#!/bin/bash basedir=".." outputdir="output/unbound" path="${basedir}/cache_domains.json" export IFS=' ' test=$(which jq); if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then echo "This script requires jq to be installed." echo "Your package manager should be able to find it" exit 1 fi cachenamedefault="disabled" combinedoutput=$(jq -r ".combined_output" config.json) while read line; do ip=$(jq ".ips[\"${line}\"]" config.json) declare "cacheip${line}"="${ip}" done <<< $(jq -r '.ips | to_entries[] | .key' config.json) while read line; do name=$(jq -r ".cache_domains[\"${line}\"]" config.json) declare "cachename${line}"="${name}" done <<< $(jq -r '.cache_domains | to_entries[] | .key' config.json) rm -rf ${outputdir} mkdir -p ${outputdir} while read entry; do unset cacheip unset cachename key=$(jq -r ".cache_domains[${entry}].name" ${path}) cachename="cachename${key}" if [ -z "${!cachename}" ]; then cachename="cachenamedefault" fi if [[ ${!cachename} == "disabled" ]]; then continue; fi cacheipname="cacheip${!cachename}" cacheip=$(jq -r 'if type == "array" then .[] else . end' <<< ${!cacheipname} | xargs) while read fileid; do while read filename; do destfilename=$(echo ${filename} | sed -e 's/txt/conf/') outputfile=${outputdir}/${destfilename} touch ${outputfile} while read fileentry; do # Ignore comments and newlines if [[ ${fileentry} == \#* ]] || [[ -z ${fileentry} ]]; then continue fi parsed=$(echo ${fileentry} | sed -e "s/^\*\.//") if grep -qx " local-zone: \"${parsed}\" redirect" ${outputfile}; then continue fi if [[ $(head -n 1 ${outputfile}) != "server:" ]]; then echo "server:" >> ${outputfile} fi echo " local-zone: \"${parsed}\" redirect" >> ${outputfile} for i in ${cacheip}; do echo " local-data: \"${parsed} 30 IN A ${i}\"" >> ${outputfile} done done <<< $(cat ${basedir}/${filename} | sort); done <<< $(jq -r ".cache_domains[${entry}].domain_files[${fileid}]" ${path}) done <<< $(jq -r ".cache_domains[${entry}].domain_files | to_entries[] | .key" ${path}) done <<< $(jq -r '.cache_domains | to_entries[] | .key' ${path}) if [[ ${combinedoutput} == "true" ]]; then for file in ${outputdir}/*; do f=${file//${outputdir}\/} && f=${f//.conf} && echo "# ${f^}" >> ${outputdir}/lancache.conf && cat ${file} >> ${outputdir}/lancache.conf && rm ${file}; done fi cat << EOF Configuration generation completed. Please copy the following files: - ./${outputdir}/*.conf to /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/ EOF