{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/blob/main/schema/v1.0/bottom.json", "$comment": "https://clementtsang.github.io/bottom/0.9.6/configuration/config-file/default-config/", "title": "Schema for bottom's configs (v1.0)", "type": "object", "definitions": { "row": { "items": { "properties": { "ratio": { "default": 1, "type": "integer" }, "type": { "enum": ["cpu", "mem", "proc", "net", "temp", "disk", "empty"], "type": "string" }, "default": { "default": true, "type": "boolean" } }, "patternProperties": { "row(.child)+": { "$ref": "#/definitions/row" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array" }, "filter": { "description": "hide specific temperature sensors, network interfaces, and disks using filters", "properties": { "is_list_ignored": { "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "list": { "type": "array" }, "regex": { "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "case_sensitive": { "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "whole_word": { "default": false, "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" } }, "properties": { "flags": { "description": "This group of options represents a command-line flag/option. Flags explicitly added when running (ie: btm -a) will override this config file if an option is also set here", "properties": { "hide_avg_cpu": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to hide the average cpu entry", "type": "boolean" }, "dot_marker": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to use dot markers rather than braille", "type": "boolean" }, "rate": { "default": 1000, "description": "The update rate of the application", "type": "integer" }, "left_legend": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to put the CPU legend to the left", "type": "boolean" }, "current_usage": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to set CPU% on a process to be based on the total CPU or just current usage", "type": "boolean" }, "unnormalized_cpu": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to set CPU% on a process to be based on the total CPU or per-core CPU% (not divided by the number of cpus)", "type": "boolean" }, "group_processes": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to group processes with the same name together by default", "type": "boolean" }, "case_sensitive": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to make process searching case sensitive by default", "type": "boolean" }, "whole_word": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to make process searching look for matching the entire word by default", "type": "boolean" }, "regex": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to make process searching use regex by default", "type": "boolean" }, "temperature_type": { "default": "k", "enum": ["k", "f", "c", "kelvin", "fahrenheit", "celsius"], "description": "Defaults to Celsius", "type": "string" }, "default_time_value": { "default": 60000, "description": "The default time interval in milliseconds", "type": "integer" }, "time_delta": { "default": 15000, "description": "The time delta on each zoom in/out action in milliseconds", "type": "integer" }, "hide_time": { "default": false, "description": "Hides the time scale", "type": "boolean" }, "default_widget_type": { "default": "proc", "description": "Override layout default widget", "type": "string" }, "default_widget_count": { "default": 1, "description": "Override layout default widget", "type": "integer" }, "expanded_on_startup": { "default": true, "description": "Expand selected widget upon starting the app", "type": "boolean" }, "basic": { "default": false, "description": "Use basic mode", "type": "boolean" }, "use_old_network_legend": { "default": false, "description": "Use the old network legend style", "type": "boolean" }, "hide_table_gap": { "default": false, "description": "Remove space in tables", "type": "boolean" }, "battery": { "default": false, "description": "Show the battery widgets", "type": "boolean" }, "disable_click": { "default": false, "description": "Disable mouse clicks", "type": "boolean" }, "color": { "default": "default", "enum": [ "default", "default-light", "gruvbox", "gruvbox-light", "nord", "nord-light" ], "description": "Built-in themes", "type": "string" }, "process_memory_as_value": { "default": false, "description": "Show memory values in the processes widget as values by default", "type": "boolean" }, "tree": { "default": false, "description": "Show tree mode by default in the processes widget", "type": "boolean" }, "show_table_scroll_position": { "default": false, "description": "Shows an indicator in table widgets tracking where in the list you are", "type": "boolean" }, "process_command": { "default": false, "description": "Show processes as their commands by default in the process widget", "type": "boolean" }, "network_use_binary_prefix": { "default": false, "description": "Displays the network widget with binary prefixes", "type": "boolean" }, "network_use_bytes": { "default": false, "description": "Displays the network widget using bytes", "type": "boolean" }, "network_use_log": { "default": false, "description": "Displays the network widget with a log scale", "type": "boolean" }, "disable_advanced_kill": { "default": false, "description": "Hides advanced options to stop a process on Unix-like systems", "type": "boolean" }, "enable_gpu_memory": { "default": false, "description": "Shows GPU(s) memory", "type": "boolean" }, "retention": { "default": "10m", "description": "How much data is stored at once in terms of time", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, "colors": { "description": "These are all the components that support custom theming. Note that colour support will depend on terminal support", "properties": { "table_header_color": { "default": "LightBlue", "description": "Represents the colour of table headers (processes, CPU, disks, temperature)", "type": "string" }, "widget_title_color": { "default": "Gray", "description": "Represents the colour of the label each widget has", "type": "string" }, "avg_cpu_color": { "default": "Red", "description": "Represents the average CPU color", "type": "string" }, "cpu_core_colors": { "items": { "uniqueItems": true, "minItems": 1, "type": "string" }, "default": [ "LightMagenta", "LightYellow", "LightCyan", "LightGreen", "LightBlue", "LightRed", "Cyan", "Green", "Blue", "Red" ], "description": "Represents the colour the core will use in the CPU legend and graph", "type": "array" }, "ram_color": { "default": "LightMagenta", "description": "Represents the colour RAM will use in the memory legend and graph", "type": "string" }, "swap_color": { "default": "LightYellow", "description": "Represents the colour SWAP will use in the memory legend and graph", "type": "string" }, "arc_color": { "default": "LightCyan", "description": "Represents the colour ARC will use in the memory legend and graph", "type": "string" }, "gpu_core_colors": { "items": { "uniqueItems": true, "minItems": 1, "type": "string" }, "default": [ "LightGreen", "LightBlue", "LightRed", "Cyan", "Green", "Blue", "Red" ], "description": "Represents the colour the GPU will use in the memory legend and graph", "type": "array" }, "rx_color": { "default": "LightCyan", "description": "Represents the colour rx will use in the network legend and graph", "type": "string" }, "tx_color": { "default": "LightGreen", "description": "Represents the colour tx will use in the network legend and graph", "type": "string" }, "border_color": { "default": "Gray", "description": "Represents the colour of the border of unselected widgets", "type": "string" }, "highlighted_border_color": { "default": "LightBlue", "description": "Represents the colour of the border of selected widgets", "type": "string" }, "text_color": { "default": "Gray", "description": "Represents the colour of most text", "type": "string" }, "selected_text_color": { "default": "Black", "description": "Represents the colour of text that is selected", "type": "string" }, "selected_bg_color": { "default": "LightBlue", "description": "Represents the background colour of text that is selected", "type": "string" }, "graph_color": { "default": "Gray", "description": "Represents the colour of the lines and text of the graph", "type": "string" }, "high_battery_color": { "default": "green", "description": "Represents the colours of the battery based on charge", "type": "string" }, "medium_battery_color": { "default": "yellow", "description": "Represents the colours of the battery based on charge", "type": "string" }, "low_battery_color": { "default": "red", "description": "Represents the colours of the battery based on charge", "type": "string" } } }, "row": { "$ref": "#/definitions/row" }, "disk_filter": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filter" }, "mount_filter": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filter" }, "temp_filter": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filter" }, "net_filter": { "$ref": "#/definitions/filter" } } }