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synced 2025-03-08 01:07:16 +00:00
# Objective - The default font size is too small to be useful in examples or for debug text. - Fixes #13587 ## Solution - Updated the default font size value in `TextStyle` from 12px to 24px. - Resorted to Text defaults in examples to use the default font size in most of them. ## Testing - WIP --- ## Migration Guide - The default font size has been increased to 24px from 12px. Make sure you set the font to the appropriate values in places you were using `Default` text style.
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//! Enable controls for morph targets detected in a loaded scene.
//! Collect morph targets and assign keys to them,
//! shows on screen additional controls for morph targets.
//! Illustrates how to access and modify individual morph target weights.
//! See the [`update_morphs`] system for details.
//! Also illustrates how to read morph target names in [`detect_morphs`].
use crate::scene_viewer_plugin::SceneHandle;
use bevy::prelude::*;
use std::fmt;
const WEIGHT_PER_SECOND: f32 = 0.8;
const ALL_MODIFIERS: &[KeyCode] = &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft, KeyCode::ControlLeft, KeyCode::AltLeft];
const AVAILABLE_KEYS: [MorphKey; 56] = [
MorphKey::new("r", &[], KeyCode::KeyR),
MorphKey::new("t", &[], KeyCode::KeyT),
MorphKey::new("z", &[], KeyCode::KeyZ),
MorphKey::new("i", &[], KeyCode::KeyI),
MorphKey::new("o", &[], KeyCode::KeyO),
MorphKey::new("p", &[], KeyCode::KeyP),
MorphKey::new("f", &[], KeyCode::KeyF),
MorphKey::new("g", &[], KeyCode::KeyG),
MorphKey::new("h", &[], KeyCode::KeyH),
MorphKey::new("j", &[], KeyCode::KeyJ),
MorphKey::new("k", &[], KeyCode::KeyK),
MorphKey::new("y", &[], KeyCode::KeyY),
MorphKey::new("x", &[], KeyCode::KeyX),
MorphKey::new("c", &[], KeyCode::KeyC),
MorphKey::new("v", &[], KeyCode::KeyV),
MorphKey::new("b", &[], KeyCode::KeyB),
MorphKey::new("n", &[], KeyCode::KeyN),
MorphKey::new("m", &[], KeyCode::KeyM),
MorphKey::new("0", &[], KeyCode::Digit0),
MorphKey::new("1", &[], KeyCode::Digit1),
MorphKey::new("2", &[], KeyCode::Digit2),
MorphKey::new("3", &[], KeyCode::Digit3),
MorphKey::new("4", &[], KeyCode::Digit4),
MorphKey::new("5", &[], KeyCode::Digit5),
MorphKey::new("6", &[], KeyCode::Digit6),
MorphKey::new("7", &[], KeyCode::Digit7),
MorphKey::new("8", &[], KeyCode::Digit8),
MorphKey::new("9", &[], KeyCode::Digit9),
MorphKey::new("lshift-R", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyR),
MorphKey::new("lshift-T", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyT),
MorphKey::new("lshift-Z", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyZ),
MorphKey::new("lshift-I", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyI),
MorphKey::new("lshift-O", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyO),
MorphKey::new("lshift-P", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyP),
MorphKey::new("lshift-F", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyF),
MorphKey::new("lshift-G", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyG),
MorphKey::new("lshift-H", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyH),
MorphKey::new("lshift-J", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyJ),
MorphKey::new("lshift-K", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyK),
MorphKey::new("lshift-Y", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyY),
MorphKey::new("lshift-X", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyX),
MorphKey::new("lshift-C", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyC),
MorphKey::new("lshift-V", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyV),
MorphKey::new("lshift-B", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyB),
MorphKey::new("lshift-N", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyN),
MorphKey::new("lshift-M", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::KeyM),
MorphKey::new("lshift-0", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit0),
MorphKey::new("lshift-1", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit1),
MorphKey::new("lshift-2", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit2),
MorphKey::new("lshift-3", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit3),
MorphKey::new("lshift-4", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit4),
MorphKey::new("lshift-5", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit5),
MorphKey::new("lshift-6", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit6),
MorphKey::new("lshift-7", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit7),
MorphKey::new("lshift-8", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit8),
MorphKey::new("lshift-9", &[KeyCode::ShiftLeft], KeyCode::Digit9),
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum WeightChange {
impl WeightChange {
fn reverse(&mut self) {
*self = match *self {
WeightChange::Increase => WeightChange::Decrease,
WeightChange::Decrease => WeightChange::Increase,
fn sign(self) -> f32 {
match self {
WeightChange::Increase => 1.0,
WeightChange::Decrease => -1.0,
fn change_weight(&mut self, weight: f32, change: f32) -> f32 {
let mut change = change * self.sign();
let new_weight = weight + change;
if new_weight <= 0.0 || new_weight >= 1.0 {
change = -change;
weight + change
struct Target {
entity_name: Option<String>,
entity: Entity,
name: Option<String>,
index: usize,
weight: f32,
change_dir: WeightChange,
impl fmt::Display for Target {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match (self.name.as_ref(), self.entity_name.as_ref()) {
(None, None) => write!(f, "animation{} of {:?}", self.index, self.entity),
(None, Some(entity)) => write!(f, "animation{} of {entity}", self.index),
(Some(target), None) => write!(f, "{target} of {:?}", self.entity),
(Some(target), Some(entity)) => write!(f, "{target} of {entity}"),
write!(f, ": {}", self.weight)
impl Target {
fn text_section(&self, key: &str, style: TextStyle) -> TextSection {
TextSection::new(format!("[{key}] {self}\n"), style)
fn new(
entity_name: Option<&Name>,
weights: &[f32],
target_names: Option<&[String]>,
entity: Entity,
) -> Vec<Target> {
let get_name = |i| target_names.and_then(|names| names.get(i));
let entity_name = entity_name.map(|n| n.as_str());
.map(|(index, weight)| Target {
entity_name: entity_name.map(|n| n.to_owned()),
name: get_name(index).cloned(),
weight: *weight,
change_dir: WeightChange::Increase,
struct WeightsControl {
weights: Vec<Target>,
struct MorphKey {
name: &'static str,
modifiers: &'static [KeyCode],
key: KeyCode,
impl MorphKey {
const fn new(name: &'static str, modifiers: &'static [KeyCode], key: KeyCode) -> Self {
MorphKey {
fn active(&self, inputs: &ButtonInput<KeyCode>) -> bool {
let mut modifier = self.modifiers.iter();
let mut non_modifier = ALL_MODIFIERS.iter().filter(|m| !self.modifiers.contains(m));
let key = inputs.pressed(self.key);
let modifier = modifier.all(|m| inputs.pressed(*m));
let non_modifier = non_modifier.all(|m| !inputs.pressed(*m));
key && modifier && non_modifier
fn update_text(
controls: Option<ResMut<WeightsControl>>,
mut text: Query<&mut Text>,
morphs: Query<&MorphWeights>,
) {
let Some(mut controls) = controls else {
for (i, target) in controls.weights.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let Ok(weights) = morphs.get(target.entity) else {
let Some(&actual_weight) = weights.weights().get(target.index) else {
if actual_weight != target.weight {
target.weight = actual_weight;
let key_name = &AVAILABLE_KEYS[i].name;
let mut text = text.single_mut();
text.sections[i + 2].value = format!("[{key_name}] {target}\n");
fn update_morphs(
controls: Option<ResMut<WeightsControl>>,
mut morphs: Query<&mut MorphWeights>,
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let Some(mut controls) = controls else {
for (i, target) in controls.weights.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if !AVAILABLE_KEYS[i].active(&input) {
let Ok(mut weights) = morphs.get_mut(target.entity) else {
// To update individual morph target weights, get the `MorphWeights`
// component and call `weights_mut` to get access to the weights.
let weights_slice = weights.weights_mut();
let i = target.index;
let change = time.delta_seconds() * WEIGHT_PER_SECOND;
let new_weight = target.change_dir.change_weight(weights_slice[i], change);
weights_slice[i] = new_weight;
target.weight = new_weight;
fn detect_morphs(
mut commands: Commands,
morphs: Query<(Entity, &MorphWeights, Option<&Name>)>,
meshes: Res<Assets<Mesh>>,
scene_handle: Res<SceneHandle>,
mut setup: Local<bool>,
) {
let no_morphing = morphs.iter().len() == 0;
if no_morphing {
if scene_handle.is_loaded && !*setup {
*setup = true;
} else {
let mut detected = Vec::new();
for (entity, weights, name) in &morphs {
let target_names = weights
.and_then(|h| meshes.get(h))
.and_then(|m| m.morph_target_names());
let targets = Target::new(name, weights.weights(), target_names, entity);
let style = TextStyle {
font_size: 13.0,
let mut sections = vec![
TextSection::new("Morph Target Controls\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("---------------\n", style.clone()),
let target_to_text =
|(i, target): (usize, &Target)| target.text_section(AVAILABLE_KEYS[i].name, style.clone());
commands.insert_resource(WeightsControl { weights: detected });
commands.spawn(TextBundle::from_sections(sections).with_style(Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::Px(10.0),
left: Val::Px(10.0),
pub struct MorphViewerPlugin;
impl Plugin for MorphViewerPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {