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synced 2024-12-20 18:13:10 +00:00
Updating dependencies; adopted version of #15696. (Supercedes #15696.) Long answer: hashbrown is no longer using ahash by default, meaning that we can't use the default-hasher methods with ahasher. So, we have to use the longer-winded versions instead. This takes the opportunity to also switch our default hasher as well, but without actually enabling the default-hasher feature for hashbrown, meaning that we'll be able to change our hasher more easily at the cost of all of these method calls being obnoxious forever. One large change from 0.15 is that `insert_unique_unchecked` is now `unsafe`, and for cases where unsafe code was denied at the crate level, I replaced it with `insert`. ## Migration Guide `bevy_utils` has updated its version of `hashbrown` to 0.15 and now defaults to `foldhash` instead of `ahash`. This means that if you've hard-coded your hasher to `bevy_utils::AHasher` or separately used the `ahash` crate in your code, you may need to switch to `foldhash` to ensure that everything works like it does in Bevy.
372 lines
11 KiB
372 lines
11 KiB
//! This example displays each contributor to the bevy source code as a bouncing bevy-ball.
use bevy::{math::bounding::Aabb2d, prelude::*};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng;
use std::{
hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher},
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader},
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, (setup_contributor_selection, setup))
// Systems are chained for determinism only
.add_systems(Update, (gravity, movement, collisions, selection).chain())
type Contributors = Vec<(String, usize)>;
struct ContributorSelection {
order: Vec<Entity>,
idx: usize,
struct SelectionTimer(Timer);
impl Default for SelectionTimer {
fn default() -> Self {
struct ContributorDisplay;
struct Contributor {
name: String,
num_commits: usize,
hue: f32,
struct Velocity {
translation: Vec3,
rotation: f32,
// We're using a shared seeded RNG here to make this example deterministic for testing purposes.
// This isn't strictly required in practical use unless you need your app to be deterministic.
#[derive(Resource, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct SharedRng(ChaCha8Rng);
impl Default for SharedRng {
fn default() -> Self {
const GRAVITY: f32 = 9.821 * 100.0;
const SPRITE_SIZE: f32 = 75.0;
const SELECTED: Hsla = Hsla::hsl(0.0, 0.9, 0.7);
const DESELECTED: Hsla = Hsla::new(0.0, 0.3, 0.2, 0.92);
const SELECTED_Z_OFFSET: f32 = 100.0;
const SHOWCASE_TIMER_SECS: f32 = 3.0;
const CONTRIBUTORS_LIST: &[&str] = &["Carter Anderson", "And Many More"];
fn setup_contributor_selection(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut rng: ResMut<SharedRng>,
) {
let contribs = contributors_or_fallback();
let texture_handle = asset_server.load("branding/icon.png");
let mut contributor_selection = ContributorSelection {
order: Vec::with_capacity(contribs.len()),
idx: 0,
for (name, num_commits) in contribs {
let transform = Transform::from_xyz(
let dir = rng.gen_range(-1.0..1.0);
let velocity = Vec3::new(dir * 500.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let hue = name_to_hue(&name);
// Some sprites should be flipped for variety
let flipped = rng.gen();
let entity = commands
Contributor {
Velocity {
translation: velocity,
rotation: -dir * 5.0,
Sprite {
image: texture_handle.clone(),
custom_size: Some(Vec2::splat(SPRITE_SIZE)),
color: DESELECTED.with_hue(hue).into(),
flip_x: flipped,
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
let text_style = TextFont {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
font_size: 60.0,
Text::new("Contributor showcase"),
Node {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
top: Val::Px(12.),
left: Val::Px(12.),
TextFont {
font_size: 30.,
/// Finds the next contributor to display and selects the entity
fn selection(
mut timer: ResMut<SelectionTimer>,
mut contributor_selection: ResMut<ContributorSelection>,
contributor_root: Single<Entity, (With<ContributorDisplay>, With<Text>)>,
mut query: Query<(&Contributor, &mut Sprite, &mut Transform)>,
mut writer: TextUiWriter,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
if !timer.0.tick(time.delta()).just_finished() {
// Deselect the previous contributor
let entity = contributor_selection.order[contributor_selection.idx];
if let Ok((contributor, mut sprite, mut transform)) = query.get_mut(entity) {
deselect(&mut sprite, contributor, &mut transform);
// Select the next contributor
if (contributor_selection.idx + 1) < contributor_selection.order.len() {
contributor_selection.idx += 1;
} else {
contributor_selection.idx = 0;
let entity = contributor_selection.order[contributor_selection.idx];
if let Ok((contributor, mut sprite, mut transform)) = query.get_mut(entity) {
let entity = *contributor_root;
&mut sprite,
&mut transform,
&mut writer,
/// Change the tint color to the "selected" color, bring the object to the front
/// and display the name.
fn select(
sprite: &mut Sprite,
contributor: &Contributor,
transform: &mut Transform,
entity: Entity,
writer: &mut TextUiWriter,
) {
sprite.color = SELECTED.with_hue(contributor.hue).into();
transform.translation.z += SELECTED_Z_OFFSET;
writer.text(entity, 0).clone_from(&contributor.name);
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format!(
"\n{} commit{}",
if contributor.num_commits > 1 { "s" } else { "" }
writer.color(entity, 0).0 = sprite.color;
/// Change the tint color to the "deselected" color and push
/// the object to the back.
fn deselect(sprite: &mut Sprite, contributor: &Contributor, transform: &mut Transform) {
sprite.color = DESELECTED.with_hue(contributor.hue).into();
transform.translation.z -= SELECTED_Z_OFFSET;
/// Applies gravity to all entities with a velocity.
fn gravity(time: Res<Time>, mut velocity_query: Query<&mut Velocity>) {
let delta = time.delta_secs();
for mut velocity in &mut velocity_query {
velocity.translation.y -= GRAVITY * delta;
/// Checks for collisions of contributor-birbs.
/// On collision with left-or-right wall it resets the horizontal
/// velocity. On collision with the ground it applies an upwards
/// force.
fn collisions(
window: Single<&Window>,
mut query: Query<(&mut Velocity, &mut Transform), With<Contributor>>,
mut rng: ResMut<SharedRng>,
) {
let window_size = window.size();
let collision_area = Aabb2d::new(Vec2::ZERO, (window_size - SPRITE_SIZE) / 2.);
// The maximum height the birbs should try to reach is one birb below the top of the window.
let max_bounce_height = (window_size.y - SPRITE_SIZE * 2.0).max(0.0);
let min_bounce_height = max_bounce_height * 0.4;
for (mut velocity, mut transform) in &mut query {
// Clamp the translation to not go out of the bounds
if transform.translation.y < collision_area.min.y {
transform.translation.y = collision_area.min.y;
// How high this birb will bounce.
let bounce_height = rng.gen_range(min_bounce_height..=max_bounce_height);
// Apply the velocity that would bounce the birb up to bounce_height.
velocity.translation.y = (bounce_height * GRAVITY * 2.).sqrt();
// Birbs might hit the ceiling if the window is resized.
// If they do, bounce them.
if transform.translation.y > collision_area.max.y {
transform.translation.y = collision_area.max.y;
velocity.translation.y *= -1.0;
// On side walls flip the horizontal velocity
if transform.translation.x < collision_area.min.x {
transform.translation.x = collision_area.min.x;
velocity.translation.x *= -1.0;
velocity.rotation *= -1.0;
if transform.translation.x > collision_area.max.x {
transform.translation.x = collision_area.max.x;
velocity.translation.x *= -1.0;
velocity.rotation *= -1.0;
/// Apply velocity to positions and rotations.
fn movement(time: Res<Time>, mut query: Query<(&Velocity, &mut Transform)>) {
let delta = time.delta_secs();
for (velocity, mut transform) in &mut query {
transform.translation += delta * velocity.translation;
transform.rotate_z(velocity.rotation * delta);
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum LoadContributorsError {
#[error("An IO error occurred while reading the git log.")]
Io(#[from] io::Error),
#[error("The CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR environment variable was not set.")]
Var(#[from] VarError),
#[error("The git process did not return a stdout handle.")]
/// Get the names and commit counts of all contributors from the git log.
/// This function only works if `git` is installed and
/// the program is run through `cargo`.
fn contributors() -> Result<Contributors, LoadContributorsError> {
let manifest_dir = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")?;
let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("git")
.args(["--no-pager", "log", "--pretty=format:%an"])
let stdout = cmd.stdout.take().ok_or(LoadContributorsError::Stdout)?;
// Take the list of commit author names and collect them into a HashMap,
// keeping a count of how many commits they authored.
let contributors = BufReader::new(stdout).lines().map_while(Result::ok).fold(
|mut acc, word| {
*acc.entry(word).or_insert(0) += 1;
/// Get the contributors list, or fall back to a default value if
/// it's unavailable or we're in CI
fn contributors_or_fallback() -> Contributors {
let get_default = || {
.map(|name| (name.to_string(), 1))
if cfg!(feature = "bevy_ci_testing") {
return get_default();
contributors().unwrap_or_else(|_| get_default())
/// Give each unique contributor name a particular hue that is stable between runs.
fn name_to_hue(s: &str) -> f32 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
s.hash(&mut hasher);
hasher.finish() as f32 / u64::MAX as f32 * 360.