mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 17:27:21 +00:00
This commit changes the `StandardMaterialKey` to be based on a set of bitflags instead of a structure. We hash it every frame for every mesh, and `#[derive(Hash)]` doesn't generate particularly efficient code for large structures full of small types. Packing it into a single `u64` therefore results in a roughly 10% speedup in `queue_material_meshes` on `many_cubes --no-frustum-culling`. 
932 lines
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932 lines
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use bevy_asset::Asset;
use bevy_color::Alpha;
use bevy_math::{Affine2, Mat3, Vec4};
use bevy_reflect::{std_traits::ReflectDefault, Reflect};
use bevy_render::{
mesh::MeshVertexBufferLayoutRef, render_asset::RenderAssets, render_resource::*,
use bitflags::bitflags;
use crate::*;
/// A material with "standard" properties used in PBR lighting
/// Standard property values with pictures here
/// <https://google.github.io/filament/Material%20Properties.pdf>.
/// May be created directly from a [`Color`] or an [`Image`].
#[derive(Asset, AsBindGroup, Reflect, Debug, Clone)]
#[uniform(0, StandardMaterialUniform)]
#[reflect(Default, Debug)]
pub struct StandardMaterial {
/// The color of the surface of the material before lighting.
/// Doubles as diffuse albedo for non-metallic, specular for metallic and a mix for everything
/// in between. If used together with a `base_color_texture`, this is factored into the final
/// base color as `base_color * base_color_texture_value`
/// Defaults to [`Color::WHITE`].
pub base_color: Color,
/// The texture component of the material's color before lighting.
/// The actual pre-lighting color is `base_color * this_texture`.
/// See [`base_color`] for details.
/// You should set `base_color` to [`Color::WHITE`] (the default)
/// if you want the texture to show as-is.
/// Setting `base_color` to something else than white will tint
/// the texture. For example, setting `base_color` to pure red will
/// tint the texture red.
/// [`base_color`]: StandardMaterial::base_color
pub base_color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
// Use a color for user friendliness even though we technically don't use the alpha channel
// Might be used in the future for exposure correction in HDR
/// Color the material "emits" to the camera.
/// This is typically used for monitor screens or LED lights.
/// Anything that can be visible even in darkness.
/// The emissive color is added to what would otherwise be the material's visible color.
/// This means that for a light emissive value, in darkness,
/// you will mostly see the emissive component.
/// The default emissive color is [`Color::BLACK`], which doesn't add anything to the material color.
/// To increase emissive strength, channel values for `emissive`
/// colors can exceed `1.0`. For instance, a `base_color` of
/// `Color::linear_rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)` represents the brightest
/// red for objects that reflect light, but an emissive color
/// like `Color::linear_rgb(1000.0, 0.0, 0.0)` can be used to create
/// intensely bright red emissive effects.
/// Increasing the emissive strength of the color will impact visual effects
/// like bloom, but it's important to note that **an emissive material won't
/// light up surrounding areas like a light source**,
/// it just adds a value to the color seen on screen.
pub emissive: Color,
/// The emissive map, multiplies pixels with [`emissive`]
/// to get the final "emitting" color of a surface.
/// This color is multiplied by [`emissive`] to get the final emitted color.
/// Meaning that you should set [`emissive`] to [`Color::WHITE`]
/// if you want to use the full range of color of the emissive texture.
/// [`emissive`]: StandardMaterial::emissive
pub emissive_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// Linear perceptual roughness, clamped to `[0.089, 1.0]` in the shader.
/// Defaults to `0.5`.
/// Low values result in a "glossy" material with specular highlights,
/// while values close to `1` result in rough materials.
/// If used together with a roughness/metallic texture, this is factored into the final base
/// color as `roughness * roughness_texture_value`.
/// 0.089 is the minimum floating point value that won't be rounded down to 0 in the
/// calculations used.
// Technically for 32-bit floats, 0.045 could be used.
// See <https://google.github.io/filament/Filament.html#materialsystem/parameterization/>
pub perceptual_roughness: f32,
/// How "metallic" the material appears, within `[0.0, 1.0]`.
/// This should be set to 0.0 for dielectric materials or 1.0 for metallic materials.
/// For a hybrid surface such as corroded metal, you may need to use in-between values.
/// Defaults to `0.00`, for dielectric.
/// If used together with a roughness/metallic texture, this is factored into the final base
/// color as `metallic * metallic_texture_value`.
pub metallic: f32,
/// Metallic and roughness maps, stored as a single texture.
/// The blue channel contains metallic values,
/// and the green channel contains the roughness values.
/// Other channels are unused.
/// Those values are multiplied by the scalar ones of the material,
/// see [`metallic`] and [`perceptual_roughness`] for details.
/// Note that with the default values of [`metallic`] and [`perceptual_roughness`],
/// setting this texture has no effect. If you want to exclusively use the
/// `metallic_roughness_texture` values for your material, make sure to set [`metallic`]
/// and [`perceptual_roughness`] to `1.0`.
/// [`metallic`]: StandardMaterial::metallic
/// [`perceptual_roughness`]: StandardMaterial::perceptual_roughness
pub metallic_roughness_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// Specular intensity for non-metals on a linear scale of `[0.0, 1.0]`.
/// Use the value as a way to control the intensity of the
/// specular highlight of the material, i.e. how reflective is the material,
/// rather than the physical property "reflectance."
/// Set to `0.0`, no specular highlight is visible, the highlight is strongest
/// when `reflectance` is set to `1.0`.
/// Defaults to `0.5` which is mapped to 4% reflectance in the shader.
#[doc(alias = "specular_intensity")]
pub reflectance: f32,
/// The amount of light transmitted _diffusely_ through the material (i.e. “translucency”)
/// Implemented as a second, flipped [Lambertian diffuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambertian_reflectance) lobe,
/// which provides an inexpensive but plausible approximation of translucency for thin dieletric objects (e.g. paper,
/// leaves, some fabrics) or thicker volumetric materials with short scattering distances (e.g. porcelain, wax).
/// For specular transmission usecases with refraction (e.g. glass) use the [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`] and
/// [`StandardMaterial::ior`] properties instead.
/// - When set to `0.0` (the default) no diffuse light is transmitted;
/// - When set to `1.0` all diffuse light is transmitted through the material;
/// - Values higher than `0.5` will cause more diffuse light to be transmitted than reflected, resulting in a “darker”
/// appearance on the side facing the light than the opposite side. (e.g. plant leaves)
/// ## Notes
/// - The material's [`StandardMaterial::base_color`] also modulates the transmitted light;
/// - To receive transmitted shadows on the diffuse transmission lobe (i.e. the “backside”) of the material,
/// use the [`TransmittedShadowReceiver`] component.
#[doc(alias = "translucency")]
pub diffuse_transmission: f32,
/// A map that modulates diffuse transmission via its alpha channel. Multiplied by [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`]
/// to obtain the final result.
/// **Important:** The [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`] property must be set to a value higher than 0.0,
/// or this texture won't have any effect.
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
pub diffuse_transmission_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// The amount of light transmitted _specularly_ through the material (i.e. via refraction)
/// - When set to `0.0` (the default) no light is transmitted.
/// - When set to `1.0` all light is transmitted through the material.
/// The material's [`StandardMaterial::base_color`] also modulates the transmitted light.
/// **Note:** Typically used in conjunction with [`StandardMaterial::thickness`], [`StandardMaterial::ior`] and [`StandardMaterial::perceptual_roughness`].
/// ## Performance
/// Specular transmission is implemented as a relatively expensive screen-space effect that allows ocluded objects to be seen through the material,
/// with distortion and blur effects.
/// - [`Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps`](bevy_core_pipeline::core_3d::Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps) can be used to enable transmissive objects
/// to be seen through other transmissive objects, at the cost of additional draw calls and texture copies; (Use with caution!)
/// - If a simplified approximation of specular transmission using only environment map lighting is sufficient, consider setting
/// [`Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps`](bevy_core_pipeline::core_3d::Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps) to `0`.
/// - If purely diffuse light transmission is needed, (i.e. “translucency”) consider using [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`] instead,
/// for a much less expensive effect.
/// - Specular transmission is rendered before alpha blending, so any material with [`AlphaMode::Blend`], [`AlphaMode::Premultiplied`], [`AlphaMode::Add`] or [`AlphaMode::Multiply`]
/// won't be visible through specular transmissive materials.
#[doc(alias = "refraction")]
pub specular_transmission: f32,
/// A map that modulates specular transmission via its red channel. Multiplied by [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`]
/// to obtain the final result.
/// **Important:** The [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`] property must be set to a value higher than 0.0,
/// or this texture won't have any effect.
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
pub specular_transmission_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// Thickness of the volume beneath the material surface.
/// When set to `0.0` (the default) the material appears as an infinitely-thin film,
/// transmitting light without distorting it.
/// When set to any other value, the material distorts light like a thick lens.
/// **Note:** Typically used in conjunction with [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`] and [`StandardMaterial::ior`], or with
/// [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`].
#[doc(alias = "volume")]
#[doc(alias = "thin_walled")]
pub thickness: f32,
/// A map that modulates thickness via its green channel. Multiplied by [`StandardMaterial::thickness`]
/// to obtain the final result.
/// **Important:** The [`StandardMaterial::thickness`] property must be set to a value higher than 0.0,
/// or this texture won't have any effect.
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
pub thickness_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// The [index of refraction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refractive_index) of the material.
/// Defaults to 1.5.
/// | Material | Index of Refraction |
/// |:----------------|:---------------------|
/// | Vacuum | 1 |
/// | Air | 1.00 |
/// | Ice | 1.31 |
/// | Water | 1.33 |
/// | Eyes | 1.38 |
/// | Quartz | 1.46 |
/// | Olive Oil | 1.47 |
/// | Honey | 1.49 |
/// | Acrylic | 1.49 |
/// | Window Glass | 1.52 |
/// | Polycarbonate | 1.58 |
/// | Flint Glass | 1.69 |
/// | Ruby | 1.71 |
/// | Glycerine | 1.74 |
/// | Sapphire | 1.77 |
/// | Cubic Zirconia | 2.15 |
/// | Diamond | 2.42 |
/// | Moissanite | 2.65 |
/// **Note:** Typically used in conjunction with [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`] and [`StandardMaterial::thickness`].
#[doc(alias = "index_of_refraction")]
#[doc(alias = "refraction_index")]
#[doc(alias = "refractive_index")]
pub ior: f32,
/// How far, on average, light travels through the volume beneath the material's
/// surface before being absorbed.
/// Defaults to [`f32::INFINITY`], i.e. light is never absorbed.
/// **Note:** To have any effect, must be used in conjunction with:
/// - [`StandardMaterial::attenuation_color`];
/// - [`StandardMaterial::thickness`];
/// - [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`] or [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`].
#[doc(alias = "absorption_distance")]
#[doc(alias = "extinction_distance")]
pub attenuation_distance: f32,
/// The resulting (non-absorbed) color after white light travels through the attenuation distance.
/// Defaults to [`Color::WHITE`], i.e. no change.
/// **Note:** To have any effect, must be used in conjunction with:
/// - [`StandardMaterial::attenuation_distance`];
/// - [`StandardMaterial::thickness`];
/// - [`StandardMaterial::diffuse_transmission`] or [`StandardMaterial::specular_transmission`].
#[doc(alias = "absorption_color")]
#[doc(alias = "extinction_color")]
pub attenuation_color: Color,
/// Used to fake the lighting of bumps and dents on a material.
/// A typical usage would be faking cobblestones on a flat plane mesh in 3D.
/// # Notes
/// Normal mapping with `StandardMaterial` and the core bevy PBR shaders requires:
/// - A normal map texture
/// - Vertex UVs
/// - Vertex tangents
/// - Vertex normals
/// Tangents do not have to be stored in your model,
/// they can be generated using the [`Mesh::generate_tangents`] or
/// [`Mesh::with_generated_tangents`] methods.
/// If your material has a normal map, but still renders as a flat surface,
/// make sure your meshes have their tangents set.
/// [`Mesh::generate_tangents`]: bevy_render::mesh::Mesh::generate_tangents
/// [`Mesh::with_generated_tangents`]: bevy_render::mesh::Mesh::with_generated_tangents
pub normal_map_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// Normal map textures authored for DirectX have their y-component flipped. Set this to flip
/// it to right-handed conventions.
pub flip_normal_map_y: bool,
/// Specifies the level of exposure to ambient light.
/// This is usually generated and stored automatically ("baked") by 3D-modelling software.
/// Typically, steep concave parts of a model (such as the armpit of a shirt) are darker,
/// because they have little exposure to light.
/// An occlusion map specifies those parts of the model that light doesn't reach well.
/// The material will be less lit in places where this texture is dark.
/// This is similar to ambient occlusion, but built into the model.
pub occlusion_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// Support two-sided lighting by automatically flipping the normals for "back" faces
/// within the PBR lighting shader.
/// Defaults to `false`.
/// This does not automatically configure backface culling,
/// which can be done via `cull_mode`.
pub double_sided: bool,
/// Whether to cull the "front", "back" or neither side of a mesh.
/// If set to `None`, the two sides of the mesh are visible.
/// Defaults to `Some(Face::Back)`.
/// In bevy, the order of declaration of a triangle's vertices
/// in [`Mesh`] defines the triangle's front face.
/// When a triangle is in a viewport,
/// if its vertices appear counter-clockwise from the viewport's perspective,
/// then the viewport is seeing the triangle's front face.
/// Conversely, if the vertices appear clockwise, you are seeing the back face.
/// In short, in bevy, front faces winds counter-clockwise.
/// Your 3D editing software should manage all of that.
/// [`Mesh`]: bevy_render::mesh::Mesh
// TODO: include this in reflection somehow (maybe via remote types like serde https://serde.rs/remote-derive.html)
pub cull_mode: Option<Face>,
/// Whether to apply only the base color to this material.
/// Normals, occlusion textures, roughness, metallic, reflectance, emissive,
/// shadows, alpha mode and ambient light are ignored if this is set to `true`.
pub unlit: bool,
/// Whether to enable fog for this material.
pub fog_enabled: bool,
/// How to apply the alpha channel of the `base_color_texture`.
/// See [`AlphaMode`] for details. Defaults to [`AlphaMode::Opaque`].
pub alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
/// Adjust rendered depth.
/// A material with a positive depth bias will render closer to the
/// camera while negative values cause the material to render behind
/// other objects. This is independent of the viewport.
/// `depth_bias` affects render ordering and depth write operations
/// using the `wgpu::DepthBiasState::Constant` field.
/// [z-fighting]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-fighting
pub depth_bias: f32,
/// The depth map used for [parallax mapping].
/// It is a greyscale image where white represents bottom and black the top.
/// If this field is set, bevy will apply [parallax mapping].
/// Parallax mapping, unlike simple normal maps, will move the texture
/// coordinate according to the current perspective,
/// giving actual depth to the texture.
/// The visual result is similar to a displacement map,
/// but does not require additional geometry.
/// Use the [`parallax_depth_scale`] field to control the depth of the parallax.
/// ## Limitations
/// - It will look weird on bent/non-planar surfaces.
/// - The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
/// in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO.
/// - For the same reason, the geometry silhouette will always be
/// the one of the actual geometry, not the parallaxed version, resulting
/// in awkward looks on intersecting parallaxed surfaces.
/// ## Performance
/// Parallax mapping requires multiple texture lookups, proportional to
/// [`max_parallax_layer_count`], which might be costly.
/// Use the [`parallax_mapping_method`] and [`max_parallax_layer_count`] fields
/// to tweak the shader, trading graphical quality for performance.
/// To improve performance, set your `depth_map`'s [`Image::sampler`]
/// filter mode to `FilterMode::Nearest`, as [this paper] indicates, it improves
/// performance a bit.
/// To reduce artifacts, avoid steep changes in depth, blurring the depth
/// map helps with this.
/// Larger depth maps haves a disproportionate performance impact.
/// [this paper]: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:831762/FULLTEXT01.pdf
/// [parallax mapping]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_mapping
/// [`parallax_depth_scale`]: StandardMaterial::parallax_depth_scale
/// [`parallax_mapping_method`]: StandardMaterial::parallax_mapping_method
/// [`max_parallax_layer_count`]: StandardMaterial::max_parallax_layer_count
pub depth_map: Option<Handle<Image>>,
/// How deep the offset introduced by the depth map should be.
/// Default is `0.1`, anything over that value may look distorted.
/// Lower values lessen the effect.
/// The depth is relative to texture size. This means that if your texture
/// occupies a surface of `1` world unit, and `parallax_depth_scale` is `0.1`, then
/// the in-world depth will be of `0.1` world units.
/// If the texture stretches for `10` world units, then the final depth
/// will be of `1` world unit.
pub parallax_depth_scale: f32,
/// Which parallax mapping method to use.
/// We recommend that all objects use the same [`ParallaxMappingMethod`], to avoid
/// duplicating and running two shaders.
pub parallax_mapping_method: ParallaxMappingMethod,
/// In how many layers to split the depth maps for parallax mapping.
/// If you are seeing jaggy edges, increase this value.
/// However, this incurs a performance cost.
/// Dependent on the situation, switching to [`ParallaxMappingMethod::Relief`]
/// and keeping this value low might have better performance than increasing the
/// layer count while using [`ParallaxMappingMethod::Occlusion`].
/// Default is `16.0`.
pub max_parallax_layer_count: f32,
/// The exposure (brightness) level of the lightmap, if present.
pub lightmap_exposure: f32,
/// Render method used for opaque materials. (Where `alpha_mode` is [`AlphaMode::Opaque`] or [`AlphaMode::Mask`])
pub opaque_render_method: OpaqueRendererMethod,
/// Used for selecting the deferred lighting pass for deferred materials.
/// Default is [`DEFAULT_PBR_DEFERRED_LIGHTING_PASS_ID`] for default
/// PBR deferred lighting pass. Ignored in the case of forward materials.
pub deferred_lighting_pass_id: u8,
/// The transform applied to the UVs corresponding to ATTRIBUTE_UV_0 on the mesh before sampling. Default is identity.
pub uv_transform: Affine2,
impl Default for StandardMaterial {
fn default() -> Self {
StandardMaterial {
// White because it gets multiplied with texture values if someone uses
// a texture.
base_color: Color::WHITE,
base_color_texture: None,
emissive: Color::BLACK,
emissive_texture: None,
// Matches Blender's default roughness.
perceptual_roughness: 0.5,
// Metallic should generally be set to 0.0 or 1.0.
metallic: 0.0,
metallic_roughness_texture: None,
// Minimum real-world reflectance is 2%, most materials between 2-5%
// Expressed in a linear scale and equivalent to 4% reflectance see
// <https://google.github.io/filament/Material%20Properties.pdf>
reflectance: 0.5,
diffuse_transmission: 0.0,
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
diffuse_transmission_texture: None,
specular_transmission: 0.0,
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
specular_transmission_texture: None,
thickness: 0.0,
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
thickness_texture: None,
ior: 1.5,
attenuation_color: Color::WHITE,
attenuation_distance: f32::INFINITY,
occlusion_texture: None,
normal_map_texture: None,
flip_normal_map_y: false,
double_sided: false,
cull_mode: Some(Face::Back),
unlit: false,
fog_enabled: true,
alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Opaque,
depth_bias: 0.0,
depth_map: None,
parallax_depth_scale: 0.1,
max_parallax_layer_count: 16.0,
lightmap_exposure: 1.0,
parallax_mapping_method: ParallaxMappingMethod::Occlusion,
opaque_render_method: OpaqueRendererMethod::Auto,
deferred_lighting_pass_id: DEFAULT_PBR_DEFERRED_LIGHTING_PASS_ID,
uv_transform: Affine2::IDENTITY,
impl From<Color> for StandardMaterial {
fn from(color: Color) -> Self {
StandardMaterial {
base_color: color,
alpha_mode: if color.alpha() < 1.0 {
} else {
impl From<Handle<Image>> for StandardMaterial {
fn from(texture: Handle<Image>) -> Self {
StandardMaterial {
base_color_texture: Some(texture),
// NOTE: These must match the bit flags in bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr_types.wgsl!
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Bitflags info about the material a shader is currently rendering.
/// This is accessible in the shader in the [`StandardMaterialUniform`]
pub struct StandardMaterialFlags: u32 {
const BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE = 1 << 0;
const EMISSIVE_TEXTURE = 1 << 1;
const OCCLUSION_TEXTURE = 1 << 3;
const DOUBLE_SIDED = 1 << 4;
const UNLIT = 1 << 5;
const FLIP_NORMAL_MAP_Y = 1 << 7;
const FOG_ENABLED = 1 << 8;
const DEPTH_MAP = 1 << 9; // Used for parallax mapping
const THICKNESS_TEXTURE = 1 << 11;
const ATTENUATION_ENABLED = 1 << 13;
const ALPHA_MODE_RESERVED_BITS = Self::ALPHA_MODE_MASK_BITS << Self::ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS; // ← Bitmask reserving bits for the `AlphaMode`
const ALPHA_MODE_OPAQUE = 0 << Self::ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS; // ← Values are just sequential values bitshifted into
const ALPHA_MODE_MASK = 1 << Self::ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS; // the bitmask, and can range from 0 to 7.
const ALPHA_MODE_ADD = 4 << Self::ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS; // Right now only values 0–5 are used, which still gives
const ALPHA_MODE_MULTIPLY = 5 << Self::ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS; // ← us "room" for two more modes without adding more bits
const NONE = 0;
impl StandardMaterialFlags {
const ALPHA_MODE_MASK_BITS: u32 = 0b111;
const ALPHA_MODE_SHIFT_BITS: u32 = 32 - Self::ALPHA_MODE_MASK_BITS.count_ones();
/// The GPU representation of the uniform data of a [`StandardMaterial`].
#[derive(Clone, Default, ShaderType)]
pub struct StandardMaterialUniform {
/// Doubles as diffuse albedo for non-metallic, specular for metallic and a mix for everything
/// in between.
pub base_color: Vec4,
// Use a color for user-friendliness even though we technically don't use the alpha channel
// Might be used in the future for exposure correction in HDR
pub emissive: Vec4,
/// Color white light takes after travelling through the attenuation distance underneath the material surface
pub attenuation_color: Vec4,
/// The transform applied to the UVs corresponding to ATTRIBUTE_UV_0 on the mesh before sampling. Default is identity.
pub uv_transform: Mat3,
/// Linear perceptual roughness, clamped to [0.089, 1.0] in the shader
/// Defaults to minimum of 0.089
pub roughness: f32,
/// From [0.0, 1.0], dielectric to pure metallic
pub metallic: f32,
/// Specular intensity for non-metals on a linear scale of [0.0, 1.0]
/// defaults to 0.5 which is mapped to 4% reflectance in the shader
pub reflectance: f32,
/// Amount of diffuse light transmitted through the material
pub diffuse_transmission: f32,
/// Amount of specular light transmitted through the material
pub specular_transmission: f32,
/// Thickness of the volume underneath the material surface
pub thickness: f32,
/// Index of Refraction
pub ior: f32,
/// How far light travels through the volume underneath the material surface before being absorbed
pub attenuation_distance: f32,
/// The [`StandardMaterialFlags`] accessible in the `wgsl` shader.
pub flags: u32,
/// When the alpha mode mask flag is set, any base color alpha above this cutoff means fully opaque,
/// and any below means fully transparent.
pub alpha_cutoff: f32,
/// The depth of the [`StandardMaterial::depth_map`] to apply.
pub parallax_depth_scale: f32,
/// In how many layers to split the depth maps for Steep parallax mapping.
/// If your `parallax_depth_scale` is >0.1 and you are seeing jaggy edges,
/// increase this value. However, this incurs a performance cost.
pub max_parallax_layer_count: f32,
/// The exposure (brightness) level of the lightmap, if present.
pub lightmap_exposure: f32,
/// Using [`ParallaxMappingMethod::Relief`], how many additional
/// steps to use at most to find the depth value.
pub max_relief_mapping_search_steps: u32,
/// ID for specifying which deferred lighting pass should be used for rendering this material, if any.
pub deferred_lighting_pass_id: u32,
impl AsBindGroupShaderType<StandardMaterialUniform> for StandardMaterial {
fn as_bind_group_shader_type(&self, images: &RenderAssets<Image>) -> StandardMaterialUniform {
let mut flags = StandardMaterialFlags::NONE;
if self.base_color_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE;
if self.emissive_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::EMISSIVE_TEXTURE;
if self.metallic_roughness_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE;
if self.occlusion_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::OCCLUSION_TEXTURE;
if self.double_sided {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::DOUBLE_SIDED;
if self.unlit {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::UNLIT;
if self.fog_enabled {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::FOG_ENABLED;
if self.depth_map.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::DEPTH_MAP;
#[cfg(feature = "pbr_transmission_textures")]
if self.specular_transmission_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::SPECULAR_TRANSMISSION_TEXTURE;
if self.thickness_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::THICKNESS_TEXTURE;
if self.diffuse_transmission_texture.is_some() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::DIFFUSE_TRANSMISSION_TEXTURE;
let has_normal_map = self.normal_map_texture.is_some();
if has_normal_map {
let normal_map_id = self.normal_map_texture.as_ref().map(|h| h.id()).unwrap();
if let Some(texture) = images.get(normal_map_id) {
match texture.texture_format {
// All 2-component unorm formats
| TextureFormat::Rg16Unorm
| TextureFormat::Bc5RgUnorm
| TextureFormat::EacRg11Unorm => {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::TWO_COMPONENT_NORMAL_MAP;
_ => {}
if self.flip_normal_map_y {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::FLIP_NORMAL_MAP_Y;
// NOTE: 0.5 is from the glTF default - do we want this?
let mut alpha_cutoff = 0.5;
match self.alpha_mode {
AlphaMode::Opaque => flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_OPAQUE,
AlphaMode::Mask(c) => {
alpha_cutoff = c;
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_MASK;
AlphaMode::Blend => flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_BLEND,
AlphaMode::Premultiplied => flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED,
AlphaMode::Add => flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_ADD,
AlphaMode::Multiply => flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ALPHA_MODE_MULTIPLY,
if self.attenuation_distance.is_finite() {
flags |= StandardMaterialFlags::ATTENUATION_ENABLED;
StandardMaterialUniform {
base_color: LinearRgba::from(self.base_color).to_f32_array().into(),
emissive: LinearRgba::from(self.emissive).to_f32_array().into(),
roughness: self.perceptual_roughness,
metallic: self.metallic,
reflectance: self.reflectance,
diffuse_transmission: self.diffuse_transmission,
specular_transmission: self.specular_transmission,
thickness: self.thickness,
ior: self.ior,
attenuation_distance: self.attenuation_distance,
attenuation_color: LinearRgba::from(self.attenuation_color)
flags: flags.bits(),
parallax_depth_scale: self.parallax_depth_scale,
max_parallax_layer_count: self.max_parallax_layer_count,
lightmap_exposure: self.lightmap_exposure,
max_relief_mapping_search_steps: self.parallax_mapping_method.max_steps(),
deferred_lighting_pass_id: self.deferred_lighting_pass_id as u32,
uv_transform: self.uv_transform.into(),
bitflags! {
/// The pipeline key for `StandardMaterial`, packed into 64 bits.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct StandardMaterialKey: u64 {
const CULL_FRONT = 0x01;
const CULL_BACK = 0x02;
const NORMAL_MAP = 0x04;
const RELIEF_MAPPING = 0x08;
const DEPTH_BIAS = 0xffffffff_00000000;
impl From<&StandardMaterial> for StandardMaterialKey {
fn from(material: &StandardMaterial) -> Self {
let mut key = StandardMaterialKey::empty();
material.cull_mode == Some(Face::Front),
material.cull_mode == Some(Face::Back),
ParallaxMappingMethod::Relief { .. }
material.diffuse_transmission > 0.0,
material.specular_transmission > 0.0,
(material.depth_bias as u64) << STANDARD_MATERIAL_KEY_DEPTH_BIAS_SHIFT,
impl Material for StandardMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn alpha_mode(&self) -> AlphaMode {
fn opaque_render_method(&self) -> OpaqueRendererMethod {
match self.opaque_render_method {
// For now, diffuse transmission doesn't work under deferred rendering as we don't pack
// the required data into the GBuffer. If this material is set to `Auto`, we report it as
// `Forward` so that it's rendered correctly, even when the `DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod`
// is set to `Deferred`.
// If the developer explicitly sets the `OpaqueRendererMethod` to `Deferred`, we assume
// they know what they're doing and don't override it.
OpaqueRendererMethod::Auto if self.diffuse_transmission > 0.0 => {
other => other,
fn depth_bias(&self) -> f32 {
fn reads_view_transmission_texture(&self) -> bool {
self.specular_transmission > 0.0
fn prepass_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn deferred_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
#[cfg(feature = "meshlet")]
fn meshlet_mesh_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
#[cfg(feature = "meshlet")]
fn meshlet_mesh_prepass_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
#[cfg(feature = "meshlet")]
fn meshlet_mesh_deferred_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn specialize(
_pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
_layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayoutRef,
key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
if let Some(fragment) = descriptor.fragment.as_mut() {
let shader_defs = &mut fragment.shader_defs;
if key
if key
if key
if key
if key.bind_group_data.intersects(
) {
descriptor.primitive.cull_mode = if key
} else if key.bind_group_data.contains(StandardMaterialKey::CULL_BACK) {
} else {
if let Some(label) = &mut descriptor.label {
*label = format!("pbr_{}", *label).into();
if let Some(depth_stencil) = descriptor.depth_stencil.as_mut() {
depth_stencil.bias.constant =
(key.bind_group_data.bits() >> STANDARD_MATERIAL_KEY_DEPTH_BIAS_SHIFT) as i32;