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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:36 +00:00
# Objective Several of our APIs (namely gizmos and bounding) use isometries on current Bevy main. This is nicer than separate properties in a lot of cases, but users have still expressed usability concerns. One problem is that in a lot of cases, you only care about e.g. translation, so you end up with this: ```rust gizmos.cross_2d( Isometry2d::from_translation(Vec2::new(-160.0, 120.0)), 12.0, FUCHSIA, ); ``` The isometry adds quite a lot of length and verbosity, and isn't really that relevant since only the translation is important here. It would be nice if you could use the translation directly, and only supply an isometry if both translation and rotation are needed. This would make the following possible: ```rust gizmos.cross_2d(Vec2::new(-160.0, 120.0), 12.0, FUCHSIA); ``` removing a lot of verbosity. ## Solution Implement `From<Vec2>` and `From<Rot2>` for `Isometry2d`, and `From<Vec3>`, `From<Vec3A>`, and `From<Quat>` for `Isometry3d`. These are lossless conversions that fit the semantics of `From`. This makes the proposed API possible! The methods must now simply take an `impl Into<IsometryNd>`, and this works: ```rust gizmos.cross_2d(Vec2::new(-160.0, 120.0), 12.0, FUCHSIA); ```
435 lines
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435 lines
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//! This example exhibits different available modes of constructing cubic Bezier curves.
use bevy::{
app::{App, Startup, Update},
input::{mouse::MouseButtonInput, ButtonState},
math::{cubic_splines::*, vec2},
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
// Initialize the modes with their defaults:
let spline_mode = SplineMode::default();
let cycling_mode = CyclingMode::default();
// Starting data for [`ControlPoints`]:
let default_points = vec![
vec2(-500., -200.),
vec2(-250., 250.),
vec2(250., 250.),
vec2(500., -200.),
let default_tangents = vec![
vec2(0., 200.),
vec2(200., 0.),
vec2(0., -200.),
vec2(-200., 0.),
let default_control_data = ControlPoints {
points_and_tangents: default_points.into_iter().zip(default_tangents).collect(),
let curve = form_curve(&default_control_data, spline_mode, cycling_mode);
// Mouse tracking information:
// The instructions and modes are rendered on the left-hand side in a column.
let instructions_text = "Click and drag to add control points and their tangents\n\
R: Remove the last control point\n\
S: Cycle the spline construction being used\n\
C: Toggle cyclic curve construction";
let spline_mode_text = format!("Spline: {spline_mode}");
let cycling_mode_text = format!("{cycling_mode}");
let style = TextStyle::default();
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::Px(12.0),
left: Val::Px(12.0),
flex_direction: FlexDirection::Column,
row_gap: Val::Px(20.0),
.with_children(|parent| {
parent.spawn(TextBundle::from_section(instructions_text, style.clone()));
TextBundle::from_section(spline_mode_text, style.clone()),
TextBundle::from_section(cycling_mode_text, style.clone()),
// -----------------------------------
// Curve-related Resources and Systems
// -----------------------------------
/// The current spline mode, which determines the spline method used in conjunction with the
/// control points.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Resource, Default)]
enum SplineMode {
impl std::fmt::Display for SplineMode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
SplineMode::Hermite => f.write_str("Hermite"),
SplineMode::Cardinal => f.write_str("Cardinal"),
SplineMode::B => f.write_str("B"),
/// The current cycling mode, which determines whether the control points should be interpolated
/// cyclically (to make a loop).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Resource, Default)]
enum CyclingMode {
impl std::fmt::Display for CyclingMode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
CyclingMode::NotCyclic => f.write_str("Not Cyclic"),
CyclingMode::Cyclic => f.write_str("Cyclic"),
/// The curve presently being displayed. This is optional because there may not be enough control
/// points to actually generate a curve.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Resource)]
struct Curve(Option<CubicCurve<Vec2>>);
/// The control points used to generate a curve. The tangent components are only used in the case of
/// Hermite interpolation.
#[derive(Clone, Resource)]
struct ControlPoints {
points_and_tangents: Vec<(Vec2, Vec2)>,
/// This system is responsible for updating the [`Curve`] when the [control points] or active modes
/// change.
/// [control points]: ControlPoints
fn update_curve(
control_points: Res<ControlPoints>,
spline_mode: Res<SplineMode>,
cycling_mode: Res<CyclingMode>,
mut curve: ResMut<Curve>,
) {
if !control_points.is_changed() && !spline_mode.is_changed() && !cycling_mode.is_changed() {
*curve = form_curve(&control_points, *spline_mode, *cycling_mode);
/// This system uses gizmos to draw the current [`Curve`] by breaking it up into a large number
/// of line segments.
fn draw_curve(curve: Res<Curve>, mut gizmos: Gizmos) {
let Some(ref curve) = curve.0 else {
// Scale resolution with curve length so it doesn't degrade as the length increases.
let resolution = 100 * curve.segments().len();
curve.iter_positions(resolution).map(|pt| pt.extend(0.0)),
Color::srgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
/// This system uses gizmos to draw the current [control points] as circles, displaying their
/// tangent vectors as arrows in the case of a Hermite spline.
/// [control points]: ControlPoints
fn draw_control_points(
control_points: Res<ControlPoints>,
spline_mode: Res<SplineMode>,
mut gizmos: Gizmos,
) {
for &(point, tangent) in &control_points.points_and_tangents {
gizmos.circle_2d(point, 10.0, Color::srgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
if matches!(*spline_mode, SplineMode::Hermite) {
gizmos.arrow_2d(point, point + tangent, Color::srgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
/// Helper function for generating a [`Curve`] from [control points] and selected modes.
/// [control points]: ControlPoints
fn form_curve(
control_points: &ControlPoints,
spline_mode: SplineMode,
cycling_mode: CyclingMode,
) -> Curve {
let (points, tangents): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
match spline_mode {
SplineMode::Hermite => {
let spline = CubicHermite::new(points, tangents);
Curve(match cycling_mode {
CyclingMode::NotCyclic => spline.to_curve().ok(),
CyclingMode::Cyclic => spline.to_curve_cyclic().ok(),
SplineMode::Cardinal => {
let spline = CubicCardinalSpline::new_catmull_rom(points);
Curve(match cycling_mode {
CyclingMode::NotCyclic => spline.to_curve().ok(),
CyclingMode::Cyclic => spline.to_curve_cyclic().ok(),
SplineMode::B => {
let spline = CubicBSpline::new(points);
Curve(match cycling_mode {
CyclingMode::NotCyclic => spline.to_curve().ok(),
CyclingMode::Cyclic => spline.to_curve_cyclic().ok(),
// --------------------
// Text-related Components and Systems
// --------------------
/// Marker component for the text node that displays the current [`SplineMode`].
struct SplineModeText;
/// Marker component for the text node that displays the current [`CyclingMode`].
struct CyclingModeText;
fn update_spline_mode_text(
spline_mode: Res<SplineMode>,
mut spline_mode_text: Query<&mut Text, With<SplineModeText>>,
) {
if !spline_mode.is_changed() {
let new_text = format!("Spline: {}", *spline_mode);
for mut spline_mode_text in spline_mode_text.iter_mut() {
if let Some(section) = spline_mode_text.sections.first_mut() {
fn update_cycling_mode_text(
cycling_mode: Res<CyclingMode>,
mut cycling_mode_text: Query<&mut Text, With<CyclingModeText>>,
) {
if !cycling_mode.is_changed() {
let new_text = format!("{}", *cycling_mode);
for mut cycling_mode_text in cycling_mode_text.iter_mut() {
if let Some(section) = cycling_mode_text.sections.first_mut() {
// -----------------------------------
// Input-related Resources and Systems
// -----------------------------------
/// A small state machine which tracks a click-and-drag motion used to create new control points.
/// When the user is not doing a click-and-drag motion, the `start` field is `None`. When the user
/// presses the left mouse button, the location of that press is temporarily stored in the field.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Resource)]
struct MouseEditMove {
start: Option<Vec2>,
/// The current mouse position, if known.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Resource)]
struct MousePosition(Option<Vec2>);
/// Update the current cursor position and track it in the [`MousePosition`] resource.
fn handle_mouse_move(
mut cursor_events: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
mut mouse_position: ResMut<MousePosition>,
) {
if let Some(cursor_event) = cursor_events.read().last() {
mouse_position.0 = Some(cursor_event.position);
/// This system handles updating the [`MouseEditMove`] resource, orchestrating the logical part
/// of the click-and-drag motion which actually creates new control points.
fn handle_mouse_press(
mut button_events: EventReader<MouseButtonInput>,
mouse_position: Res<MousePosition>,
mut edit_move: ResMut<MouseEditMove>,
mut control_points: ResMut<ControlPoints>,
camera: Query<(&Camera, &GlobalTransform)>,
) {
let Some(mouse_pos) = mouse_position.0 else {
// Handle click and drag behavior
for button_event in button_events.read() {
if button_event.button != MouseButton::Left {
match button_event.state {
ButtonState::Pressed => {
if edit_move.start.is_some() {
// If the edit move already has a start, press event should do nothing.
// This press represents the start of the edit move.
edit_move.start = Some(mouse_pos);
ButtonState::Released => {
// Release is only meaningful if we started an edit move.
let Some(start) = edit_move.start else {
let Ok((camera, camera_transform)) = camera.get_single() else {
// Convert the starting point and end point (current mouse pos) into world coords:
let Ok(point) = camera.viewport_to_world_2d(camera_transform, start) else {
let Ok(end_point) = camera.viewport_to_world_2d(camera_transform, mouse_pos) else {
let tangent = end_point - point;
// The start of the click-and-drag motion represents the point to add,
// while the difference with the current position represents the tangent.
control_points.points_and_tangents.push((point, tangent));
// Reset the edit move since we've consumed it.
edit_move.start = None;
/// This system handles drawing the "preview" control point based on the state of [`MouseEditMove`].
fn draw_edit_move(
edit_move: Res<MouseEditMove>,
mouse_position: Res<MousePosition>,
mut gizmos: Gizmos,
camera: Query<(&Camera, &GlobalTransform)>,
) {
let Some(start) = edit_move.start else {
let Some(mouse_pos) = mouse_position.0 else {
let Ok((camera, camera_transform)) = camera.get_single() else {
// Resources store data in viewport coordinates, so we need to convert to world coordinates
// to display them:
let Ok(start) = camera.viewport_to_world_2d(camera_transform, start) else {
let Ok(end) = camera.viewport_to_world_2d(camera_transform, mouse_pos) else {
gizmos.circle_2d(start, 10.0, Color::srgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.7));
gizmos.circle_2d(start, 7.0, Color::srgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.7));
gizmos.arrow_2d(start, end, Color::srgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.7));
/// This system handles all keyboard commands.
fn handle_keypress(
keyboard: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut spline_mode: ResMut<SplineMode>,
mut cycling_mode: ResMut<CyclingMode>,
mut control_points: ResMut<ControlPoints>,
) {
// S => change spline mode
if keyboard.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
*spline_mode = match *spline_mode {
SplineMode::Hermite => SplineMode::Cardinal,
SplineMode::Cardinal => SplineMode::B,
SplineMode::B => SplineMode::Hermite,
// C => change cycling mode
if keyboard.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyC) {
*cycling_mode = match *cycling_mode {
CyclingMode::NotCyclic => CyclingMode::Cyclic,
CyclingMode::Cyclic => CyclingMode::NotCyclic,
// R => remove last control point
if keyboard.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) {