers: [*ndsboy] speedcrunch: name: SpeedCrunch categories: [productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: maroon current-maintainers: [*Zazucki] spicetify: name: Spicetify categories: [music] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: spotify current-maintainers: [*ohitstom] past-maintainers: [*davidbgonz] spotify-player: name: spotify-player categories: [music] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: spotify current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] spotify-tui: name: spotify-tui categories: [music, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: spotify current-maintainers: [*Sekki21956] spyder: name: spyder categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: spyderide color: red current-maintainers: [*meme8383] squirrel: name: Squirrel (Rime for macOS) categories: [productivity] platform: [macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*moseeking] st: name: st categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: blue icon: suckless current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*tsjazil] stable-diffusion-web-ui: name: Stable Diffusion WebUI categories: [artificial_intelligence, entertainment] platform: agnostic color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Kettukaa] starship: name: Starship categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: pink icon: starship current-maintainers: [*JoshPaulie] steam: name: Steam categories: [game, application_launcher, entertainment] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text icon: steam current-maintainers: [] steam-deck: name: Steam Deck categories: [game, entertainment] platform: [linux] color: blue icon: steamdeck current-maintainers: [*soradotwav, *ozwaldorf] sublime-text: name: Sublime Text categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: yellow icon: sublimetext current-maintainers: [*ghostx31] sumatra-pdf: name: SumatraPDF categories: [document_viewer, productivity] platform: [windows] color: yellow current-maintainers: [*asrvd] swaylock: name: swaylock categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: yellow icon: wayland current-maintainers: [*remiposo] swaync: name: swaync categories: [notification_daemon, system] platform: [linux] color: yellow icon: wayland current-maintainers: [*isabelroses] tabby: name: Tabby categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: lavender current-maintainers: [*sakkke] tailwindcss: name: Tailwind CSS categories: [development] platform: agnostic color: sky icon: tailwindcss links: - name: NPM icon: npm color: red url: current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] telegram: name: Telegram categories: [social_networking] platform: agnostic color: blue icon: telegram current-maintainers: [*isabelincorp] terminator: name: Terminator categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: red current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*pocco81, *AdalZanabria] name: categories: [terminal] platform: [macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] termux: name: Termux categories: [terminal] upstreamed: true platform: [android] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*AdalZanabria] thelounge: name: The Lounge categories: [social_networking] platform: agnostic color: peach current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*hyperreal64] theme.park: name: theme.park categories: [entertainment] upstreamed: true platform: agnostic color: teal current-maintainers: [*lewisakura] thunderbird: name: Thunderbird categories: [email_client, productivity] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: thunderbird current-maintainers: [*nullishamy] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] tilix: name: Tilix categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] tmux: name: tmux categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: green icon: tmux current-maintainers: [*rogeruiz, *89iuv, *vdbe] tofi: name: tofi categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*iruzo] trilium-notes: name: Trilium Notes categories: [note_taking] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: maroon icon: trilium current-maintainers: [*SadAlexa] tty: name: tty categories: [terminal, system] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*CallMeEchoCodes] tym: name: tym categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*justleoo] ueli: name: Ueli categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [windows, macos] color: text current-maintainers: [*lighttigerXIV] ui: name: UI categories: [library] platform: agnostic icon: react color: sky links: - name: NPM icon: npm color: red url: current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*didair] ulauncher: name: Ulauncher categories: [application_launcher, system] platform: [linux] color: teal current-maintainers: [*lighttigerXIV] ultrakill: name: ULTRAKILL categories: [game, entertainment] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*Gingeh] unreal-engine: name: Unreal Engine categories: [game_development] platform: [linux, macos, windows] icon: unrealengine color: blue current-maintainers: [*quentinguidee] urxvt: name: Urxvt categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*pocco81] v: name: V categories: [library] platform: agnostic color: lavender icon: v current-maintainers: [*Delta456] vendetta: name: Vendetta categories: [social_networking] platform: [android, ios] color: blue icon: discord current-maintainers: [*riivx, *Moodzz1] vim: name: Vim categories: [code_editor, cli] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: green icon: vim current-maintainers: [*M3nny] vimium: name: Vimium categories: [browser_extension] platform: agnostic color: green icon: vim current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*elkrien] visual-studio: name: Visual Studio categories: [code_editor] platform: [windows] color: mauve icon: visualstudio links: - name: Visual Studio Marketplace icon: visualstudio color: blue url: current-maintainers: [*djflan] vivaldi: name: Vivaldi categories: [browser] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: red icon: vivaldi current-maintainers: [*sakkke] vscode: name: Visual Studio Code categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: visualstudiocode links: - name: Visual Studio Marketplace icon: visualstudio color: blue url: - name: Open VSX Registry icon: vscodium color: blue url: current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] past-maintainers: [*ghostx31, *VictorTennekes] vscode-icons: name: Visual Studio Code Icons categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: blue icon: visualstudiocode links: - name: Visual Studio Marketplace icon: visualstudio color: blue url: current-maintainers: [*prazdevs] warp: name: Warp categories: [terminal] platform: [macos] color: blue icon: warp current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] waybar: name: waybar categories: [system] platform: [linux] color: yellow icon: wayland current-maintainers: [*rubyowo] wezterm: name: WezTerm categories: [terminal] platform: [linux, macos, windows] color: mauve icon: wezterm upstreamed: true current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] whoogle: name: Whoogle categories: [search_engine] platform: agnostic color: lavender current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] windows-files: name: Windows Files categories: [file_manager, system] platform: [windows] icon: windows-files.svg color: yellow current-maintainers: [*sgoudham] windows-terminal: name: Windows Terminal categories: [terminal] platform: [windows] icon: windowsterminal color: text current-maintainers: [*LudoPinelli] xcode: name: Xcode categories: [code_editor] platform: [macos] color: blue icon: xcode current-maintainers: [*quentinguidee] xfce4-terminal: name: Xfce4 Terminal categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: blue icon: xfce current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*WitherCubes] xed: name: Xed categories: [code_editor] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*justTOBBI] xresources: name: Xresources categories: [system] platform: [linux] icon: xdotorg color: peach current-maintainers: [*pocco81] yakuake: name: Yakuake categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*southqaw] yazi: name: Yazi categories: [file_manager, cli] platform: [android, linux, macos, windows] color: peach current-maintainers: [*uncenter] youtubemusic: name: YouTube Music categories: [music] platform: agnostic color: red icon: youtubemusic current-maintainers: [*kerichdev] past-maintainers: [*rubyowo] zathura: name: Zathura categories: [document_viewer, productivity] platform: [linux] icon: zathura.svg color: teal current-maintainers: [*lokesh-krishna] zed: name: Zed categories: [code_editor] platform: [macos] upstreamed: true color: blue current-maintainers: [*tecandrew] icon: zedindustries zellij: name: Zellij categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] upstreamed: true icon: zellij.svg color: green current-maintainers: [*mainrs] zsh-fsh: name: ZSH Fast Syntax Highlighting categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: peach icon: zsh current-maintainers: [*nekowinston] zsh-syntax-highlighting: name: zsh-syntax-highlighting categories: [cli] platform: [linux, macos] color: peach icon: zsh current-maintainers: [] past-maintainers: [*hyperreal64] zutty: name: Zutty categories: [terminal] platform: [linux] color: text current-maintainers: [*sakkke] categories: - key: code_editor name: Code Editors & IDEs description: Tools for writing and editing code, offering syntax highlighting, debugging, etc. emoji: 👾 - key: development name: Development Tools description: Tools aiding software development, management and distribution. emoji: 💭 - key: library name: Libraries description: Software libraries that implement and expose the Catppuccin palette in a programming language. emoji: 📚 - key: cli name: CLI Tools description: Command-line interface utilities that perform specific tasks, ranging from file management to system monitoring. emoji: 🐚 - key: terminal name: Terminals description: Programs providing text-based interfaces to interact with the operating system. emoji: 🌱 - key: system name: System description: Applications that are close to the operating system. emoji: 🔧 - key: boot_loader name: Boot Loaders description: Tools that are responsible for booting the computer. emoji: 👢 - key: notification_daemon name: Notification Daemons description: Applications that notify the user of desktop events in an asynchronous manner. emoji: 😈 - key: desktop_environment name: Desktop Environments description: Graphical User Interfaces providing a complete experience for interacting with the operating system. emoji: 🖥 - key: window_manager name: Window Managers description: Applications that control the placement and appearance of windows in a GUI. emoji: 🪟 - key: file_manager name: File Managers description: Applications that help users navigate, organize and edit files/directories on a computer. emoji: 🗂️ - key: application_launcher name: Application Launchers description: Tools that provide a quick and easy way for users to launch applications. emoji: 🗃 - key: browser name: Browsers description: Applications for accessing and navigating the World Wide Web. emoji: 🏄 - key: browser_extension name: Browser Extensions description: Add-ons which extend the functionality of web browsers, enhancing the browsing experience. emoji: 🧩 - key: search_engine name: Search Engines description: Websites that enable users to search and retrieve information from the World Wide Web. emoji: 🔎 - key: translation_tool name: Translation Tools description: Applications that help bridge language gaps by translating one language to another. emoji: 🗺️ - key: wiki name: Wikis description: Websites that hold information edited by multiple users. emoji: 🧠 - key: photo_and_video name: Photo & Video description: Applications that help in capturing, editing, managing, storing, or sharing photos and videos. emoji: 📸 - key: music name: Music description: Applications related to discovering, listening to and playing music. emoji: 🎵 - key: productivity name: Productivity description: Applications that make certain tasks or activities more organised and efficient. emoji: 📖 - key: email_client name: Email Clients description: Applications related to sending and receiving email. emoji: 💌 - key: game_development name: Game Development description: Applications that are designed for creating, designing and building video games. emoji: 🕹 - key: 3d_modelling name: 3D Modelling description: Applications that are designed to create and manipulate objects in three-dimensional space. emoji: 🖼️ - key: note_taking name: Note Taking description: Tools for creating, organizing, and managing digital notes. emoji: 📝 - key: education name: Education description: Applications that faciliate learning, knowledge acquisition and skill development. emoji: 🎓 - key: document_viewer name: Document Viewers description: Applications that allow users to open, view and interact with documents. emoji: 📃 - key: social_networking name: Social Networking description: Applications that bring people together through text, voice, photo and/or video. emoji: ✨ - key: discussion_forum name: Discussion Forums description: Platforms that allow people to engage in conversation, share information, and discuss various topics. emoji: 🗣️ - key: entertainment name: Entertainment description: Applications designed to entertain the user. emoji: 🌈 - key: game name: Games description: Applications related to gaming and the idea of game-ification. emoji: 🎮 - key: analytics name: Analytics description: Applications related to visualizations and analytics of data. emoji: 📊 - key: artificial_intelligence name: Artificial Intelligence description: Applications related to machine learning, large language models, and neural networks. emoji: 🤖 - key: health_and_fitness name: Health & Fitness description: Applications related to healthy living, fitness, and managing stress. emoji: 🏃 showcases: - title: description: A free note-taking app enhanced with flashcard features link: - title: AnuPpuccin description: Highly customizable theme for [Obsidian]( link: - title: faerber description: Website for applying custom color schemes to any wallpaper link: - title: Simple MP description: A simple music player based on Material You design link: - title: Comfy description: A theme for [Spicetify]( with a basic catppuccin color scheme! link: - title: Catppuccin Noctis description: An alternative to the official VSCode theme, with [Noctis]( syntax highlighting link: - title: Mind Elixir description: A framework agnostic JavaScript mind map core. link: - title: Career Vault description: A remote job board that shows hundreds of new opportunities every day. link: - title: Loungy description: An open-source application launcher in the vein of Raycast and Alfred. link: # yaml-language-server: $schema=