Add more GUI lego crates

This commit is contained in:
Nico Burns 2023-02-13 13:46:12 +00:00
parent 9433830966
commit a182a73363

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@ -1052,6 +1052,67 @@
"name": "kas",
"notes": "One of the older Rust GUI crates, but it never seems to have caught on for some reason"
}, {
"name": "Window creation",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "winit",
"notes": "The defacto standard option. Uses an event loop based architecture. Widely used and should probably be the default choice."
}, {
"name": "tao",
"notes": "A fork of winit by the Tauri project which adds support for things like system menus that desktop apps need."
}, {
"name": "glazier",
"notes": "A new competitor to winit based on the old druid-shell. Has a callback that may be better than the event loop architecture for some tasks. Doesn't yet have a stable release."
}, {
"name": "baseview",
"notes": "Specialized window creation library targetting windows to be embedded in other applications (e.g. DAW plugins)"
}, {
"name": "2D Canvas Renders",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "femtovg",
"notes": "Pure Rust. Offers a simple API. Probably the easiest to get started with."
}, {
"name": "skia-safe",
"notes": "Based on the Skia C++ library. The most complete option with the best performance. However, it can be difficult to get it to compile."
}, {
"name": "vello",
"notes": "Pure Rust, and uses cutting edge techniques to render using the GPU. Still somewhat immature and hasn't yet put out a stable release."
}, {
"name": "UI layout",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "taffy",
"notes": "Supports Flexbox and CSS Grid algorithms."
}, {
"name": "morphom",
"notes": "Implements it's own layout algorithm based on Subform layout"
}, {
"name": "Text layout",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "cosmic-text",
"notes": "Full text layout including rich text and support for BiDi and non-latin scripts. The best option for now."
}, {
"name": "parley",
"notes": "Another very accomplished text layout library used by Druid/Xilem."
}, {
"name": "Accessibility",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "accesskit",
"notes": "Allows you to export a semantic tree representing your UI to make accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies"
}, {
"name": "Clipboard",
"notes": "Both cli-clipboard and copypasta are forks of the original rust-clipboard that add support for wayland.",
"recommendations": [{
"name": "cli-clipboard",
"notes": ""
}, {
"name": "copypasta",
"notes": ""
}, {
"name": "File Dialogs",
"recommendations": [{