#!/bin/python3 # A simple script to trigger Cirrus CI builds and download the release artifacts # through Cirrus CI's GraphQL interface. # # Expects the Cirrus CI API key to be set in the CIRRUS_KEY environment variable. import os import json import sys import traceback from textwrap import dedent from time import sleep, time from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, urlretrieve URL = "https://api.cirrus-ci.com/graphql" TASKS = [ ("freebsd_build", "bottom_x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz"), ("macos_build", "bottom_aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz"), ] DL_URL_TEMPLATE = "https://api.cirrus-ci.com/v1/artifact/build/%s/%s/binaries/%s" def make_query_request(key: str, branch: str, build_type: str): print("Creating query request.") mutation_id = "Cirrus CI Build {}-{}-{}".format(build_type, branch, int(time())) query = """ mutation CreateCirrusCIBuild ( $repo: ID!, $branch: String!, $mutation_id: String! ) { createBuild( input: { repositoryId: $repo, branch: $branch, clientMutationId: $mutation_id, } ) { build { id, status } } } """ params = { "repo": "6646638922956800", "branch": branch, "mutation_id": mutation_id, } data = {"query": dedent(query), "variables": params} data = json.dumps(data).encode() request = Request(URL, data=data, method="POST") request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer {}".format(key)) return request def check_build_status(key: str, id: str) -> Optional[str]: query = """ query BuildStatus($id: ID!) { build(id: $id) { status } } """ params = { "id": id, } data = {"query": dedent(query), "variables": params} data = json.dumps(data).encode() request = Request(URL, data=data, method="POST") request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer {}".format(key)) with urlopen(request) as response: response = json.load(response) if response.get("errors") is not None: print("There was an error in the returned response.") return None try: status = response["data"]["build"]["status"] return status except KeyError: print("There was an issue with creating a build job.") return None def try_download(build_id: str, dl_path: Path): for (task, file) in TASKS: url = DL_URL_TEMPLATE % (build_id, task, file) out = dl_path / file print("Downloading {} to {}".format(file, out)) urlretrieve(url, out) def main(): args = sys.argv env = os.environ key = env["CIRRUS_KEY"] branch = args[1] dl_path = args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else "" dl_path = Path(dl_path) build_type = args[3] if len(args) >= 4 else "build" build_id = args[4] if len(args) >= 5 else None # Check if this build has already been completed before. if build_id is not None: print("Previous build ID was provided, checking if complete.") status = check_build_status(key, build_id) if status.startswith("COMPLETE"): print("Starting download of previous build ID") try_download(build_id, dl_path) else: # Try up to three times MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5 success = False for i in range(MAX_ATTEMPTS): if success: break print("Attempt {}:".format(i + 1)) with urlopen(make_query_request(key, branch, build_type)) as response: response = json.load(response) if response.get("errors") is not None: print("There was an error in the returned response.") continue try: build_id = response["data"]["createBuild"]["build"]["id"] print("Created build job {}.".format(build_id)) except KeyError: print("There was an issue with creating a build job.") continue # First, sleep 4 minutes, as it's unlikely it'll finish before then. SLEEP_MINUTES = 4 print("Sleeping for {} minutes.".format(SLEEP_MINUTES)) sleep(60 * SLEEP_MINUTES) print("Mandatory nap over. Starting to check for completion.") MINUTES = 10 SLEEP_SEC = 30 TRIES = int(MINUTES * (60 / SLEEP_SEC)) # Works out to 20 tries. for attempt in range(TRIES): print("Checking...") try: status = check_build_status(key, build_id) if status.startswith("COMPLETE"): print("Build complete. Downloading artifact files.") sleep(5) try_download(build_id, dl_path) success = True break else: print("Build status: {}".format(status or "unknown")) if status == "ABORTED": print("Build aborted, bailing.") break elif status.lower().startswith("fail"): print("Build failed, bailing.") break elif attempt + 1 < TRIES: sleep(SLEEP_SEC) except Exception as ex: print("Unexpected error:") print(ex) print(traceback.format_exc()) sleep(60) # Sleep for a minute if something went wrong, just in case. else: print("Build failed to complete after {} minutes, bailing.".format(MINUTES)) if not success: exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()