added sample and prettier conf

This commit is contained in:
Pocco81 2021-12-18 18:53:58 -05:00
parent 2937b3ae21
commit 00a1618807
4 changed files with 295 additions and 23 deletions

.prettierrc.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 4,
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true

resources/conf.ini Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Howdy's config file:
# Press CTRL + X to save in the nano editor
# Print that face detection is being attempted
detection_notice = false
# Print that face detection has timed out
timeout_notice = true
# Do not print anything when a face verification succeeds
no_confirmation = false
# When a user without a known face model tries to use this script, don't
# show an error but fail silently
suppress_unknown = false
# Disable Howdy in remote shells
abort_if_ssh = true
# Disable Howdy if lid is closed
abort_if_lid_closed = true
# Disable howdy in the PAM
# The howdy command will still function
disabled = false
# Use CNN instead of HOG
# CNN model is much more accurate than the HOG based model, but takes much more
# computational power to run, and is meant to be executed on a GPU to attain reasonable speed.
use_cnn = false
# The certainty of the detected face belonging to the user of the account
# On a scale from 1 to 10, values above 5 are not recommended
# Lower is better
certainty = 3.5
# The number of seconds to search before timing out
timeout = 4
# The path of the device to capture frames from
# Should be set automatically by an installer if your distro has one
device_path = none
# Print a warning if the the video device is not found
warn_no_device = true
# Scale down the video feed to this maximum height
# Speeds up face recognition but can make it less precise
max_height = 320
# Set the camera input profile to this width and height
# The largest profile will be used if set to -1
# Automatically ignored if not a valid profile
frame_width = -1
frame_height = -1
# Because of flashing IR emitters, some frames can be completely unlit
# Skip the frame if the lowest 1/8 of the histogram is above this percentage
# of the total
# The lower this setting is, the more dark frames are ignored
dark_threshold = 50
# The recorder to use. Can be either opencv (default), ffmpeg or pyv4l2.
# Switching from the default opencv to ffmpeg can help with grayscale issues.
recording_plugin = opencv
# Video format used by ffmpeg. Options include vfwcap or v4l2.
# FFMPEG only.
device_format = v4l2
# Force the use of Motion JPEG when decoding frames, fixes issues with YUYV
# raw frame decoding.
# OPENCV only.
force_mjpeg = false
# Specify exposure value explicitly. This disables autoexposure.
# Use qv4l2 to determine an appropriate value.
# OPENCV only.
exposure = -1
# Capture snapshots of failed login attempts and save them to disk with metadata
# Snapshots are saved to the "snapshots" folder
save_failed = false
# Do the same as the option above but for successful attempts
save_successful = false
# Enable specific extra checks after the user has been recognised
enabled = false
# What type of stamps to run and with what options. The type, timeout and
# failure mode are required. One line per stamp. Rule syntax:
# stamptype timeout (failsafe | faildeadly) [extra_argument=value]
stamp_rules =
nod 5s failsafe min_distance=12
# Show a short but detailed diagnostic report in console
# Enabling this can cause some UI apps to fail, only enable it to debug
end_report = false
# More verbose logging from the rubberstamps system
verbose_stamps = false
# Pass output of the GTK auth window to the terminal
gtk_stdout = false

View file

@ -37,27 +37,4 @@ function M:render(line_info, startline, endline)
local function setup_win_properties()
local buffer_window = require("minimap.modules.logic.buffer_window")
local win_props = {
style = opts["win_properties"]["style"],
relative = "win",
win = 0,
focusable = true,
anchor = "NE",
row = 0,
height = opts["win_properties"]["height"][1],
width = opts["win_properties"]["width"][1]
if (opts["win_properties"]["align"] == "right") then
win_props["col"] = buffer_window.handle_relative_win_properties("col")
elseif (opts["win_properties"]["align"] == "left") then
win_props["col"] = 0
return M

View file

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import sys
import os
import re
from i18n import _
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
class RubberStamp:
"""Howdy rubber stamp"""
UI_TEXT = "ui_text"
UI_SUBTEXT = "ui_subtext"
def set_ui_text(self, text, type=None):
"""Convert an ui string to input howdy-gtk understands"""
typedec = "M"
if type == self.UI_SUBTEXT:
typedec = "S"
return self.send_ui_raw(typedec + "=" + text)
def send_ui_raw(self, command):
"""Write raw command to howdy-gtk stdin"""
if self.config.getboolean("debug", "verbose_stamps", fallback=False):
print("Sending command to howdy-gtk: " + command)
# Add a newline because the ui reads per line
command += " \n"
# If we're connected to the ui
if self.gtk_proc:
# Send the command as bytes
# Write a padding line to force the command through any buffers
self.gtk_proc.stdin.write(bytearray("P=_PADDING \n".encode("utf-8")))
def execute(config, gtk_proc, opencv):
verbose = config.getboolean("debug", "verbose_stamps", fallback=False)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
installed_stamps = []
# Go through each file in the rubberstamp folder
for filename in os.listdir(dir_path):
# Remove non-readable file or directories
if not os.path.isfile(dir_path + "/" + filename):
# Remove meta files
if filename in ["", ".gitignore"]:
# Add the found file to the list of enabled rubberstamps
if verbose: print("Installed rubberstamps: " + ", ".join(installed_stamps))
# Get the rules defined in the config
raw_rules = config.get("rubberstamps", "stamp_rules")
rules = raw_rules.split("\n")
# Go through the rules one by one
for rule in rules:
rule = rule.strip()
if len(rule) <= 1:
# Parse the rule with regex
regex_result ="^(\w+)\s+([\w\.]+)\s+([a-z]+)(.*)?$", rule, re.IGNORECASE)
# Error out if the regex did not match (invalid line)
if not regex_result:
print(_("Error parsing rubberstamp rule: {}").format(rule))
type =
# Error out if the stamp name in the rule is not a file
if type not in installed_stamps:
print(_("Stamp not installed: {}").format(type))
# Load the module from file
module = SourceFileLoader(type, dir_path + "/" + type + ".py").load_module()
# Try to get the class with the same name
constructor = getattr(module, type)
except AttributeError:
print(_("Stamp error: Class {} not found").format(type))
# Init the class and set common values
instance = constructor()
instance.verbose = verbose
instance.config = config
instance.gtk_proc = gtk_proc
instance.opencv = opencv
# Set some opensv shorthands
instance.video_capture = opencv["video_capture"]
instance.face_detector = opencv["face_detector"]
instance.pose_predictor = opencv["pose_predictor"]
instance.clahe = opencv["clahe"]
# Parse and set the 2 required options for all rubberstamps
instance.options = {
"timeout": float(re.sub("[a-zA-Z]", "",,
"failsafe": != "faildeadly"
# Try to get the class do declare its other config variables
except Exception:
print(_("Internal error in rubberstamp configuration declaration:"))
import traceback
# Split the optional arguments at the end of the rule by spaces
raw_options =
# For each of those aoptional arguments
for option in raw_options:
# Get the key to the left, and the value to the right of the equal sign
key, value = option.split("=")
# Error out if a key has been set that was not declared by the module before
if key not in instance.options:
print("Unknow config option for rubberstamp " + type + ": " + key)
# Convert the argument string to an int or float if the declared option has that type
if isinstance(instance.options[key], int):
value = int(value)
elif isinstance(instance.options[key], float):
value = float(value)
instance.options[key] = value
if verbose:
print("Stamp \"" + type + "\" options parsed:")
print("Executing stamp")
# Make the stamp fail by default
result = False
# Run the stamp code
result =
except Exception:
print(_("Internal error in rubberstamp:"))
import traceback
if verbose: print("Stamp \"" + type + "\" returned: " + str(result))
# Abort authentication if the stamp returned false
if result is False:
if verbose: print("Authentication aborted by rubber stamp")
# This is outside the for loop, so we've run all the rules
if verbose: print("All rubberstamps processed, authentication successful")
# Exit with no errors