Before you report, please take a look at [Troubleshooting]( to see if there's already an answer to your problem. Also check out [existing issues]( and [known problems]( to see if your problem is already reported/known.
Please mention what operating system, version, and architecture you're experiencing the problem on (ex: macOS 10.13, x86_64). Please also ensure that your system is [on the list of supported systems]( - bug reports on unsupported systems are likely to be closed.
Please ensure that the bug still exists on the [latest stable release]( or newer (i.e. nightly). If so, mention
Provide detailed steps on _how_ to reproduce your problem, to the best of your ability. Be as detailed as possible, and include config files or flags if relevant.
If maintainers cannot reproduce the bug, it will be very hard to fix it.