use std::{cmp::max, collections::HashMap, time::Instant}; use unicode_segmentation::GraphemeCursor; use unicode_width::{UnicodeWidthChar, UnicodeWidthStr}; use typed_builder::*; use data_farmer::*; use data_harvester::{processes, temperature}; use layout_manager::*; use crate::{ canvas, constants, utils::error::{BottomError, Result}, }; pub mod data_farmer; pub mod data_harvester; pub mod layout_manager; mod process_killer; const MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH: usize = 200; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ScrollDirection { // UP means scrolling up --- this usually DECREMENTS UP, // DOWN means scrolling down --- this usually INCREMENTS DOWN, } impl Default for ScrollDirection { fn default() -> Self { ScrollDirection::DOWN } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CursorDirection { LEFT, RIGHT, } /// AppScrollWidgetState deals with fields for a scrollable app's current state. #[derive(Default)] pub struct AppScrollWidgetState { pub current_scroll_position: u64, pub previous_scroll_position: u64, pub scroll_direction: ScrollDirection, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct AppDeleteDialogState { pub is_showing_dd: bool, pub is_on_yes: bool, // Defaults to "No" } pub enum AppHelpCategory { General, Process, Search, } pub struct AppHelpDialogState { pub is_showing_help: bool, pub current_category: AppHelpCategory, } impl Default for AppHelpDialogState { fn default() -> Self { AppHelpDialogState { is_showing_help: false, current_category: AppHelpCategory::General, } } } /// AppConfigFields is meant to cover basic fields that would normally be set /// by config files or launch options. pub struct AppConfigFields { pub update_rate_in_milliseconds: u64, pub temperature_type: temperature::TemperatureType, pub use_dot: bool, pub left_legend: bool, pub show_average_cpu: bool, pub use_current_cpu_total: bool, pub show_disabled_data: bool, pub use_basic_mode: bool, pub default_time_value: u64, pub time_interval: u64, pub hide_time: bool, pub autohide_time: bool, pub use_old_network_legend: bool, pub table_gap: u16 } /// AppSearchState deals with generic searching (I might do this in the future). pub struct AppSearchState { pub is_enabled: bool, pub current_search_query: String, pub current_regex: Option>, pub is_blank_search: bool, pub is_invalid_search: bool, pub grapheme_cursor: GraphemeCursor, pub cursor_direction: CursorDirection, pub cursor_bar: usize, /// This represents the position in terms of CHARACTERS, not graphemes pub char_cursor_position: usize, } impl Default for AppSearchState { fn default() -> Self { AppSearchState { is_enabled: false, current_search_query: String::default(), current_regex: None, is_invalid_search: false, is_blank_search: true, grapheme_cursor: GraphemeCursor::new(0, 0, true), cursor_direction: CursorDirection::RIGHT, cursor_bar: 0, char_cursor_position: 0, } } } impl AppSearchState { /// Returns a reset but still enabled app search state pub fn reset(&mut self) { *self = AppSearchState { is_enabled: self.is_enabled, ..AppSearchState::default() } } pub fn is_invalid_or_blank_search(&self) -> bool { self.is_blank_search || self.is_invalid_search } } /// ProcessSearchState only deals with process' search's current settings and state. pub struct ProcessSearchState { pub search_state: AppSearchState, pub is_searching_with_pid: bool, pub is_ignoring_case: bool, pub is_searching_whole_word: bool, pub is_searching_with_regex: bool, } impl Default for ProcessSearchState { fn default() -> Self { ProcessSearchState { search_state: AppSearchState::default(), is_searching_with_pid: false, is_ignoring_case: true, is_searching_whole_word: false, is_searching_with_regex: false, } } } impl ProcessSearchState { pub fn search_toggle_ignore_case(&mut self) { self.is_ignoring_case = !self.is_ignoring_case; } pub fn search_toggle_whole_word(&mut self) { self.is_searching_whole_word = !self.is_searching_whole_word; } pub fn search_toggle_regex(&mut self) { self.is_searching_with_regex = !self.is_searching_with_regex; } } pub struct ProcWidgetState { pub process_search_state: ProcessSearchState, pub is_grouped: bool, pub scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState, pub process_sorting_type: processes::ProcessSorting, pub process_sorting_reverse: bool, } impl ProcWidgetState { pub fn init( is_case_sensitive: bool, is_match_whole_word: bool, is_use_regex: bool, is_grouped: bool, ) -> Self { let mut process_search_state = ProcessSearchState::default(); if is_case_sensitive { // By default it's off process_search_state.search_toggle_ignore_case(); } if is_match_whole_word { process_search_state.search_toggle_whole_word(); } if is_use_regex { process_search_state.search_toggle_regex(); } ProcWidgetState { process_search_state, is_grouped, scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState::default(), process_sorting_type: processes::ProcessSorting::CPU, process_sorting_reverse: true, } } pub fn get_cursor_position(&self) -> usize { self.process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor .cur_cursor() } pub fn get_char_cursor_position(&self) -> usize { self.process_search_state.search_state.char_cursor_position } pub fn is_search_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.process_search_state.search_state.is_enabled } pub fn get_current_search_query(&self) -> &String { &self.process_search_state.search_state.current_search_query } pub fn update_regex(&mut self) { if self .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .is_empty() { self.process_search_state.search_state.is_invalid_search = false; self.process_search_state.search_state.is_blank_search = true; } else { let regex_string = &self.process_search_state.search_state.current_search_query; let escaped_regex: String; let final_regex_string = &format!( "{}{}{}{}", if self.process_search_state.is_searching_whole_word { "^" } else { "" }, if self.process_search_state.is_ignoring_case { "(?i)" } else { "" }, if !self.process_search_state.is_searching_with_regex { escaped_regex = regex::escape(regex_string); &escaped_regex } else { regex_string }, if self.process_search_state.is_searching_whole_word { "$" } else { "" }, ); let new_regex = regex::Regex::new(final_regex_string); self.process_search_state.search_state.is_blank_search = false; self.process_search_state.search_state.is_invalid_search = new_regex.is_err(); self.process_search_state.search_state.current_regex = Some(new_regex); } self.scroll_state.previous_scroll_position = 0; self.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = 0; } pub fn clear_search(&mut self) { self.process_search_state.search_state.reset(); } pub fn search_walk_forward(&mut self, start_position: usize) { self.process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor .next_boundary( &self.process_search_state.search_state.current_search_query[start_position..], start_position, ) .unwrap(); } pub fn search_walk_back(&mut self, start_position: usize) { self.process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor .prev_boundary( &self.process_search_state.search_state.current_search_query[..start_position], 0, ) .unwrap(); } } pub struct ProcState { pub widget_states: HashMap, pub force_update: Option, pub force_update_all: bool, } impl ProcState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { ProcState { widget_states, force_update: None, force_update_all: false, } } } pub struct NetWidgetState { pub current_display_time: u64, pub autohide_timer: Option, } impl NetWidgetState { pub fn init(current_display_time: u64, autohide_timer: Option) -> Self { NetWidgetState { current_display_time, autohide_timer, } } } pub struct NetState { pub force_update: Option, pub widget_states: HashMap, } impl NetState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { NetState { force_update: None, widget_states, } } } pub struct CpuWidgetState { pub current_display_time: u64, pub is_legend_hidden: bool, pub is_showing_tray: bool, pub core_show_vec: Vec, pub num_cpus_shown: usize, pub autohide_timer: Option, pub scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState, } impl CpuWidgetState { pub fn init(current_display_time: u64, autohide_timer: Option) -> Self { CpuWidgetState { current_display_time, is_legend_hidden: false, is_showing_tray: false, core_show_vec: Vec::new(), num_cpus_shown: 0, autohide_timer, scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState::default(), } } } pub struct CpuState { pub force_update: Option, pub widget_states: HashMap, pub num_cpus_total: usize, } impl CpuState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { CpuState { force_update: None, widget_states, num_cpus_total: 0, } } } pub struct MemWidgetState { pub current_display_time: u64, pub autohide_timer: Option, } impl MemWidgetState { pub fn init(current_display_time: u64, autohide_timer: Option) -> Self { MemWidgetState { current_display_time, autohide_timer, } } } pub struct MemState { pub force_update: Option, pub widget_states: HashMap, } impl MemState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { MemState { force_update: None, widget_states, } } } pub struct TempWidgetState { pub scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState, } impl TempWidgetState { pub fn init() -> Self { TempWidgetState { scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState::default(), } } } pub struct TempState { pub widget_states: HashMap, } impl TempState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { TempState { widget_states } } } pub struct DiskWidgetState { pub scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState, } impl DiskWidgetState { pub fn init() -> Self { DiskWidgetState { scroll_state: AppScrollWidgetState::default(), } } } pub struct DiskState { pub widget_states: HashMap, } impl DiskState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { DiskState { widget_states } } } pub struct BasicTableWidgetState { // Since this is intended (currently) to only be used for ONE widget, that's // how it's going to be written. If we want to allow for multiple of these, // then we can expand outwards with a normal BasicTableState and a hashmap pub currently_displayed_widget_type: BottomWidgetType, pub currently_displayed_widget_id: u64, pub widget_id: i64, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct BatteryWidgetState { pub currently_selected_battery_index: usize, } pub struct BatteryState { pub widget_states: HashMap, } impl BatteryState { pub fn init(widget_states: HashMap) -> Self { BatteryState { widget_states } } } #[derive(TypedBuilder)] pub struct App { #[builder(default = false, setter(skip))] awaiting_second_char: bool, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] second_char: Option, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] pub dd_err: Option, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] to_delete_process_list: Option<(String, Vec)>, #[builder(default = false, setter(skip))] pub is_frozen: bool, #[builder(default = Instant::now(), setter(skip))] last_key_press: Instant, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] pub canvas_data: canvas::DisplayableData, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] pub data_collection: DataCollection, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] pub delete_dialog_state: AppDeleteDialogState, #[builder(default, setter(skip))] pub help_dialog_state: AppHelpDialogState, #[builder(default = false, setter(skip))] pub is_expanded: bool, #[builder(default = false, setter(skip))] pub is_resized: bool, pub cpu_state: CpuState, pub mem_state: MemState, pub net_state: NetState, pub proc_state: ProcState, pub temp_state: TempState, pub disk_state: DiskState, pub battery_state: BatteryState, pub basic_table_widget_state: Option, pub app_config_fields: AppConfigFields, pub widget_map: HashMap, pub current_widget: BottomWidget, pub used_widgets: UsedWidgets, } impl App { pub fn reset(&mut self) { // Reset multi self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); // Reset dialog state self.help_dialog_state.is_showing_help = false; self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd = false; // Close all searches and reset it self.proc_state .widget_states .values_mut() .for_each(|state| { state.process_search_state.search_state.reset(); }); self.proc_state.force_update_all = true; // Reset all CPU filter states self.cpu_state.widget_states.values_mut().for_each(|state| { for show_vec_state in &mut state.core_show_vec { *show_vec_state = true; } state.num_cpus_shown = state.core_show_vec.len(); }); // Clear current delete list self.to_delete_process_list = None; self.dd_err = None; // Unfreeze. self.is_frozen = false; // Reset zoom self.reset_cpu_zoom(); self.reset_mem_zoom(); self.reset_net_zoom(); // Reset data self.data_collection.reset(); } pub fn on_esc(&mut self) { self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); if self.is_in_dialog() { self.help_dialog_state.is_showing_help = false; self.help_dialog_state.current_category = AppHelpCategory::General; self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd = false; self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes = false; self.to_delete_process_list = None; self.dd_err = None; } else if self.is_filtering_or_searching() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Cpu => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray = false; if cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position >= cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown as u64 { let new_position = max(0, cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown as i64 - 1) as u64; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = new_position; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.previous_scroll_position = 0; } self.is_resized = true; } } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray = false; if cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position >= cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown as u64 { let new_position = max(0, cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown as i64 - 1) as u64; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = new_position; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.previous_scroll_position = 0; } self.is_resized = true; } } BottomWidgetType::Proc => { if let Some(current_proc_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if current_proc_state.is_search_enabled() { current_proc_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled = false; } self.is_resized = true; } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(current_proc_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if current_proc_state.is_search_enabled() { current_proc_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled = false; self.move_widget_selection_up(); } self.is_resized = true; } } _ => {} } } else if self.is_expanded { self.is_expanded = false; self.is_resized = true; } } pub fn is_in_search_widget(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.current_widget.widget_type, BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch ) } fn is_filtering_or_searching(&self) -> bool { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Cpu => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray } else { false } } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray } else { false } } BottomWidgetType::Proc => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled } else { false } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled } else { false } } _ => false, } } fn reset_multi_tap_keys(&mut self) { self.awaiting_second_char = false; self.second_char = None; } fn is_in_dialog(&self) -> bool { self.help_dialog_state.is_showing_help || self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd } pub fn on_tab(&mut self) { // Disallow usage whilst in a dialog and only in processes let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if !self.is_in_dialog() { if is_in_search_widget { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if !proc_widget_state.is_grouped { if proc_widget_state.process_search_state.is_searching_with_pid { self.search_with_name(); } else { self.search_with_pid(); } } } } else if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { // Toggles process widget grouping state proc_widget_state.is_grouped = !(proc_widget_state.is_grouped); if proc_widget_state.is_grouped { self.search_with_name(); } else { self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); } } } } /// I don't like this, but removing it causes a bunch of breakage. /// Use ``proc_widget_state.is_grouped`` if possible! pub fn is_grouped(&self, widget_id: u64) -> bool { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&widget_id) { proc_widget_state.is_grouped } else { false } } /// "On space" if we don't want to treat is as a character. pub fn on_space(&mut self) { if let BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { let curr_posn = cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position; if cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray && curr_posn < self.data_collection.cpu_harvest.len() as u64 { cpu_widget_state.core_show_vec[curr_posn as usize] = !cpu_widget_state.core_show_vec[curr_posn as usize]; if !self.app_config_fields.show_disabled_data { if !cpu_widget_state.core_show_vec[curr_posn as usize] { cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown -= 1; } else { cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown += 1; } } } } } } pub fn on_slash(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Proc => { // Toggle on if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled = true; if proc_widget_state.is_grouped { self.search_with_name(); } self.move_widget_selection_down(); } } BottomWidgetType::Cpu => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray = true; if self.app_config_fields.left_legend { self.move_widget_selection_left(); } else { self.move_widget_selection_right(); } } } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { cpu_widget_state.is_showing_tray = true; if self.app_config_fields.left_legend { self.move_widget_selection_left(); } else { self.move_widget_selection_right(); } } } _ => {} } } } pub fn search_with_pid(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled { proc_widget_state.process_search_state.is_searching_with_pid = true; self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } } pub fn search_with_name(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled { proc_widget_state.process_search_state.is_searching_with_pid = false; self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } } pub fn toggle_ignore_case(&mut self) { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget && proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_toggle_ignore_case(); proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } pub fn toggle_search_whole_word(&mut self) { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget && proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_toggle_whole_word(); proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } pub fn toggle_search_regex(&mut self) { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget && proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { proc_widget_state.process_search_state.search_toggle_regex(); proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } /// One of two functions allowed to run while in a dialog... pub fn on_enter(&mut self) { if self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd { if self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes { // If within dd... if self.dd_err.is_none() { // Also ensure that we didn't just fail a dd... let dd_result = self.kill_highlighted_process(); self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes = false; // Check if there was an issue... if so, inform the user. if let Err(dd_err) = dd_result { self.dd_err = Some(dd_err.to_string()); } else { self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd = false; } } } else { self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd = false; } } else if !self.is_in_dialog() && !self.app_config_fields.use_basic_mode { // Pop-out mode. We ignore if in process search. match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => {} _ => { self.is_expanded = true; self.is_resized = true; } } } } pub fn on_delete(&mut self) { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget { if proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled && proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position() < proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len() { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .remove(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor = GraphemeCursor::new( proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(), proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), true, ); proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } else { self.start_dd() } } } } pub fn on_backspace(&mut self) { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget && proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .is_enabled && proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position() > 0 { proc_widget_state.search_walk_back(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); let removed_char = proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .remove(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor = GraphemeCursor::new( proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(), proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), true, ); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position -= UnicodeWidthChar::width(removed_char).unwrap_or(0); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::LEFT; proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } } pub fn get_current_regex_matcher( &self, widget_id: u64, ) -> &Option> { match self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&widget_id) { Some(proc_widget_state) => { &proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_regex } None => &None, } } pub fn on_up_key(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { self.decrement_position_count(); } } pub fn on_down_key(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { self.increment_position_count(); } } pub fn on_left_key(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget { let prev_cursor = proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(); proc_widget_state .search_walk_back(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); if proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position() < prev_cursor { let str_slice = &proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query [proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()..prev_cursor]; proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position -= UnicodeWidthStr::width(str_slice); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::LEFT; } } } } BottomWidgetType::Battery => { if !self.canvas_data.battery_data.is_empty() { if let Some(battery_widget_state) = self .battery_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index > 0 { battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index -= 1; } } } } _ => {} } } else if self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd && !self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes { self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes = true; } } pub fn on_right_key(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget { let prev_cursor = proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(); proc_widget_state .search_walk_forward(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); if proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position() > prev_cursor { let str_slice = &proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query [prev_cursor..proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()]; proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position += UnicodeWidthStr::width(str_slice); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::RIGHT; } } } } BottomWidgetType::Battery => { if !self.canvas_data.battery_data.is_empty() { let battery_count = self.canvas_data.battery_data.len(); if let Some(battery_widget_state) = self .battery_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index < battery_count - 1 { battery_widget_state.currently_selected_battery_index += 1; } } } } _ => {} } } else if self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd && self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes { self.delete_dialog_state.is_on_yes = false; } } pub fn skip_cursor_beginning(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor = GraphemeCursor::new( 0, proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), true, ); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position = 0; proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::LEFT; } } } } } pub fn skip_cursor_end(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor = GraphemeCursor::new( proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), true, ); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position = UnicodeWidthStr::width( proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .as_str(), ); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::RIGHT; } } } } } pub fn clear_search(&mut self) { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { proc_widget_state.clear_search(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); } } } pub fn start_dd(&mut self) { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(corresponding_filtered_process_list) = self .canvas_data .finalized_process_data_map .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position < corresponding_filtered_process_list.len() as u64 { let current_process = if self.is_grouped(self.current_widget.widget_id) { let group_pids = &corresponding_filtered_process_list [proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position as usize] .group_pids; let mut ret = ("".to_string(), group_pids.clone()); for pid in group_pids { if let Some(process) = self.canvas_data.process_data.get(&pid) { ret.0 =; break; } } ret } else { let process = corresponding_filtered_process_list [proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position as usize] .clone(); (, vec![]) }; self.to_delete_process_list = Some(current_process); self.delete_dialog_state.is_showing_dd = true; } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } } } pub fn on_char_key(&mut self, caught_char: char) { // Skip control code chars if caught_char.is_control() { return; } // Forbid any char key presses when showing a dialog box... if !self.is_in_dialog() { let current_key_press_inst = Instant::now(); if current_key_press_inst .duration_since(self.last_key_press) .as_millis() > constants::MAX_KEY_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS as u128 { self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } self.last_key_press = current_key_press_inst; if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { let is_in_search_widget = self.is_in_search_widget(); if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { if is_in_search_widget && proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() && UnicodeWidthStr::width( proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .as_str(), ) <= MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH { proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .insert(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(), caught_char); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .grapheme_cursor = GraphemeCursor::new( proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position(), proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .current_search_query .len(), true, ); proc_widget_state .search_walk_forward(proc_widget_state.get_cursor_position()); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .char_cursor_position += UnicodeWidthChar::width(caught_char).unwrap_or(0); proc_widget_state.update_regex(); self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1); proc_widget_state .process_search_state .search_state .cursor_direction = CursorDirection::RIGHT; return; } } } self.handle_char(caught_char); } else if self.help_dialog_state.is_showing_help { match caught_char { '1' => self.help_dialog_state.current_category = AppHelpCategory::General, '2' => self.help_dialog_state.current_category = AppHelpCategory::Process, '3' => self.help_dialog_state.current_category = AppHelpCategory::Search, _ => {} } } } fn handle_char(&mut self, caught_char: char) { match caught_char { '/' => { self.on_slash(); } 'd' => { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { let mut is_first_d = true; if let Some(second_char) = self.second_char { if self.awaiting_second_char && second_char == 'd' { is_first_d = false; self.awaiting_second_char = false; self.second_char = None; self.start_dd(); } } if is_first_d { self.awaiting_second_char = true; self.second_char = Some('d'); } } } 'g' => { let mut is_first_g = true; if let Some(second_char) = self.second_char { if self.awaiting_second_char && second_char == 'g' { is_first_g = false; self.awaiting_second_char = false; self.second_char = None; self.skip_to_first(); } } if is_first_g { self.awaiting_second_char = true; self.second_char = Some('g'); } } 'G' => self.skip_to_last(), 'k' => self.decrement_position_count(), 'j' => self.increment_position_count(), 'f' => { self.is_frozen = !self.is_frozen; if self.is_frozen { self.data_collection.set_frozen_time(); } } 'c' => { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { match proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type { processes::ProcessSorting::CPU => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = !proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse } _ => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type = processes::ProcessSorting::CPU; proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = true; } } self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); self.skip_to_first(); } } } 'm' => { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { match proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type { processes::ProcessSorting::MEM => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = !proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse } _ => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type = processes::ProcessSorting::MEM; proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = true; } } self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); self.skip_to_first(); } } } 'p' => { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { // Skip if grouped if !proc_widget_state.is_grouped { match proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type { processes::ProcessSorting::PID => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = !proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse } _ => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type = processes::ProcessSorting::PID; proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = false; } } self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); self.skip_to_first(); } } } } 'n' => { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { match proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type { processes::ProcessSorting::NAME => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = !proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse } _ => { proc_widget_state.process_sorting_type = processes::ProcessSorting::NAME; proc_widget_state.process_sorting_reverse = false; } } self.proc_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); self.skip_to_first(); } } } '?' => { self.help_dialog_state.is_showing_help = true; } 'H' => self.move_widget_selection_left(), 'L' => self.move_widget_selection_right(), 'K' => self.move_widget_selection_up(), 'J' => self.move_widget_selection_down(), ' ' => self.on_space(), '+' => self.zoom_in(), '-' => self.zoom_out(), '=' => self.reset_zoom(), _ => {} } if let Some(second_char) = self.second_char { if self.awaiting_second_char && caught_char != second_char { self.awaiting_second_char = false; } } } pub fn kill_highlighted_process(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_selected_processes) = &self.to_delete_process_list { for pid in ¤t_selected_processes.1 { process_killer::kill_process_given_pid(*pid)?; } } self.to_delete_process_list = None; Ok(()) } else { Err(BottomError::GenericError( "Cannot kill processes if the current widget is not the Process widget!" .to_string(), )) } } pub fn get_to_delete_processes(&self) -> Option<(String, Vec)> { self.to_delete_process_list.clone() } pub fn move_widget_selection_left(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() && !self.is_expanded { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.left_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { match new_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Temp | BottomWidgetType::Proc | BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch | BottomWidgetType::Disk if self.basic_table_widget_state.is_some() => { if let Some(basic_table_widget_state) = &mut self.basic_table_widget_state { basic_table_widget_state.currently_displayed_widget_id = new_widget_id; basic_table_widget_state.currently_displayed_widget_type = new_widget.widget_type.clone(); } self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self.cpu_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.left_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } else { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } else if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } } _ => self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(), } } } } } else if self.is_expanded { self.handle_left_expanded_cpu_movement(); } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } fn handle_left_expanded_cpu_movement(&mut self) { if self.app_config_fields.left_legend { if let BottomWidgetType::Cpu = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if !cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.left_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } } else if let BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.left_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } pub fn move_widget_selection_right(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() && !self.is_expanded { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.right_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { match new_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Temp | BottomWidgetType::Proc | BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch | BottomWidgetType::Disk if self.basic_table_widget_state.is_some() => { if let Some(basic_table_widget_state) = &mut self.basic_table_widget_state { basic_table_widget_state.currently_displayed_widget_id = new_widget_id; basic_table_widget_state.currently_displayed_widget_type = new_widget.widget_type.clone(); } self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self.cpu_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.right_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } else { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } else if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } } _ => { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } else if self.is_expanded { self.handle_right_expanded_cpu_movement(); } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } fn handle_right_expanded_cpu_movement(&mut self) { if self.app_config_fields.left_legend { if let BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.right_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } else if let BottomWidgetType::Cpu = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if !cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.right_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } } pub fn move_widget_selection_up(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() && !self.is_expanded { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { match new_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self.cpu_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } else { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } else if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } } BottomWidgetType::BasicTables => { if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } _ => { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } else if self.is_expanded { if let BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.up_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } pub fn move_widget_selection_down(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() && !self.is_expanded { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.down_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { match new_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self.cpu_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if cpu_widget_state.is_legend_hidden { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } else { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } BottomWidgetType::ProcSearch => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self.proc_state.widget_states.get(&(new_widget_id - 1)) { if proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } else if let Some(next_new_widget_id) = new_widget.down_neighbour { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&next_new_widget_id) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } } BottomWidgetType::BasicTables => { // This means we're in basic mode. As such, then // we want to move DOWN to the currently shown widget if let Some(basic_table_widget_state) = &self.basic_table_widget_state { if let Some(next_new_widget) = self.widget_map.get( &basic_table_widget_state.currently_displayed_widget_id, ) { self.current_widget = next_new_widget.clone(); } } } _ => { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } else if self.is_expanded { if let BottomWidgetType::Proc = self.current_widget.widget_type { if let Some(current_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(new_widget_id) = current_widget.down_neighbour { if let Some(new_widget) = self.widget_map.get(&new_widget_id) { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if proc_widget_state.is_search_enabled() { self.current_widget = new_widget.clone(); } } } } } } } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } pub fn skip_to_first(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Proc => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = 0; proc_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } } BottomWidgetType::Temp => { if let Some(temp_widget_state) = self .temp_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { temp_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = 0; temp_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } } BottomWidgetType::Disk => { if let Some(disk_widget_state) = self .disk_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { disk_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = 0; disk_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = 0; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } } _ => {} } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } } pub fn skip_to_last(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Proc => { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if let Some(finalized_process_data) = self .canvas_data .finalized_process_data_map .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if !self.canvas_data.finalized_process_data_map.is_empty() { proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = finalized_process_data.len() as u64 - 1; proc_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } } BottomWidgetType::Temp => { if let Some(temp_widget_state) = self .temp_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if !self.canvas_data.temp_sensor_data.is_empty() { temp_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = self.canvas_data.temp_sensor_data.len() as u64 - 1; temp_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } BottomWidgetType::Disk => { if let Some(disk_widget_state) = self .disk_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if !self.canvas_data.disk_data.is_empty() { disk_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = self.canvas_data.disk_data.len() as u64 - 1; disk_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => { let is_filtering_or_searching = self.is_filtering_or_searching(); if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { let cap = if is_filtering_or_searching { self.canvas_data.cpu_data.len() } else { cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown } as u64; if cap > 0 { cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = cap - 1; cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } _ => {} } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } } pub fn decrement_position_count(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Proc => self.change_process_position(-1), BottomWidgetType::Temp => self.change_temp_position(-1), BottomWidgetType::Disk => self.change_disk_position(-1), BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => self.change_cpu_table_position(-1), _ => {} } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } } pub fn increment_position_count(&mut self) { if !self.is_in_dialog() { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Proc => self.change_process_position(1), BottomWidgetType::Temp => self.change_temp_position(1), BottomWidgetType::Disk => self.change_disk_position(1), BottomWidgetType::CpuLegend => self.change_cpu_table_position(1), _ => {} } self.reset_multi_tap_keys(); } } fn change_cpu_table_position(&mut self, num_to_change_by: i64) { let is_filtering_or_searching = self.is_filtering_or_searching(); if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&(self.current_widget.widget_id - 1)) { let current_posn = cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position; let cap = if is_filtering_or_searching { self.canvas_data.cpu_data.len() } else { cpu_widget_state.num_cpus_shown }; if current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by >= 0 && current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by < cap as i64 { cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = (current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by) as u64; } if num_to_change_by < 0 { cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } else { cpu_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } fn change_process_position(&mut self, num_to_change_by: i64) { if let Some(proc_widget_state) = self .proc_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let current_posn = proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position; if let Some(finalized_process_data) = self .canvas_data .finalized_process_data_map .get(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { if current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by >= 0 && current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by < finalized_process_data.len() as i64 { proc_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = (current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by) as u64; } } if num_to_change_by < 0 { proc_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } else { proc_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } fn change_temp_position(&mut self, num_to_change_by: i64) { if let Some(temp_widget_state) = self .temp_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let current_posn = temp_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position; if current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by >= 0 && current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by < self.canvas_data.temp_sensor_data.len() as i64 { temp_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = (current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by) as u64; } if num_to_change_by < 0 { temp_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } else { temp_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } fn change_disk_position(&mut self, num_to_change_by: i64) { if let Some(disk_widget_state) = self .disk_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let current_posn = disk_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position; if current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by >= 0 && current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by < self.canvas_data.disk_data.len() as i64 { disk_widget_state.scroll_state.current_scroll_position = (current_posn as i64 + num_to_change_by) as u64; } if num_to_change_by < 0 { disk_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::UP; } else { disk_widget_state.scroll_state.scroll_direction = ScrollDirection::DOWN; } } } pub fn handle_scroll_up(&mut self) { if self.current_widget.widget_type.is_widget_graph() { self.zoom_in(); } else if self.current_widget.widget_type.is_widget_table() { self.decrement_position_count(); } } pub fn handle_scroll_down(&mut self) { if self.current_widget.widget_type.is_widget_graph() { self.zoom_out(); } else if self.current_widget.widget_type.is_widget_table() { self.increment_position_count(); } } fn zoom_out(&mut self) { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Cpu => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = cpu_widget_state.current_display_time + self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time <= constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { cpu_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.cpu_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { cpu_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if cpu_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { cpu_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS; self.cpu_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { cpu_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } BottomWidgetType::Mem => { if let Some(mem_widget_state) = self .mem_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = mem_widget_state.current_display_time + self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time <= constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { mem_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.mem_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { mem_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if mem_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { mem_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS; self.mem_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { mem_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } BottomWidgetType::Net => { if let Some(net_widget_state) = self .net_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = net_widget_state.current_display_time + self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time <= constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { net_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.net_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { net_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if net_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS { net_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MAX_MILLISECONDS; self.net_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { net_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } _ => {} } } fn zoom_in(&mut self) { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Cpu => { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = cpu_widget_state.current_display_time - self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time >= constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { cpu_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.cpu_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { cpu_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if cpu_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { cpu_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS; self.cpu_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { cpu_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } BottomWidgetType::Mem => { if let Some(mem_widget_state) = self .mem_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = mem_widget_state.current_display_time - self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time >= constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { mem_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.mem_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { mem_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if mem_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { mem_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS; self.mem_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { mem_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } BottomWidgetType::Net => { if let Some(net_widget_state) = self .net_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { let new_time = net_widget_state.current_display_time - self.app_config_fields.time_interval; if new_time >= constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { net_widget_state.current_display_time = new_time; self.net_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { net_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } else if net_widget_state.current_display_time != constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS { net_widget_state.current_display_time = constants::STALE_MIN_MILLISECONDS; self.net_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { net_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } } _ => {} } } fn reset_cpu_zoom(&mut self) { if let Some(cpu_widget_state) = self .cpu_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { cpu_widget_state.current_display_time = self.app_config_fields.default_time_value; self.cpu_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { cpu_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } fn reset_mem_zoom(&mut self) { if let Some(mem_widget_state) = self .mem_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { mem_widget_state.current_display_time = self.app_config_fields.default_time_value; self.mem_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { mem_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } fn reset_net_zoom(&mut self) { if let Some(net_widget_state) = self .net_state .widget_states .get_mut(&self.current_widget.widget_id) { net_widget_state.current_display_time = self.app_config_fields.default_time_value; self.net_state.force_update = Some(self.current_widget.widget_id); if self.app_config_fields.autohide_time { net_widget_state.autohide_timer = Some(Instant::now()); } } } fn reset_zoom(&mut self) { match self.current_widget.widget_type { BottomWidgetType::Cpu => self.reset_cpu_zoom(), BottomWidgetType::Mem => self.reset_mem_zoom(), BottomWidgetType::Net => self.reset_net_zoom(), _ => {} } } }