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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:24 +00:00
# Objective The `NestedLoader` API as it stands right now is somewhat lacking: - It consists of several types `NestedLoader`, `UntypedNestedLoader`, `DirectNestedLoader`, and `UntypedDirectNestedLoader`, where a typestate pattern on `NestedLoader` would be make it more obvious what it does, and allow centralising the documentation - The term "untyped" in the asset loader code is overloaded. It can mean either: - we have literally no idea what the type of this asset will be when we load it (I dub this "unknown type") - we know what type of asset it will be, but we don't know it statically - we only have a TypeId (I dub this "dynamic type" / "erased") - There is no way to get an `UntypedHandle` (erased) given a `TypeId` ## Solution Changes `NestedLoader` into a type-state pattern, adding two type params: - `T` determines the typing - `StaticTyped`, the default, where you pass in `A` statically into `fn load<A>() -> ..` - `DynamicTyped`, where you give a `TypeId`, giving you a `UntypedHandle` - `UnknownTyped`, where you have literally no idea what type of asset you're loading, giving you a `Handle<LoadedUntypedAsset>` - `M` determines the "mode" (bikeshedding TBD, I couldn't come up with a better name) - `Deferred`, the default, won't load the asset when you call `load`, but it does give you a `Handle` to it (this is nice since it can be a sync fn) - `Immediate` will load the asset as soon as you call it, and give you access to it, but you must be in an async context to call it Changes some naming of internals in `AssetServer` to fit the new definitions of "dynamic type" and "unknown type". Note that I didn't do a full pass over this code to keep the diff small. That can probably be done in a new PR - I think the definiton I laid out of unknown type vs. erased makes it pretty clear where each one applies. <details> <summary>Old issue</summary> The only real problem I have with this PR is the requirement to pass in `type_name` (from `core::any::type_name`) into Erased. Users might not have that type name, only the ID, and it just seems sort of weird to *have* to give an asset type name. However, the reason we need it is because of this: ```rs pub(crate) fn get_or_create_path_handle_erased( &mut self, path: AssetPath<'static>, type_id: TypeId, type_name: &str, loading_mode: HandleLoadingMode, meta_transform: Option<MetaTransform>, ) -> (UntypedHandle, bool) { let result = self.get_or_create_path_handle_internal( path, Some(type_id), loading_mode, meta_transform, ); // it is ok to unwrap because TypeId was specified above unwrap_with_context(result, type_name).unwrap() } pub(crate) fn unwrap_with_context<T>( result: Result<T, GetOrCreateHandleInternalError>, type_name: &str, ) -> Option<T> { match result { Ok(value) => Some(value), Err(GetOrCreateHandleInternalError::HandleMissingButTypeIdNotSpecified) => None, Err(GetOrCreateHandleInternalError::MissingHandleProviderError(_)) => { panic!("Cannot allocate an Asset Handle of type '{type_name}' because the asset type has not been initialized. \ Make sure you have called app.init_asset::<{type_name}>()") } } } ``` This `unwrap_with_context` is literally the only reason we need the `type_name`. Potentially, this can be turned into an `impl Into<Option<&str>>`, and output a different error message if the type name is missing. Since if we are loading an asset where we only know the type ID, by definition we can't output that error message, since we don't have the type name. I'm open to suggestions on this. </details> ## Testing Not sure how to test this, since I kept most of the actual NestedLoader logic the same. The only new API is loading an `UntypedHandle` when in the `DynamicTyped, Immediate` state. ## Migration Guide Code which uses `bevy_asset`'s `LoadContext::loader` / `NestedLoader` will see some naming changes: - `untyped` is replaced by `with_unknown_type` - `with_asset_type` is replaced by `with_static_type` - `with_asset_type_id` is replaced by `with_dynamic_type` - `direct` is replaced by `immediate` (the opposite of "immediate" is "deferred")
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//! This example illustrates how to define custom `AssetLoader`s, `AssetTransformer`s, and `AssetSaver`s, how to configure them, and how to register asset processors.
use bevy::{
io::{Reader, Writer},
saver::{AssetSaver, SavedAsset},
transformer::{AssetTransformer, TransformedAsset},
AssetLoader, AsyncWriteExt, LoadContext,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::convert::Infallible;
use thiserror::Error;
fn main() {
// Using the "processed" mode will configure the AssetPlugin to use asset processing.
// If you also enable the `asset_processor` cargo feature, this will run the AssetProcessor
// in the background, run them through configured asset processors, and write the results to
// the `imported_assets` folder. If you also enable the `file_watcher` cargo feature, changes to the
// source assets will be detected and they will be reprocessed.
// The AssetProcessor will create `.meta` files automatically for assets in the `assets` folder,
// which can then be used to configure how the asset will be processed.
DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin {
mode: AssetMode::Processed,
// This is just overriding the default paths to scope this to the correct example folder
// You can generally skip this in your own projects
file_path: "examples/asset/processing/assets".to_string(),
processed_file_path: "examples/asset/processing/imported_assets/Default"
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, print_text)
/// This [`TextPlugin`] defines two assets types:
/// * [`CoolText`]: a custom RON text format that supports dependencies and embedded dependencies
/// * [`Text`]: a "normal" plain text file
/// It also defines an asset processor that will load [`CoolText`], resolve embedded dependencies, and write the resulting
/// output to a "normal" plain text file. When the processed asset is loaded, it is loaded as a Text (plaintext) asset.
/// This illustrates that when you process an asset, you can change its type! However you don't _need_ to change the type.
struct TextPlugin;
impl Plugin for TextPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
embedded_asset!(app, "examples/asset/processing/", "e.txt");
.register_asset_processor::<LoadTransformAndSave<CoolTextLoader, CoolTextTransformer, CoolTextSaver>>(
LoadTransformAndSave::new(CoolTextTransformer, CoolTextSaver),
.set_default_asset_processor::<LoadTransformAndSave<CoolTextLoader, CoolTextTransformer, CoolTextSaver>>("cool.ron");
#[derive(Asset, TypePath, Debug)]
struct Text(String);
struct TextLoader;
#[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TextSettings {
text_override: Option<String>,
impl AssetLoader for TextLoader {
type Asset = Text;
type Settings = TextSettings;
type Error = std::io::Error;
async fn load(
reader: &mut dyn Reader,
settings: &TextSettings,
_load_context: &mut LoadContext<'_>,
) -> Result<Text, Self::Error> {
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes).await?;
let value = if let Some(ref text) = settings.text_override {
} else {
fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct CoolTextRon {
text: String,
dependencies: Vec<String>,
embedded_dependencies: Vec<String>,
dependencies_with_settings: Vec<(String, TextSettings)>,
#[derive(Asset, TypePath, Debug)]
struct CoolText {
text: String,
dependencies: Vec<Handle<Text>>,
struct CoolTextLoader;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
enum CoolTextLoaderError {
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
RonSpannedError(#[from] ron::error::SpannedError),
LoadDirectError(#[from] bevy::asset::LoadDirectError),
impl AssetLoader for CoolTextLoader {
type Asset = CoolText;
type Settings = ();
type Error = CoolTextLoaderError;
async fn load(
reader: &mut dyn Reader,
_settings: &Self::Settings,
load_context: &mut LoadContext<'_>,
) -> Result<CoolText, Self::Error> {
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes).await?;
let ron: CoolTextRon = ron::de::from_bytes(&bytes)?;
let mut base_text = ron.text;
for embedded in ron.embedded_dependencies {
let loaded = load_context
for (path, settings_override) in ron.dependencies_with_settings {
let loaded = load_context
.with_settings(move |settings| {
*settings = settings_override.clone();
Ok(CoolText {
text: base_text,
dependencies: ron
.map(|p| load_context.load(p))
fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] {
struct CoolTextTransformer;
#[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct CoolTextTransformerSettings {
appended: String,
impl AssetTransformer for CoolTextTransformer {
type AssetInput = CoolText;
type AssetOutput = CoolText;
type Settings = CoolTextTransformerSettings;
type Error = Infallible;
async fn transform<'a>(
&'a self,
mut asset: TransformedAsset<Self::AssetInput>,
settings: &'a Self::Settings,
) -> Result<TransformedAsset<Self::AssetOutput>, Self::Error> {
asset.text = format!("{}{}", asset.text, settings.appended);
struct CoolTextSaver;
impl AssetSaver for CoolTextSaver {
type Asset = CoolText;
type Settings = ();
type OutputLoader = TextLoader;
type Error = std::io::Error;
async fn save(
writer: &mut Writer,
asset: SavedAsset<'_, Self::Asset>,
_settings: &Self::Settings,
) -> Result<TextSettings, Self::Error> {
struct TextAssets {
a: Handle<Text>,
b: Handle<Text>,
c: Handle<Text>,
d: Handle<Text>,
e: Handle<Text>,
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, assets: Res<AssetServer>) {
// This the final processed versions of `assets/a.cool.ron` and `assets/foo.c.cool.ron`
// Check out their counterparts in `imported_assets` to see what the outputs look like.
commands.insert_resource(TextAssets {
a: assets.load("a.cool.ron"),
b: assets.load("foo/b.cool.ron"),
c: assets.load("foo/c.cool.ron"),
d: assets.load("d.cool.ron"),
e: assets.load("embedded://asset_processing/e.txt"),
fn print_text(
handles: Res<TextAssets>,
texts: Res<Assets<Text>>,
mut asset_events: EventReader<AssetEvent<Text>>,
) {
if !asset_events.is_empty() {
// This prints the current values of the assets
// Hot-reloading is supported, so try modifying the source assets (and their meta files)!
println!("Current Values:");
println!(" a: {:?}", texts.get(&handles.a));
println!(" b: {:?}", texts.get(&handles.b));
println!(" c: {:?}", texts.get(&handles.c));
println!(" d: {:?}", texts.get(&handles.d));
println!(" e: {:?}", texts.get(&handles.e));
println!("(You can modify source assets and their .meta files to hot-reload changes!)");