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synced 2025-03-09 09:47:42 +00:00
# Objective Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI System](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/14437) ## Solution As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`, and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed. This accomplishes a number of goals: ## Ergonomics wins Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for non-default styles Before: ```rust commands.spawn(( Node::default(), Style { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }, )); ``` After: ```rust commands.spawn(Node { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }); ``` ## Conceptual clarity `Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core" style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`, etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked above). By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion. ## Next Steps * Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15. --- ## Migration Guide Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style` component usage with `Node`. Before: ```rust commands.spawn(( Node::default(), Style { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }, )); ``` After: ```rust commands.spawn(Node { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }); ``` For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on `Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead: Before: ```rust fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) { for node in &nodes { let computed_size = node.size(); } } ``` After: ```rust fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) { for computed_node in &computed_nodes { let computed_size = computed_node.size(); } } ```
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use bevy::{app::MainScheduleOrder, ecs::schedule::*, prelude::*};
/// Independent [`Schedule`] for stepping systems.
/// The stepping systems must run in their own schedule to be able to inspect
/// all the other schedules in the [`App`]. This is because the currently
/// executing schedule is removed from the [`Schedules`] resource while it is
/// being run.
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, ScheduleLabel)]
struct DebugSchedule;
/// Plugin to add a stepping UI to an example
pub struct SteppingPlugin {
schedule_labels: Vec<InternedScheduleLabel>,
top: Val,
left: Val,
impl SteppingPlugin {
/// add a schedule to be stepped when stepping is enabled
pub fn add_schedule(mut self, label: impl ScheduleLabel) -> SteppingPlugin {
/// Set the location of the stepping UI when activated
pub fn at(self, left: Val, top: Val) -> SteppingPlugin {
SteppingPlugin { top, left, ..self }
impl Plugin for SteppingPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
app.add_systems(Startup, build_stepping_hint);
if cfg!(not(feature = "bevy_debug_stepping")) {
// create and insert our debug schedule into the main schedule order.
// We need an independent schedule so we have access to all other
// schedules through the `Stepping` resource
let mut order = app.world_mut().resource_mut::<MainScheduleOrder>();
order.insert_after(Update, DebugSchedule);
// create our stepping resource
let mut stepping = Stepping::new();
for label in &self.schedule_labels {
// add our startup & stepping systems
app.insert_resource(State {
ui_top: self.top,
ui_left: self.left,
systems: Vec::new(),
/// Struct for maintaining stepping state
#[derive(Resource, Debug)]
struct State {
// vector of schedule/nodeid -> text index offset
systems: Vec<(InternedScheduleLabel, NodeId, usize)>,
// ui positioning
ui_top: Val,
ui_left: Val,
/// condition to check if the stepping UI has been constructed
fn initialized(state: Res<State>) -> bool {
const FONT_COLOR: Color = Color::srgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const FONT_BOLD: &str = "fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf";
struct SteppingUi;
/// Construct the stepping UI elements from the [`Schedules`] resource.
/// This system may run multiple times before constructing the UI as all of the
/// data may not be available on the first run of the system. This happens if
/// one of the stepping schedules has not yet been run.
fn build_ui(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
schedules: Res<Schedules>,
mut stepping: ResMut<Stepping>,
mut state: ResMut<State>,
) {
let mut text_spans = Vec::new();
let mut always_run = Vec::new();
let Ok(schedule_order) = stepping.schedules() else {
// go through the stepping schedules and construct a list of systems for
// each label
for label in schedule_order {
let schedule = schedules.get(*label).unwrap();
TextFont {
font: asset_server.load(FONT_BOLD),
// grab the list of systems in the schedule, in the order the
// single-threaded executor would run them.
let Ok(systems) = schedule.systems() else {
for (node_id, system) in systems {
// skip bevy default systems; we don't want to step those
if system.name().starts_with("bevy") {
always_run.push((*label, node_id));
// Add an entry to our systems list so we can find where to draw
// the cursor when the stepping cursor is at this system
// we add plus 1 to account for the empty root span
state.systems.push((*label, node_id, text_spans.len() + 1));
// Add a text section for displaying the cursor for this system
TextSpan::new(" "),
// add the name of the system to the ui
TextSpan(format!("{}\n", system.name())),
for (label, node) in always_run.drain(..) {
stepping.always_run_node(label, node);
Node {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: state.ui_top,
left: state.ui_left,
padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.0)),
BackgroundColor(Color::srgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.33)),
.with_children(|p| {
for span in text_spans {
fn build_stepping_hint(mut commands: Commands) {
let hint_text = if cfg!(feature = "bevy_debug_stepping") {
"Press ` to toggle stepping mode (S: step system, Space: step frame)"
} else {
"Bevy was compiled without stepping support. Run with `--features=bevy_debug_stepping` to enable stepping."
info!("{}", hint_text);
// stepping description box
TextFont {
font_size: 15.0,
Node {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
bottom: Val::Px(5.0),
left: Val::Px(5.0),
fn handle_input(keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>, mut stepping: ResMut<Stepping>) {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Slash) {
info!("{:#?}", stepping);
// grave key to toggle stepping mode for the FixedUpdate schedule
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Backquote) {
if stepping.is_enabled() {
debug!("disabled stepping");
} else {
debug!("enabled stepping");
if !stepping.is_enabled() {
// space key will step the remainder of this frame
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
} else if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
debug!("stepping frame");
fn update_ui(
mut commands: Commands,
state: Res<State>,
stepping: Res<Stepping>,
ui: Single<(Entity, &Visibility), With<SteppingUi>>,
mut writer: TextUiWriter,
) {
// ensure the UI is only visible when stepping is enabled
let (ui, vis) = *ui;
match (vis, stepping.is_enabled()) {
(Visibility::Hidden, true) => {
(Visibility::Hidden, false) | (_, true) => (),
(_, false) => {
// if we're not stepping, there's nothing more to be done here.
if !stepping.is_enabled() {
let (cursor_schedule, cursor_system) = match stepping.cursor() {
// no cursor means stepping isn't enabled, so we're done here
None => return,
Some(c) => c,
for (schedule, system, text_index) in &state.systems {
let mark = if &cursor_schedule == schedule && *system == cursor_system {
"-> "
} else {
" "
*writer.text(ui, *text_index) = mark.to_string();