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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:36 +00:00
# Objective Related to #10472. Not having a hardcoded scale factor makes comparing results from these stress tests difficult. Contributors using high dpi screens may be rendering 4x as many pixels as others (or more). Stress tests may have different behavior when moved from one monitor in a dual setup to another. At very high resolutions, different parts of the engine / hardware are being stressed. 1080p is also a far more common resolution for gaming. ## Solution Use a consistent 1080p with `scale_factor_override: 1.0` everywhere. In #9903, this sort of change was added specifically to `bevymark` and `many_cubes` but it makes sense to do it everywhere. ## Discussion - Maybe we should have a command line option, environment variable, or `CI_TESTING_CONFIG` option for 1080p / 1440p / 4k. - Will these look odd (small text?) when screenshotted and shown in the example showcase? The aspect ratio is the same, but they will be downscaled from 1080p instead of ~720p. - Maybe there are other window properties that should be consistent across stress tests. e.g. `resizable: false`. - Should we add a `stress_test_window(title)` helper or something? - Bevymark (pre-10472) was intentionally 800x600 to match "bunnymark", I believe. I don't personally think this is very important.
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//! Loads animations from a skinned glTF, spawns many of them, and plays the
//! animation to stress test skinned meshes.
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::time::Duration;
use argh::FromArgs;
use bevy::{
diagnostic::{FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin, LogDiagnosticsPlugin},
window::{PresentMode, WindowPlugin, WindowResolution},
#[derive(FromArgs, Resource)]
/// `many_foxes` stress test
struct Args {
/// wether all foxes run in sync.
sync: bool,
/// total number of foxes.
#[argh(option, default = "1000")]
count: usize,
struct Foxes {
count: usize,
speed: f32,
moving: bool,
sync: bool,
fn main() {
let args: Args = argh::from_env();
DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
primary_window: Some(Window {
title: "🦊🦊🦊 Many Foxes! 🦊🦊🦊".into(),
present_mode: PresentMode::AutoNoVsync,
resolution: WindowResolution::new(1920.0, 1080.0)
.insert_resource(Foxes {
count: args.count,
speed: 2.0,
moving: true,
sync: args.sync,
.insert_resource(AmbientLight {
color: Color::WHITE,
brightness: 1.0,
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
struct Animations(Vec<Handle<AnimationClip>>);
const RING_SPACING: f32 = 2.0;
const FOX_SPACING: f32 = 2.0;
#[derive(Component, Clone, Copy)]
enum RotationDirection {
impl RotationDirection {
fn sign(&self) -> f32 {
match self {
RotationDirection::CounterClockwise => 1.0,
RotationDirection::Clockwise => -1.0,
struct Ring {
radius: f32,
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
) {
// Insert a resource with the current scene information
// Foxes
// Concentric rings of foxes, running in opposite directions. The rings are spaced at 2m radius intervals.
// The foxes in each ring are spaced at least 2m apart around its circumference.'
// NOTE: This fox model faces +z
let fox_handle = asset_server.load("models/animated/Fox.glb#Scene0");
let ring_directions = [
(Quat::IDENTITY, RotationDirection::Clockwise),
let mut ring_index = 0;
let mut radius = RING_SPACING;
let mut foxes_remaining = foxes.count;
info!("Spawning {} foxes...", foxes.count);
while foxes_remaining > 0 {
let (base_rotation, ring_direction) = ring_directions[ring_index % 2];
let ring_parent = commands
Ring { radius },
let circumference = PI * 2. * radius;
let foxes_in_ring = ((circumference / FOX_SPACING) as usize).min(foxes_remaining);
let fox_spacing_angle = circumference / (foxes_in_ring as f32 * radius);
for fox_i in 0..foxes_in_ring {
let fox_angle = fox_i as f32 * fox_spacing_angle;
let (s, c) = fox_angle.sin_cos();
let (x, z) = (radius * c, radius * s);
commands.entity(ring_parent).with_children(|builder| {
builder.spawn(SceneBundle {
scene: fox_handle.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(x, 0.0, z)
.with_rotation(base_rotation * Quat::from_rotation_y(-fox_angle)),
foxes_remaining -= foxes_in_ring;
radius += RING_SPACING;
ring_index += 1;
// Camera
let zoom = 0.8;
let translation = Vec3::new(
radius * 1.25 * zoom,
radius * 0.5 * zoom,
radius * 1.5 * zoom,
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(translation)
.looking_at(0.2 * Vec3::new(translation.x, 0.0, translation.z), Vec3::Y),
// Plane
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(shape::Plane::from_size(5000.0).into()),
material: materials.add(Color::rgb(0.3, 0.5, 0.3).into()),
// Light
commands.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::ZYX, 0.0, 1.0, -PI / 4.)),
directional_light: DirectionalLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
cascade_shadow_config: CascadeShadowConfigBuilder {
first_cascade_far_bound: 0.9 * radius,
maximum_distance: 2.8 * radius,
println!("Animation controls:");
println!(" - spacebar: play / pause");
println!(" - arrow up / down: speed up / slow down animation playback");
println!(" - arrow left / right: seek backward / forward");
println!(" - return: change animation");
// Once the scene is loaded, start the animation
fn setup_scene_once_loaded(
animations: Res<Animations>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
mut player: Query<(Entity, &mut AnimationPlayer)>,
mut done: Local<bool>,
) {
if !*done && player.iter().len() == foxes.count {
for (entity, mut player) in &mut player {
if !foxes.sync {
player.seek_to(entity.index() as f32 / 10.0);
*done = true;
fn update_fox_rings(
time: Res<Time>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
mut rings: Query<(&Ring, &RotationDirection, &mut Transform)>,
) {
if !foxes.moving {
let dt = time.delta_seconds();
for (ring, rotation_direction, mut transform) in &mut rings {
let angular_velocity = foxes.speed / ring.radius;
transform.rotate_y(rotation_direction.sign() * angular_velocity * dt);
fn keyboard_animation_control(
keyboard_input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut animation_player: Query<&mut AnimationPlayer>,
animations: Res<Animations>,
mut current_animation: Local<usize>,
mut foxes: ResMut<Foxes>,
) {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
foxes.moving = !foxes.moving;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Up) {
foxes.speed *= 1.25;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Down) {
foxes.speed *= 0.8;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) {
*current_animation = (*current_animation + 1) % animations.0.len();
for mut player in &mut animation_player {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
if player.is_paused() {
} else {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Up) {
let speed = player.speed();
player.set_speed(speed * 1.25);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Down) {
let speed = player.speed();
player.set_speed(speed * 0.8);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Left) {
let elapsed = player.seek_time();
player.seek_to(elapsed - 0.1);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Right) {
let elapsed = player.seek_time();
player.seek_to(elapsed + 0.1);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) {