name = "Blow" description = "A Zola theme made with Tailwindcss" license = "MIT" homepage = "" # The minimum version of Zola required min_version = "0.9.0" # An optional live demo URL demo = "" # The theme author info: you! [author] name = "Thomas Chartron" homepage = "" # If this is porting a theme from another static site engine, provide # the info of the original author here # [original] # author = "mdo" # homepage = "" # repo = "" # Any variable there can be overridden in the end user `config.toml` # You don't need to prefix variables by the theme name but as this will # be merged with user data, some kind of prefix or nesting is preferable # Use snake_casing to be consistent with the rest of Zola [extra] enable_search = true enable_sidebar = true enable_adsense = true enable_multilingue = true adsense_link = "" [extra.lang] items = [ { lang = "en", links = [ { base_url = "/", name = "English" }, { base_url = "/fr", name = "French" } ] }, { lang = "fr", links = [ { base_url = "/", name = "Anglais" }, { base_url = "/fr", name = "Français" } ] } ] [extra.navbar] title = "title" items = [ { lang = "en", links = [ { url = "/", name = "Home" }, { url = "/categories", name = "Categories" }, { url = "/tags", name = "Tags" } ] }, { lang = "fr", links = [ { url = "/fr", name = "Accueil" }, { url = "/fr/categories", name = "Categories" }, { url = "/fr/tags", name = "Tags" } ] } ] [extra.sidebar] items = [ { lang = "en", links = [ { url = "/markdown", name = "Markdown" }, { url = "/blog", name = "Blog" } ] }, { lang = "fr", links = [ { url = "/fr/markdown", name = "Markdown" }, { url = "/fr/blog", name = "Blog" } ] } ] # Index page [extra.index] title = "Main title" image = "" image_alt = "Placeholder text describing the index's image." [extra.default_author] name = "John Doe" avatar = "" avatar_alt = "Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar." [] codeberg = "" github = "" gitlab = "" twitter = "" mastodon = "" linkedin = "" stackoverflow = "" telegram = "" email = "" [extra.favicon] favicon = "/icons/favicon.ico" favicon_16x16 = "/icons/favicon-16x16.png" favicon_32x32 = "/icons/favicon-32x32.png" apple_touch_icon = "/icons/apple-touch-icon.png" android_chrome_512 = "/icons/android-chrome-512x512.png" android_chrome_192 = "/icons/android-chrome-192x192.png" manifest = "/icons/site.webmanifest"