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# Objective `Query::get` and other random access methods require looking up `EntityLocation` for every provided entity, then always looking up the `Archetype` to get the table ID and table row. This requires 4 total random fetches from memory: the `Entities` lookup, the `Archetype` lookup, the table row lookup, and the final fetch from table/sparse sets. If `EntityLocation` contains the table ID and table row, only the `Entities` lookup and the final storage fetch are required. ## Solution Add `TableId` and table row to `EntityLocation`. Ensure it's updated whenever entities are moved around. To ensure `EntityMeta` does not grow bigger, both `TableId` and `ArchetypeId` have been shrunk to u32, and the archetype index and table row are stored as u32s instead of as usizes. This should shrink `EntityMeta` by 4 bytes, from 24 to 20 bytes, as there is no padding anymore due to the change in alignment. This idea was partially concocted by @BoxyUwU. ## Performance This should restore the `Query::get` "gains" lost to #6625 that were introduced in #4800 without being unsound, and also incorporates some of the memory usage reductions seen in #3678. This also removes the same lookups during add/remove/spawn commands, so there may be a bit of a speedup in commands and `Entity{Ref,Mut}`. --- ## Changelog Added: `EntityLocation::table_id` Added: `EntityLocation::table_row`. Changed: `World`s can now only hold a maximum of 2<sup>32</sup>- 1 archetypes. Changed: `World`s can now only hold a maximum of 2<sup>32</sup> - 1 tables. ## Migration Guide A `World` can only hold a maximum of 2<sup>32</sup> - 1 archetypes and tables now. If your use case requires more than this, please file an issue explaining your use case.
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use crate::{
archetype::{ArchetypeEntity, ArchetypeId, Archetypes},
entity::{Entities, Entity},
query::{ArchetypeFilter, DebugCheckedUnwrap, QueryState, WorldQuery},
storage::{TableId, TableRow, Tables},
use std::{borrow::Borrow, iter::FusedIterator, marker::PhantomData, mem::MaybeUninit};
use super::ReadOnlyWorldQuery;
/// An [`Iterator`] over query results of a [`Query`](crate::system::Query).
/// This struct is created by the [`Query::iter`](crate::system::Query::iter) and
/// [`Query::iter_mut`](crate::system::Query::iter_mut) methods.
pub struct QueryIter<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> {
tables: &'w Tables,
archetypes: &'w Archetypes,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
cursor: QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F>,
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> QueryIter<'w, 's, Q, F> {
/// # Safety
/// This does not check for mutable query correctness. To be safe, make sure mutable queries
/// have unique access to the components they query.
/// This does not validate that `world.id()` matches `query_state.world_id`. Calling this on a `world`
/// with a mismatched [`WorldId`](crate::world::WorldId) is unsound.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new(
world: &'w World,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
last_change_tick: u32,
change_tick: u32,
) -> Self {
QueryIter {
tables: &world.storages().tables,
archetypes: &world.archetypes,
cursor: QueryIterationCursor::init(world, query_state, last_change_tick, change_tick),
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> Iterator for QueryIter<'w, 's, Q, F> {
type Item = Q::Item<'w>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// `tables` and `archetypes` belong to the same world that the cursor was initialized for.
// `query_state` is the state that was passed to `QueryIterationCursor::init`.
unsafe {
.next(self.tables, self.archetypes, self.query_state)
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let max_size = self.cursor.max_remaining(self.tables, self.archetypes);
let archetype_query = Q::IS_ARCHETYPAL && F::IS_ARCHETYPAL;
let min_size = if archetype_query { max_size } else { 0 };
(min_size, Some(max_size))
// This is correct as [`QueryIter`] always returns `None` once exhausted.
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> FusedIterator for QueryIter<'w, 's, Q, F> {}
/// An [`Iterator`] over the query items generated from an iterator of [`Entity`]s.
/// Items are returned in the order of the provided iterator.
/// Entities that don't match the query are skipped.
/// This struct is created by the [`Query::iter_many`](crate::system::Query::iter_many) and [`Query::iter_many_mut`](crate::system::Query::iter_many_mut) methods.
pub struct QueryManyIter<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, I: Iterator>
I::Item: Borrow<Entity>,
entity_iter: I,
entities: &'w Entities,
tables: &'w Tables,
archetypes: &'w Archetypes,
fetch: Q::Fetch<'w>,
filter: F::Fetch<'w>,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, I: Iterator> QueryManyIter<'w, 's, Q, F, I>
I::Item: Borrow<Entity>,
/// # Safety
/// This does not check for mutable query correctness. To be safe, make sure mutable queries
/// have unique access to the components they query.
/// This does not validate that `world.id()` matches `query_state.world_id`. Calling this on a `world`
/// with a mismatched [`WorldId`](crate::world::WorldId) is unsound.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new<EntityList: IntoIterator<IntoIter = I>>(
world: &'w World,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
entity_list: EntityList,
last_change_tick: u32,
change_tick: u32,
) -> QueryManyIter<'w, 's, Q, F, I> {
let fetch = Q::init_fetch(
let filter = F::init_fetch(
QueryManyIter {
entities: &world.entities,
archetypes: &world.archetypes,
tables: &world.storages.tables,
entity_iter: entity_list.into_iter(),
/// Safety:
/// The lifetime here is not restrictive enough for Fetch with &mut access,
/// as calling `fetch_next_aliased_unchecked` multiple times can produce multiple
/// references to the same component, leading to unique reference aliasing.
/// It is always safe for shared access.
unsafe fn fetch_next_aliased_unchecked(&mut self) -> Option<Q::Item<'w>> {
for entity in self.entity_iter.by_ref() {
let entity = *entity.borrow();
let location = match self.entities.get(entity) {
Some(location) => location,
None => continue,
if !self
let archetype = self
let table = self.tables.get(location.table_id).debug_checked_unwrap();
// SAFETY: `archetype` is from the world that `fetch/filter` were created for,
// `fetch_state`/`filter_state` are the states that `fetch/filter` were initialized with
&mut self.fetch,
// SAFETY: `table` is from the world that `fetch/filter` were created for,
// `fetch_state`/`filter_state` are the states that `fetch/filter` were initialized with
&mut self.filter,
// SAFETY: set_archetype was called prior.
// `location.archetype_row` is an archetype index row in range of the current archetype, because if it was not, the match above would have `continue`d
if F::filter_fetch(&mut self.filter, entity, location.table_row) {
// SAFETY: set_archetype was called prior, `location.archetype_row` is an archetype index in range of the current archetype
return Some(Q::fetch(&mut self.fetch, entity, location.table_row));
/// Get next result from the query
pub fn fetch_next(&mut self) -> Option<Q::Item<'_>> {
// SAFETY: we are limiting the returned reference to self,
// making sure this method cannot be called multiple times without getting rid
// of any previously returned unique references first, thus preventing aliasing.
unsafe { self.fetch_next_aliased_unchecked().map(Q::shrink) }
impl<'w, 's, Q: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, I: Iterator> Iterator
for QueryManyIter<'w, 's, Q, F, I>
I::Item: Borrow<Entity>,
type Item = Q::Item<'w>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// SAFETY: It is safe to alias for ReadOnlyWorldQuery.
unsafe { self.fetch_next_aliased_unchecked() }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let (_, max_size) = self.entity_iter.size_hint();
(0, max_size)
// This is correct as [`QueryManyIter`] always returns `None` once exhausted.
impl<'w, 's, Q: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, I: Iterator> FusedIterator
for QueryManyIter<'w, 's, Q, F, I>
I::Item: Borrow<Entity>,
/// An iterator over `K`-sized combinations of query items without repetition.
/// A combination is an arrangement of a collection of items where order does not matter.
/// `K` is the number of items that make up each subset, and the number of items returned by the iterator.
/// `N` is the number of total entities output by the query.
/// For example, given the list [1, 2, 3, 4], where `K` is 2, the combinations without repeats are
/// [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4].
/// And in this case, `N` would be defined as 4 since the size of the input list is 4.
/// The number of combinations depend on how `K` relates to the number of entities matching the [`Query`]:
/// - if `K = N`, only one combination exists,
/// - if `K < N`, there are <sub>N</sub>C<sub>K</sub> combinations (see the [performance section] of `Query`),
/// - if `K > N`, there are no combinations.
/// The output combination is not guaranteed to have any order of iteration.
/// # Usage
/// This type is returned by calling [`Query::iter_combinations`] or [`Query::iter_combinations_mut`].
/// It implements [`Iterator`] only if it iterates over read-only query items ([learn more]).
/// In the case of mutable query items, it can be iterated by calling [`fetch_next`] in a `while let` loop.
/// # Examples
/// The following example shows how to traverse the iterator when the query items are read-only.
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Component)]
/// # struct ComponentA;
/// #
/// fn some_system(query: Query<&ComponentA>) {
/// for [a1, a2] in query.iter_combinations() {
/// // ...
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The following example shows how `fetch_next` should be called with a `while let` loop to traverse the iterator when the query items are mutable.
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
/// # #[derive(Component)]
/// # struct ComponentA;
/// #
/// fn some_system(mut query: Query<&mut ComponentA>) {
/// let mut combinations = query.iter_combinations_mut();
/// while let Some([a1, a2]) = combinations.fetch_next() {
/// // ...
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// [`fetch_next`]: Self::fetch_next
/// [learn more]: Self#impl-Iterator
/// [performance section]: crate::system::Query#performance
/// [`Query`]: crate::system::Query
/// [`Query::iter_combinations`]: crate::system::Query::iter_combinations
/// [`Query::iter_combinations_mut`]: crate::system::Query::iter_combinations_mut
pub struct QueryCombinationIter<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, const K: usize> {
tables: &'w Tables,
archetypes: &'w Archetypes,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
cursors: [QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F>; K],
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, const K: usize>
QueryCombinationIter<'w, 's, Q, F, K>
/// # Safety
/// This does not check for mutable query correctness. To be safe, make sure mutable queries
/// have unique access to the components they query.
/// This does not validate that `world.id()` matches `query_state.world_id`. Calling this on a
/// `world` with a mismatched [`WorldId`](crate::world::WorldId) is unsound.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new(
world: &'w World,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
last_change_tick: u32,
change_tick: u32,
) -> Self {
// Initialize array with cursors.
// There is no FromIterator on arrays, so instead initialize it manually with MaybeUninit
let mut array: MaybeUninit<[QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F>; K]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let ptr = array
.cast::<QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F>>();
if K != 0 {
for slot in (1..K).map(|offset| ptr.add(offset)) {
QueryCombinationIter {
tables: &world.storages().tables,
archetypes: &world.archetypes,
cursors: array.assume_init(),
/// Safety:
/// The lifetime here is not restrictive enough for Fetch with &mut access,
/// as calling `fetch_next_aliased_unchecked` multiple times can produce multiple
/// references to the same component, leading to unique reference aliasing.
/// It is always safe for shared access.
unsafe fn fetch_next_aliased_unchecked(&mut self) -> Option<[Q::Item<'w>; K]> {
if K == 0 {
return None;
// PERF: can speed up the following code using `cursor.remaining()` instead of `next_item.is_none()`
// let `i` be the index of `c`, the last cursor in `self.cursors` that
// returns `K-i` or more elements.
// Make cursor in index `j` for all `j` in `[i, K)` a copy of `c` advanced `j-i+1` times.
// If no such `c` exists, return `None`
'outer: for i in (0..K).rev() {
match self.cursors[i].next(self.tables, self.archetypes, self.query_state) {
Some(_) => {
for j in (i + 1)..K {
self.cursors[j] = self.cursors[j - 1].clone_cursor();
match self.cursors[j].next(self.tables, self.archetypes, self.query_state) {
Some(_) => {}
None if i > 0 => continue 'outer,
None => return None,
None if i > 0 => continue,
None => return None,
let mut values = MaybeUninit::<[Q::Item<'w>; K]>::uninit();
let ptr = values.as_mut_ptr().cast::<Q::Item<'w>>();
for (offset, cursor) in self.cursors.iter_mut().enumerate() {
/// Get next combination of queried components
pub fn fetch_next(&mut self) -> Option<[Q::Item<'_>; K]> {
// SAFETY: we are limiting the returned reference to self,
// making sure this method cannot be called multiple times without getting rid
// of any previously returned unique references first, thus preventing aliasing.
unsafe {
.map(|array| array.map(Q::shrink))
// Iterator type is intentionally implemented only for read-only access.
// Doing so for mutable references would be unsound, because calling `next`
// multiple times would allow multiple owned references to the same data to exist.
impl<'w, 's, Q: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, const K: usize> Iterator
for QueryCombinationIter<'w, 's, Q, F, K>
type Item = [Q::Item<'w>; K];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// Safety: it is safe to alias for ReadOnlyWorldQuery
unsafe { QueryCombinationIter::fetch_next_aliased_unchecked(self) }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
// binomial coefficient: (n ; k) = n! / k!(n-k)! = (n*n-1*...*n-k+1) / k!
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_coefficient
// See https://blog.plover.com/math/choose.html for implementation
// It was chosen to reduce overflow potential.
fn choose(n: usize, k: usize) -> Option<usize> {
if k > n || n == 0 {
return Some(0);
let k = k.min(n - k);
let ks = 1..=k;
let ns = (n - k + 1..=n).rev();
.try_fold(1_usize, |acc, (k, n)| Some(acc.checked_mul(n)? / k))
// sum_i=0..k choose(cursors[i].remaining, k-i)
let max_combinations = self
.try_fold(0, |acc, (i, cursor)| {
let n = cursor.max_remaining(self.tables, self.archetypes);
Some(acc + choose(n, K - i)?)
let archetype_query = F::IS_ARCHETYPAL && Q::IS_ARCHETYPAL;
let known_max = max_combinations.unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
let min_combinations = if archetype_query { known_max } else { 0 };
(min_combinations, max_combinations)
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> ExactSizeIterator for QueryIter<'w, 's, Q, F>
F: ArchetypeFilter,
fn len(&self) -> usize {
// This is correct as [`QueryCombinationIter`] always returns `None` once exhausted.
impl<'w, 's, Q: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery, const K: usize> FusedIterator
for QueryCombinationIter<'w, 's, Q, F, K>
struct QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> {
table_id_iter: std::slice::Iter<'s, TableId>,
archetype_id_iter: std::slice::Iter<'s, ArchetypeId>,
table_entities: &'w [Entity],
archetype_entities: &'w [ArchetypeEntity],
fetch: Q::Fetch<'w>,
filter: F::Fetch<'w>,
// length of the table table or length of the archetype, depending on whether both `Q`'s and `F`'s fetches are dense
current_len: usize,
// either table row or archetype index, depending on whether both `Q`'s and `F`'s fetches are dense
current_row: usize,
phantom: PhantomData<Q>,
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F> {
/// This function is safe to call if `(Q, F): ReadOnlyWorldQuery` holds.
/// # Safety
/// While calling this method on its own cannot cause UB it is marked `unsafe` as the caller must ensure
/// that the returned value is not used in any way that would cause two `QueryItem<Q>` for the same
/// `archetype_row` or `table_row` to be alive at the same time.
unsafe fn clone_cursor(&self) -> Self {
Self {
table_id_iter: self.table_id_iter.clone(),
archetype_id_iter: self.archetype_id_iter.clone(),
table_entities: self.table_entities,
archetype_entities: self.archetype_entities,
// SAFETY: upheld by caller invariants
fetch: Q::clone_fetch(&self.fetch),
filter: F::clone_fetch(&self.filter),
current_len: self.current_len,
current_row: self.current_row,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<'w, 's, Q: WorldQuery, F: ReadOnlyWorldQuery> QueryIterationCursor<'w, 's, Q, F> {
const IS_DENSE: bool = Q::IS_DENSE && F::IS_DENSE;
unsafe fn init_empty(
world: &'w World,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
last_change_tick: u32,
change_tick: u32,
) -> Self {
QueryIterationCursor {
table_id_iter: [].iter(),
archetype_id_iter: [].iter(),
..Self::init(world, query_state, last_change_tick, change_tick)
unsafe fn init(
world: &'w World,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
last_change_tick: u32,
change_tick: u32,
) -> Self {
let fetch = Q::init_fetch(
let filter = F::init_fetch(
QueryIterationCursor {
table_entities: &[],
archetype_entities: &[],
table_id_iter: query_state.matched_table_ids.iter(),
archetype_id_iter: query_state.matched_archetype_ids.iter(),
current_len: 0,
current_row: 0,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// retrieve item returned from most recent `next` call again.
unsafe fn peek_last(&mut self) -> Option<Q::Item<'w>> {
if self.current_row > 0 {
let index = self.current_row - 1;
if Self::IS_DENSE {
let entity = self.table_entities.get_unchecked(index);
Some(Q::fetch(&mut self.fetch, *entity, TableRow::new(index)))
} else {
let archetype_entity = self.archetype_entities.get_unchecked(index);
&mut self.fetch,
} else {
/// How many values will this cursor return at most?
/// Note that if `Q::IS_ARCHETYPAL && F::IS_ARCHETYPAL`, the return value
/// will be **the exact count of remaining values**.
fn max_remaining(&self, tables: &'w Tables, archetypes: &'w Archetypes) -> usize {
let remaining_matched: usize = if Self::IS_DENSE {
let ids = self.table_id_iter.clone();
ids.map(|id| tables[*id].entity_count()).sum()
} else {
let ids = self.archetype_id_iter.clone();
ids.map(|id| archetypes[*id].len()).sum()
remaining_matched + self.current_len - self.current_row
// NOTE: If you are changing query iteration code, remember to update the following places, where relevant:
// QueryIter, QueryIterationCursor, QueryManyIter, QueryCombinationIter, QueryState::for_each_unchecked_manual, QueryState::par_for_each_unchecked_manual
/// # Safety
/// `tables` and `archetypes` must belong to the same world that the [`QueryIterationCursor`]
/// was initialized for.
/// `query_state` must be the same [`QueryState`] that was passed to `init` or `init_empty`.
unsafe fn next(
&mut self,
tables: &'w Tables,
archetypes: &'w Archetypes,
query_state: &'s QueryState<Q, F>,
) -> Option<Q::Item<'w>> {
if Self::IS_DENSE {
loop {
// we are on the beginning of the query, or finished processing a table, so skip to the next
if self.current_row == self.current_len {
let table_id = self.table_id_iter.next()?;
let table = tables.get(*table_id).debug_checked_unwrap();
// SAFETY: `table` is from the world that `fetch/filter` were created for,
// `fetch_state`/`filter_state` are the states that `fetch/filter` were initialized with
Q::set_table(&mut self.fetch, &query_state.fetch_state, table);
F::set_table(&mut self.filter, &query_state.filter_state, table);
self.table_entities = table.entities();
self.current_len = table.entity_count();
self.current_row = 0;
// SAFETY: set_table was called prior.
// `current_row` is a table row in range of the current table, because if it was not, then the if above would have been executed.
let entity = self.table_entities.get_unchecked(self.current_row);
let row = TableRow::new(self.current_row);
if !F::filter_fetch(&mut self.filter, *entity, row) {
self.current_row += 1;
// SAFETY: set_table was called prior.
// `current_row` is a table row in range of the current table, because if it was not, then the if above would have been executed.
let item = Q::fetch(&mut self.fetch, *entity, row);
self.current_row += 1;
return Some(item);
} else {
loop {
if self.current_row == self.current_len {
let archetype_id = self.archetype_id_iter.next()?;
let archetype = archetypes.get(*archetype_id).debug_checked_unwrap();
// SAFETY: `archetype` and `tables` are from the world that `fetch/filter` were created for,
// `fetch_state`/`filter_state` are the states that `fetch/filter` were initialized with
let table = tables.get(archetype.table_id()).debug_checked_unwrap();
Q::set_archetype(&mut self.fetch, &query_state.fetch_state, archetype, table);
&mut self.filter,
self.archetype_entities = archetype.entities();
self.current_len = archetype.len();
self.current_row = 0;
// SAFETY: set_archetype was called prior.
// `current_row` is an archetype index row in range of the current archetype, because if it was not, then the if above would have been executed.
let archetype_entity = self.archetype_entities.get_unchecked(self.current_row);
if !F::filter_fetch(
&mut self.filter,
) {
self.current_row += 1;
// SAFETY: set_archetype was called prior, `current_row` is an archetype index in range of the current archetype
// `current_row` is an archetype index row in range of the current archetype, because if it was not, then the if above would have been executed.
let item = Q::fetch(
&mut self.fetch,
self.current_row += 1;
return Some(item);