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2023-09-22 02:22:30 +02:00
doctype html
- var em_sometext = "<em>some text</em>"
-var var2 = 'no spaces after -'
_test = [{abc: "lalal"}]
name = function() {}
script#idscript.script(type="text/javascript", qwerqwer)(test="123", lol=(1+
1), other).
var la = lala;
function script(arg1, arg2) {
console.log("string", arg1, arg2);
console.log(script(la, "string3"));
.test-cls {
float: left;
color: #000;
div.saf {
background-color: red;
link(rel="stylesheet", href="asdiofjs.css")
mixin lala(abc, lala)
div.lala-output(style="background-color: #ccc") lala output
ul null + abc
li.lala= lala
div mixin long call
mixin lala((123+{asdf:(1+1)}), "mixin long call")strong after lontg mixinty use
.test + mixin use
+lala(123, "mixin + call 1")
mixin another()
- console.log(attributes)
input&attributes({cde: 3434})(ccc=343)&attributes(attributes).cls&attributes([1,2,'no'])
.test mixin attributes new syntax
+another(abc=123, bcd='lol')
mixin mix2()
div: p.mix2
+mix2(): p paragraph in mix2
mixin mix2() mix2tag lol
mixin mix3()
div: p.mix3
+mix3().mix2class It's time
.98349 class name omly numbers
._[invalid character in class name should result in it and text following be considered text
// some html comment
this is some text inside the p tag
since it is only a html comment, pug will render it normally
p: iv:asd-_FD tag name weird &amp;characters
asdf: ab:[this should be text
tstr = 'strong'
#{tstr} iterpolated tag name
em this is inside 'em' tag <br/>
[this is rendered as standalone text
##this too
"this too"
div(style="background-color: #eef") some examples of dot text blocks bellow:
#{'di' + 'v'}: em.
some text block inside tag with interpolated name and subtag
.lol: strong(prop="()(())").
another block of text, this time the tag has parenthesis inside
a tag property value that is a string
another case of text block
another case of text block with interpolated text: #{10*100}
div: [this will be text
and this will be a text block
inside a p tag
#{'d' + 'i' + 'v'}}.
em this should be italic because it is not a text block, and start the line with '}.'
p a tag with text ending in dot.
strong &nbsp;and child tags to show that the dot text block detection is
em &nbsp;working
div: div: thisisavar = 'THIS_IS_A_VARIABLE'
= 'thisisavar is a variable declaration as demonstrated here: ' + thisisavar
sub2: tag2: -console.log('unbuffered js inside subtag?')
p#-tagid.-sdfa tag ids and classes with valid characters
p this tag has <em>embedded html #{console}</em>
<div style="color: red;">
<p>this is embedded html in dot text block with a interpolated value: #{'te'+'st'+1}</p>
<div style="color: green;">
<p>this is directly embedded html with a interpolated value: #{'te'+'st'+2}</p>
div regular tag and text
| <div style="color: blue;">
| <p>this is embedded html in pipe text with a interpolated value: #{'te'+'st'+2}</p>
| </div>
p: em(sdf-+a\||.asd=123, type="te\x98t\u8876",lol,
lol3, abc = _test, fdg=console.log(123, (1 + (1 + 2)), undefined || true && "sdf#{1+1}asdf")
asdf, bcd=[123, [_test, {asdf: console.log(123)}]], afd={a: 1+1, 'b': {c: (null)}}
style="background-color: #ccc;") this is a tag with all sorts of crazy properties properly highlighted
p(qwer,|asdf, zxcv, poiu)= console + NaN
p: em(sdf-+a\||.asd=123 + undefined | 64 type="te\x98t\u8876" lol
lol3 abc = _test fuuuuu fdg=console.log(123, (1 + (1 + 2)), undefined || true && "sdf#{1+1}asdf")
asdf bcd=[123, [_test, {asdf: console.log(123)}]] faaaaaa afd={a: 1+1, 'b': {c: (null)}} lol4=sdf+sdf lastattr
style="background-color: #ccc;") new attributes without commas
p(qwer |asdf zxcv lol=123 * 0 || Math + "sdf") attributes no commas
p(aprop).lol.lil#theid(style="background-color: black; color: white;").lul(anotherprop='TEST')
| tag with any combination/order of id/classes/attributes
include page
block testblock1
div.lala-block this is in testblock1
block prepend testblock1
div.lala-prepend line1
| line2
append testblock1
div.lala-append line1
| line2
div a list generated in a loop as subtag code:
ul: - for i in [1,2,3,null]
li= i
div a list generated in another loop as subtag code:
ul: for i in [1,2,3,null]
li= i
div(style="color: red;"): append testblock1
div(style="color: green;"): include page
div(style="color: blue;"): mixin lala
if true
p conditional text
p and this won't show
friends = 10
case friends
when 0
p you have no friends
when (1+(1+1)): p you have a friend
default: p you have #{friends} friends
h1 title
p= console.log("logging before text") || 'after console.log'
| Username1:
label Username2:
p unescaped and escaped variable:
div!= em_sometext
div= em_sometext
#test(abc="lala", lele=9, lili=em_sometext) the variable used as property value
.class interpolated escaped and unescaped variable: #{em_sometext + "&"} and !{em_sometext}} \#{this will show}
p some text // not some comment
a(href="lala", something=em_sometext,) some link
div: span: em= 'extra spaces between tags and js output'
div(style="background-color: #ccf;"): p:.a subtag without spaces will work only if id or class is used directly.
p: em and this will be a part of it
p='output without spaces separating tag: ' + em_sometext
this is an unbuffered comment
it will never show on the html
and here to test skipping a line with less spaces than the indent level
div.class.another#someid: a(href=em_sometext, test="la\"sdafla", style="display: block; width: 100px; height: 10px"):"") some lalalalal
multi.line tag with pipe lines,
| like this first #{em_sometext + "aosidjfsd" + 0 + undefined} ending here.
| <br/> more pure text breaking the line with embedded html
p Test inline mixin #[+lala(123, 'lala inside inline')] end
p Here is some #[strong: em text] and look at #[a(href='') this link!]
p Here is some #[.strong: em text] and look at #[a(href='') this link!]
p Other inline #[strong= 'test']
p Test #[|text line]
p Test buffered #[= console.log('inline tag code') + 'inline code']
p Test unbuffered #[- console.log('inline tag code') + 'inline code']
p #[- abcf = [[123, [[],[]], []],'abc']] #[= abcf]
p Crazy #[em: strong #[span #[='inline']]: test]
p We can also #[strong combine #[em multiple #[img(src='')]]]
p Another #[strong.lil#okf(acs=[1,2]) test [[with brackets]] [in#[='side']]]
#[strong start] line with #[i]\#[j] inline
#[#[#[#[#[i a] b] c] d]e]
block with #[i inline] tag.
| pipe text with #[i inline] tag.
!{'tag' + 234} text line starting with interpolated
##{sadf} lol2
- var left_wrapper = 'p'
- var left_classes = 'one two'
- var left = 'the content'
p this is not a code block
var peeps = ["Mathias", "David", "Github"];
var msg = {
return "Hi " + name
}).join(", ");
<#[span test inline in brackets]>
<#{left_wrapper}.lol#dsfsdf class="group-left !{left_classes}">
!= left