Carter Anderson 81b53d15d4 Make Commands and World apis consistent (#1703)
Resolves #1253 #1562

This makes the Commands apis consistent with World apis. This moves to a "type state" pattern (like World) where the "current entity" is stored in an `EntityCommands` builder.

In general this tends to cuts down on indentation and line count. It comes at the cost of needing to type `commands` more and adding more semicolons to terminate expressions.

I also added `spawn_bundle` to Commands because this is a common enough operation that I think its worth providing a shorthand.
2021-03-23 00:23:40 +00:00

216 lines
7.1 KiB

use bevy::{
diagnostic::{Diagnostics, FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin},
use rand::Rng;
const BIRDS_PER_SECOND: u32 = 1000;
const BASE_COLOR: Color = Color::rgb(5.0, 5.0, 5.0);
const GRAVITY: f32 = -9.8 * 100.0;
const MAX_VELOCITY: f32 = 750.;
const BIRD_SCALE: f32 = 0.15;
const HALF_BIRD_SIZE: f32 = 256. * BIRD_SCALE * 0.5;
struct BevyCounter {
pub count: u128,
struct Bird {
velocity: Vec3,
struct BirdMaterial(Handle<ColorMaterial>);
impl FromWorld for BirdMaterial {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
let world = world.cell();
let mut color_materials = world.get_resource_mut::<Assets<ColorMaterial>>().unwrap();
let asset_server = world.get_resource_mut::<AssetServer>().unwrap();
fn main() {
.insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
title: "BevyMark".to_string(),
width: 800.,
height: 600.,
vsync: true,
resizable: false,
.insert_resource(BevyCounter { count: 0 })
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
commands.spawn_bundle(TextBundle {
text: Text {
sections: vec![
TextSection {
value: "Bird Count: ".to_string(),
style: TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 40.0,
color: Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
TextSection {
value: "".to_string(),
style: TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 40.0,
color: Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
TextSection {
value: "\nAverage FPS: ".to_string(),
style: TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 40.0,
color: Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
TextSection {
value: "".to_string(),
style: TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 40.0,
color: Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
position: Rect {
top: Val::Px(5.0),
left: Val::Px(5.0),
fn mouse_handler(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
time: Res<Time>,
mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
window: Res<WindowDescriptor>,
mut bird_material: ResMut<BirdMaterial>,
mut counter: ResMut<BevyCounter>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
if mouse_button_input.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
let mut rnd = rand::thread_rng();
let color = gen_color(&mut rnd);
let texture_handle = asset_server.load("branding/icon.png");
bird_material.0 = materials.add(ColorMaterial {
color: BASE_COLOR * color,
texture: Some(texture_handle),
if mouse_button_input.pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
let spawn_count = (BIRDS_PER_SECOND as f32 * time.delta_seconds()) as u128;
let bird_x = (window.width / -2.) + HALF_BIRD_SIZE;
let bird_y = (window.height / 2.) - HALF_BIRD_SIZE;
for count in 0..spawn_count {
let bird_z = (counter.count + count) as f32 * 0.00001;
.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
material: bird_material.0.clone(),
transform: Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(bird_x, bird_y, bird_z),
scale: Vec3::splat(BIRD_SCALE),
.insert(Bird {
velocity: Vec3::new(
rand::random::<f32>() * MAX_VELOCITY - (MAX_VELOCITY * 0.5),
counter.count += spawn_count;
fn movement_system(time: Res<Time>, mut bird_query: Query<(&mut Bird, &mut Transform)>) {
for (mut bird, mut transform) in bird_query.iter_mut() {
transform.translation.x += bird.velocity.x * time.delta_seconds();
transform.translation.y += bird.velocity.y * time.delta_seconds();
bird.velocity.y += GRAVITY * time.delta_seconds();
fn collision_system(window: Res<WindowDescriptor>, mut bird_query: Query<(&mut Bird, &Transform)>) {
let half_width = window.width as f32 * 0.5;
let half_height = window.height as f32 * 0.5;
for (mut bird, transform) in bird_query.iter_mut() {
let x_vel = bird.velocity.x;
let y_vel = bird.velocity.y;
let x_pos = transform.translation.x;
let y_pos = transform.translation.y;
if (x_vel > 0. && x_pos + HALF_BIRD_SIZE > half_width)
|| (x_vel <= 0. && x_pos - HALF_BIRD_SIZE < -(half_width))
bird.velocity.x = -x_vel;
if y_vel < 0. && y_pos - HALF_BIRD_SIZE < -half_height {
bird.velocity.y = -y_vel;
fn counter_system(
diagnostics: Res<Diagnostics>,
counter: Res<BevyCounter>,
mut query: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
if let Some(fps) = diagnostics.get(FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin::FPS) {
if let Some(average) = fps.average() {
for mut text in query.iter_mut() {
text.sections[1].value = format!("{}", counter.count);
text.sections[3].value = format!("{:.2}", average);
/// Generate a color modulation
/// Because there is no `Mul<Color> for Color` instead `[f32; 3]` is
/// used.
fn gen_color(rng: &mut impl Rng) -> [f32; 3] {
let r = rng.gen_range(0.2..1.0);
let g = rng.gen_range(0.2..1.0);
let b = rng.gen_range(0.2..1.0);
let v = Vec3::new(r, g, b);