# Builds the following releases: # - Binary releases # - .deb releases # - .rpm releases # - MSI installer for Windows (.msi) # - Cirrus CI binaries # - FreeBSD (x86_64) # - macOS (aarch64) name: "build releases" on: workflow_dispatch: workflow_call: inputs: caller: description: "The calling workflow." default: "" required: false type: string env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_DEBUG: 0 CARGO_HUSKY_DONT_INSTALL_HOOKS: true COMPLETION_DIR: "target/tmp/bottom/completion/" MANPAGE_DIR: "target/tmp/bottom/manpage/" permissions: id-token: write contents: read attestations: write # TODO: Maybe add retry job in case of timeouts? jobs: build-binaries: name: "Build binaries" runs-on: ${{ matrix.info.os }} container: ${{ matrix.info.container }} timeout-minutes: 12 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: info: # ======= Supported targets ======= # Linux (x86-64, x86, aarch64) # # TODO: In the future, when ARM runners are available on github, switch ARM targets off of cross. - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: false, generate-other-artifacts: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "i686-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true, } # macOS (x86-64 and aarch64) - { os: "macos-12", target: "x86_64-apple-darwin", cross: false } - { os: "macos-14", target: "aarch64-apple-darwin", cross: false } # Windows (x86-64, x86) - { os: "windows-2019", target: "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", cross: false, } - { os: "windows-2019", target: "i686-pc-windows-msvc", cross: false } - { os: "windows-2019", target: "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu", cross: false, } # ======= Unsupported targets ======= # armv7 - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf", cross: true, } - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf", cross: true, } # PowerPC 64 LE - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: true, } # Risc-V 64gc - { os: "ubuntu-20.04", target: "riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: true, } # Seems like cross' FreeBSD image is a bit broken? I # get build errors, may be related to this issue: # https://github.com/cross-rs/cross/issues/1291 steps: - name: Checkout repository if: matrix.info.container == '' uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Checkout repository (non-GitHub container) if: matrix.info.container != '' uses: actions/checkout@c85c95e3d7251135ab7dc9ce3241c5835cc595a9 # v3.5.3 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Set up Rust toolchain if: matrix.info.container == '' uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@21dc36fb71dd22e3317045c0c31a3f4249868b17 with: toolchain: ${{ matrix.info.rust || 'stable' }} target: ${{ matrix.info.target }} - name: Set up Rust toolchain (non-GitHub container) if: matrix.info.container != '' shell: bash run: | curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs --output rustup.sh sh rustup.sh --default-toolchain stable -y echo "$HOME/.cargo/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Build uses: ClementTsang/cargo-action@v0.0.5 env: BTM_GENERATE: true BTM_BUILD_RELEASE_CALLER: ${{ inputs.caller }} with: command: build args: --release --verbose --locked --target=${{ matrix.info.target }} --features deploy use-cross: ${{ matrix.info.cross }} cross-version: 0.2.5 - name: Move automatically generated completion/manpage shell: bash run: | mv "$COMPLETION_DIR" completion mv "$MANPAGE_DIR" manpage - name: Bundle release and completion (Windows) if: matrix.info.os == 'windows-2019' shell: bash run: | cp target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/release/btm.exe btm.exe 7z a bottom_${{ matrix.info.target }}.zip "btm.exe" 7z a bottom_${{ matrix.info.target }}.zip "completion" echo "ASSET=bottom_${{ matrix.info.target }}.zip" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Bundle release and completion (Linux and macOS) if: matrix.info.os != 'windows-2019' shell: bash run: | cp target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/release/btm ./btm tar -czvf bottom_${{ matrix.info.target }}${{ matrix.info.suffix }}.tar.gz btm completion echo "ASSET=bottom_${{ matrix.info.target }}${{ matrix.info.suffix }}.tar.gz" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Generate artifact attestation for file uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@6149ea5740be74af77f260b9db67e633f6b0a9a1 # v1.4.2 with: subject-path: ${{ env.ASSET }} - name: Create release directory for artifact, move file shell: bash run: | mkdir release mv ${{ env.ASSET }} release/ - name: Compress completion files if: matrix.info.generate-other-artifacts == true shell: bash run: | tar -C ./completion -czvf completion.tar.gz . mv completion.tar.gz release/ - name: Compress manpage files if: matrix.info.generate-other-artifacts == true shell: bash run: | gzip ./manpage/btm.1 tar -C ./manpage -czvf manpage.tar.gz . mv manpage.tar.gz release/ - name: Copy over .desktop file if: matrix.info.generate-other-artifacts == true shell: bash run: | cp ./desktop/bottom.desktop release/ - name: Save release as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 # v4.3.0 with: retention-days: 3 name: "release-${{ matrix.info.target }}${{ matrix.info.suffix }}" path: release build-msi: name: "Build MSI installer" runs-on: "windows-2019" timeout-minutes: 12 steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Install Net-Framework-Core shell: powershell run: Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core - name: Install wixtoolset uses: crazy-max/ghaction-chocolatey@0e015857dd851f84fcb7fb53380eb5c4c8202333 # v3.0.0 with: args: install -y wixtoolset - name: Set up Rust toolchain uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@21dc36fb71dd22e3317045c0c31a3f4249868b17 with: toolchain: stable target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc - name: Build MSI file shell: powershell env: BTM_GENERATE: "" run: | cargo install cargo-wix --version 0.3.8 --locked cargo wix - name: Generate artifact attestation for file uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@6149ea5740be74af77f260b9db67e633f6b0a9a1 # v1.4.2 with: subject-path: "bottom_x86_64_installer.msi" - name: Create release directory for artifact, move files shell: bash run: | mkdir release mv bottom_x86_64_installer.msi release/ - name: Save release as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 # v4.3.0 with: retention-days: 3 name: "release-build-msi" path: release build-cirrus: name: "Build using Cirrus CI" runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" timeout-minutes: 12 steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Create release directory run: | mkdir -p release - name: Execute Cirrus CI build script env: CIRRUS_KEY: ${{ secrets.CIRRUS_TOKEN }} run: | if [[ "${{ github.ref_type }}" == "branch" ]]; then BRANCH="${{ github.ref_name }}"; else raw=$(git branch -r --contains '${{ github.ref_name }}'); BRANCH=${raw##*/}; fi python ./scripts/cirrus/release.py "$BRANCH" "release/" "${{ inputs.caller }}" - name: Generate artifact attestation for file uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@6149ea5740be74af77f260b9db67e633f6b0a9a1 # v1.4.2 with: subject-path: "release/**/*.tar.gz" - name: Save release as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 # v4.3.0 with: retention-days: 3 name: release-build-cirrus path: release build-deb: name: "Build .deb software packages" runs-on: "ubuntu-20.04" timeout-minutes: 12 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # TODO: In the future, when ARM runners are available on github, switch ARM targets off of cross. info: - { target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", dpkg: amd64 } - { target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true, dpkg: amd64 } - { target: "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", cross: true, dpkg: arm64, container: "ghcr.io/clementtsang/cargo-deb-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", } - { target: "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf", cross: true, dpkg: armhf, container: "ghcr.io/clementtsang/cargo-deb-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf", } - { target: "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true, dpkg: arm64, container: "ghcr.io/clementtsang/cargo-deb-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", } - { target: "armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf", cross: true, dpkg: armhf, container: "ghcr.io/clementtsang/cargo-deb-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf", } steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Set up Rust toolchain uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@21dc36fb71dd22e3317045c0c31a3f4249868b17 with: toolchain: ${{ matrix.info.rust || 'stable' }} target: ${{ matrix.info.target }} # TODO: Could I use the previous jobs to skip this call? - name: Build uses: ClementTsang/cargo-action@v0.0.5 env: BTM_GENERATE: true BTM_BUILD_RELEASE_CALLER: ${{ inputs.caller }} with: command: build args: --release --locked --verbose --features deploy --target ${{ matrix.info.target }} use-cross: ${{ matrix.info.cross || false }} cross-version: 0.2.5 - name: Move automatically generated completion/manpage shell: bash run: | mv "$COMPLETION_DIR" completion mv "$MANPAGE_DIR" manpage - name: Zip manpage run: | gzip ./manpage/btm.1 - name: Build Debian release (x86-64) if: startsWith(matrix.info.target, 'x86_64') env: BTM_GENERATE: true run: | cargo install cargo-deb --version 2.5.1 --locked cargo deb --no-build --target ${{ matrix.info.target }} cp ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/debian/bottom_*.deb . - name: Build Debian release (ARM) if: startsWith(matrix.info.target, 'x86_64') != true env: BTM_GENERATE: true run: | docker pull ${{ matrix.info.container }} docker run -t --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/volume ${{ matrix.info.container }} "--no-build --variant ${{ matrix.info.dpkg }} --target ${{ matrix.info.target }}" "/volume" cp ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/debian/bottom-*.deb . TMP_NAME=$(find bottom-*.deb) VERSION=${{ matrix.info.dpkg }} mv $TMP_NAME $(echo $TMP_NAME | sed "s/-$VERSION//") - name: Rename if it is a musl target if: contains(matrix.info.target, 'musl') run: | TMP_NAME=$(find bottom_*.deb) mv $TMP_NAME $(echo $TMP_NAME | sed "s/bottom/bottom-musl/") # TODO: Maybe rename version if nightly? - name: Verify Debian release id: verify run: | DEB_FILE=$(find bottom*_*.deb) dpkg -I $DEB_FILE dpkg -I $DEB_FILE | grep ${{ matrix.info.dpkg }} && echo "Found correct architecture" echo "DEB_FILE=$DEB_FILE" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Delete generated Debian folder run: | sudo chown $USER ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/debian/ 2>/dev/null || true rm -r ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/debian/ - name: Generate artifact attestation for file uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@6149ea5740be74af77f260b9db67e633f6b0a9a1 # v1.4.2 with: subject-path: ${{ steps.verify.outputs.DEB_FILE }} - name: Create release directory for artifact, move file shell: bash run: | mkdir release mv ${{ steps.verify.outputs.DEB_FILE }} release/ - name: Save release as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 # v4.3.0 with: retention-days: 3 name: release-build-deb-${{ matrix.info.target }} path: release build-rpm: name: "Build .rpm software packages" runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: ghcr.io/clementtsang/almalinux-8 timeout-minutes: 12 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: info: - { target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" } - { target: "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl", cross: true } steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332 # v4.1.7 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Set up Rust toolchain uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@21dc36fb71dd22e3317045c0c31a3f4249868b17 with: toolchain: ${{ matrix.info.rust || 'stable' }} target: ${{ matrix.info.target }} # TODO: Could I use the previous jobs to skip this call? - name: Build uses: ClementTsang/cargo-action@v0.0.5 env: BTM_GENERATE: true BTM_BUILD_RELEASE_CALLER: ${{ inputs.caller }} CROSS_CONTAINER_IN_CONTAINER: true with: command: build use-cross: ${{ matrix.info.cross || false }} args: --release --locked --verbose --features deploy --target ${{ matrix.info.target }} cross-version: 0.2.5 - name: Move automatically generated completion/manpage shell: bash run: | mv "$COMPLETION_DIR" completion mv "$MANPAGE_DIR" manpage - name: Zip manpage run: | gzip ./manpage/btm.1 - name: Build rpm release env: BTM_GENERATE: true run: | cargo install cargo-generate-rpm --version 0.11.0 --locked cargo generate-rpm --target ${{ matrix.info.target }} cp ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/generate-rpm/bottom-*.rpm . - name: Rename if it is a musl target if: contains(matrix.info.target, 'musl') run: | TMP_NAME=$(find bottom-*.rpm) mv $TMP_NAME $(echo $TMP_NAME | sed "s/bottom/bottom-musl/") - name: Verify rpm release id: verify run: | RPM_FILE=$(find bottom-*.rpm) rpm -qip $RPM_FILE echo "RPM_FILE=$RPM_FILE" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Delete generated rpm folder run: | sudo chown $USER ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/generate-rpm/ 2>/dev/null || true rm -r ./target/${{ matrix.info.target }}/generate-rpm/ - name: Generate artifact attestation for file uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@6149ea5740be74af77f260b9db67e633f6b0a9a1 # v1.4.2 with: subject-path: ${{ steps.verify.outputs.RPM_FILE }} - name: Create release directory for artifact, move file shell: bash run: | mkdir release mv ${{ steps.verify.outputs.RPM_FILE }} release/ - name: Save release as artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 # v4.3.0 with: retention-days: 3 name: release-build-rpm-${{ matrix.info.target }} path: release