
63 lines
2.2 KiB

use bevy::{component_registry::ComponentRegistryContext, prelude::*};
use serde::Serialize;
fn main() {
// Registering components informs Bevy that they exist. This allows them to be used when loading scenes
// This step is only required if you want to load your components from scene files.
// In the future registered components will also be usable from the Bevy editor.
// .add_startup_system(serialize_scene)
#[derive(Properties, Default)]
struct Test {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
#[derive(Properties, Default)]
struct Foo {
pub value: String,
fn load_scene(world: &mut World, resources: &mut Resources) {
let asset_server = resources.get::<AssetServer>().unwrap();
let mut scenes = resources.get_mut::<Assets<Scene>>().unwrap();
let component_registry = resources.get::<ComponentRegistryContext>().unwrap();
let scene_handle: Handle<Scene> = asset_server
.load_sync(&mut scenes, "assets/scene/load_scene_example.scn")
let scene = scenes.get(&scene_handle).unwrap();
.add_to_world(world, &
fn serialize_scene(world: &mut World, resources: &mut Resources) {
let component_registry = resources.get::<ComponentRegistryContext>().unwrap();
.add(Test { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 })
.add(Foo {
value: "hello".to_string(),
.add(Test { x: 3.0, y: 4.0 });
let scene = Scene::from_world(world, &;
let pretty_config = ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default().with_decimal_floats(true);
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut serializer = ron::ser::Serializer::new(&mut buf, Some(pretty_config), true).unwrap();
scene.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
let ron_string = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
println!("{}", ron_string);