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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:24 +00:00
# Objective Glam has some common and useful types and helpers that are not in the prelude of `bevy_math`. This includes shorthand constructors like `vec3`, or even `Vec3A`, the aligned version of `Vec3`. ```rust // The "normal" way to create a 3D vector let vec = Vec3::new(2.0, 1.0, -3.0); // Shorthand version let vec = vec3(2.0, 1.0, -3.0); ``` ## Solution Add the following types and methods to the prelude: - `vec2`, `vec3`, `vec3a`, `vec4` - `uvec2`, `uvec3`, `uvec4` - `ivec2`, `ivec3`, `ivec4` - `bvec2`, `bvec3`, `bvec3a`, `bvec4`, `bvec4a` - `mat2`, `mat3`, `mat3a`, `mat4` - `quat` (not sure if anyone uses this, but for consistency) - `Vec3A` - `BVec3A`, `BVec4A` - `Mat3A` I did not add the u16, i16, or f64 variants like `dvec2`, since there are currently no existing types like those in the prelude. The shorthand constructors are currently used a lot in some places in Bevy, and not at all in others. In a follow-up, we might want to consider if we have a preference for the shorthand, and make a PR to change the codebase to use it more consistently.
385 lines
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385 lines
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//! Demonstrates how to enqueue custom draw commands in a render phase.
//! This example shows how to use the built-in
//! [`bevy_render::render_phase::BinnedRenderPhase`] functionality with a
//! custom [`RenderCommand`] to allow inserting arbitrary GPU drawing logic
//! into Bevy's pipeline. This is not the only way to add custom rendering code
//! into Bevy—render nodes are another, lower-level method—but it does allow
//! for better reuse of parts of Bevy's built-in mesh rendering logic.
use bevy::{
core_pipeline::core_3d::{Opaque3d, Opaque3dBinKey, CORE_3D_DEPTH_FORMAT},
system::{lifetimeless::SRes, SystemParamItem},
extract_component::{ExtractComponent, ExtractComponentPlugin},
AddRenderCommand, BinnedRenderPhaseType, DrawFunctions, PhaseItem, RenderCommand,
RenderCommandResult, SetItemPipeline, TrackedRenderPass, ViewBinnedRenderPhases,
BufferUsages, ColorTargetState, ColorWrites, CompareFunction, DepthStencilState,
FragmentState, IndexFormat, MultisampleState, PipelineCache, PrimitiveState,
RawBufferVec, RenderPipelineDescriptor, SpecializedRenderPipeline,
SpecializedRenderPipelines, TextureFormat, VertexAttribute, VertexBufferLayout,
VertexFormat, VertexState, VertexStepMode,
renderer::{RenderDevice, RenderQueue},
view::{self, ExtractedView, RenderVisibleEntities, VisibilitySystems},
Render, RenderApp, RenderSet,
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
/// A marker component that represents an entity that is to be rendered using
/// our custom phase item.
/// Note the [`ExtractComponent`] trait implementation. This is necessary to
/// tell Bevy that this object should be pulled into the render world.
#[derive(Clone, Component, ExtractComponent)]
struct CustomRenderedEntity;
/// Holds a reference to our shader.
/// This is loaded at app creation time.
struct CustomPhasePipeline {
shader: Handle<Shader>,
/// A [`RenderCommand`] that binds the vertex and index buffers and issues the
/// draw command for our custom phase item.
struct DrawCustomPhaseItem;
impl<P> RenderCommand<P> for DrawCustomPhaseItem
P: PhaseItem,
type Param = SRes<CustomPhaseItemBuffers>;
type ViewQuery = ();
type ItemQuery = ();
fn render<'w>(
_: &P,
_: ROQueryItem<'w, Self::ViewQuery>,
_: Option<ROQueryItem<'w, Self::ItemQuery>>,
custom_phase_item_buffers: SystemParamItem<'w, '_, Self::Param>,
pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>,
) -> RenderCommandResult {
// Borrow check workaround.
let custom_phase_item_buffers = custom_phase_item_buffers.into_inner();
// Tell the GPU where the vertices are.
// Tell the GPU where the indices are.
// Draw one triangle (3 vertices).
pass.draw_indexed(0..3, 0, 0..1);
/// The GPU vertex and index buffers for our custom phase item.
/// As the custom phase item is a single triangle, these are uploaded once and
/// then left alone.
struct CustomPhaseItemBuffers {
/// The vertices for the single triangle.
/// This is a [`RawBufferVec`] because that's the simplest and fastest type
/// of GPU buffer, and [`Vertex`] objects are simple.
vertices: RawBufferVec<Vertex>,
/// The indices of the single triangle.
/// As above, this is a [`RawBufferVec`] because `u32` values have trivial
/// size and alignment.
indices: RawBufferVec<u32>,
/// The CPU-side structure that describes a single vertex of the triangle.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable)]
struct Vertex {
/// The 3D position of the triangle vertex.
position: Vec3,
/// Padding.
pad0: u32,
/// The color of the triangle vertex.
color: Vec3,
/// Padding.
pad1: u32,
impl Vertex {
/// Creates a new vertex structure.
const fn new(position: Vec3, color: Vec3) -> Vertex {
Vertex {
pad0: 0,
pad1: 0,
/// The custom draw commands that Bevy executes for each entity we enqueue into
/// the render phase.
type DrawCustomPhaseItemCommands = (SetItemPipeline, DrawCustomPhaseItem);
/// A query filter that tells [`view::check_visibility`] about our custom
/// rendered entity.
type WithCustomRenderedEntity = With<CustomRenderedEntity>;
/// A single triangle's worth of vertices, for demonstration purposes.
static VERTICES: [Vertex; 3] = [
Vertex::new(vec3(-0.866, -0.5, 0.5), vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
Vertex::new(vec3(0.866, -0.5, 0.5), vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)),
Vertex::new(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.5), vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
/// The entry point.
fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
// Make sure to tell Bevy to check our entity for visibility. Bevy won't
// do this by default, for efficiency reasons.
// We make sure to add these to the render app, not the main app.
.add_render_command::<Opaque3d, DrawCustomPhaseItemCommands>()
.add_systems(Render, queue_custom_phase_item.in_set(RenderSet::Queue));
/// Spawns the objects in the scene.
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
// Spawn a single entity that has custom rendering. It'll be extracted into
// the render world via [`ExtractComponent`].
// This `Aabb` is necessary for the visibility checks to work.
Aabb {
center: Vec3A::ZERO,
half_extents: Vec3A::splat(0.5),
// Spawn the camera.
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
/// Creates the [`CustomPhaseItemBuffers`] resource.
/// This must be done in a startup system because it needs the [`RenderDevice`]
/// and [`RenderQueue`] to exist, and they don't until [`App::run`] is called.
fn prepare_custom_phase_item_buffers(mut commands: Commands) {
/// A render-world system that enqueues the entity with custom rendering into
/// the opaque render phases of each view.
fn queue_custom_phase_item(
pipeline_cache: Res<PipelineCache>,
custom_phase_pipeline: Res<CustomPhasePipeline>,
mut opaque_render_phases: ResMut<ViewBinnedRenderPhases<Opaque3d>>,
opaque_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Opaque3d>>,
mut specialized_render_pipelines: ResMut<SpecializedRenderPipelines<CustomPhasePipeline>>,
views: Query<(Entity, &RenderVisibleEntities, &Msaa), With<ExtractedView>>,
) {
let draw_custom_phase_item = opaque_draw_functions
// Render phases are per-view, so we need to iterate over all views so that
// the entity appears in them. (In this example, we have only one view, but
// it's good practice to loop over all views anyway.)
for (view_entity, view_visible_entities, msaa) in views.iter() {
let Some(opaque_phase) = opaque_render_phases.get_mut(&view_entity) else {
// Find all the custom rendered entities that are visible from this
// view.
for &entity in view_visible_entities
// Ordinarily, the [`SpecializedRenderPipeline::Key`] would contain
// some per-view settings, such as whether the view is HDR, but for
// simplicity's sake we simply hard-code the view's characteristics,
// with the exception of number of MSAA samples.
let pipeline_id = specialized_render_pipelines.specialize(
// Add the custom render item. We use the
// [`BinnedRenderPhaseType::NonMesh`] type to skip the special
// handling that Bevy has for meshes (preprocessing, indirect
// draws, etc.)
// The asset ID is arbitrary; we simply use [`AssetId::invalid`],
// but you can use anything you like. Note that the asset ID need
// not be the ID of a [`Mesh`].
Opaque3dBinKey {
draw_function: draw_custom_phase_item,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
asset_id: AssetId::<Mesh>::invalid().untyped(),
material_bind_group_id: None,
lightmap_image: None,
impl SpecializedRenderPipeline for CustomPhasePipeline {
type Key = Msaa;
fn specialize(&self, msaa: Self::Key) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
RenderPipelineDescriptor {
label: Some("custom render pipeline".into()),
layout: vec![],
push_constant_ranges: vec![],
vertex: VertexState {
shader: self.shader.clone(),
shader_defs: vec![],
entry_point: "vertex".into(),
buffers: vec![VertexBufferLayout {
array_stride: size_of::<Vertex>() as u64,
step_mode: VertexStepMode::Vertex,
// This needs to match the layout of [`Vertex`].
attributes: vec![
VertexAttribute {
format: VertexFormat::Float32x3,
offset: 0,
shader_location: 0,
VertexAttribute {
format: VertexFormat::Float32x3,
offset: 16,
shader_location: 1,
fragment: Some(FragmentState {
shader: self.shader.clone(),
shader_defs: vec![],
entry_point: "fragment".into(),
targets: vec![Some(ColorTargetState {
// Ordinarily, you'd want to check whether the view has the
// HDR format and substitute the appropriate texture format
// here, but we omit that for simplicity.
format: TextureFormat::bevy_default(),
blend: None,
write_mask: ColorWrites::ALL,
primitive: PrimitiveState::default(),
// Note that if your view has no depth buffer this will need to be
// changed.
depth_stencil: Some(DepthStencilState {
depth_write_enabled: false,
depth_compare: CompareFunction::Always,
stencil: default(),
bias: default(),
multisample: MultisampleState {
count: msaa.samples(),
mask: !0,
alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false,
zero_initialize_workgroup_memory: false,
impl FromWorld for CustomPhaseItemBuffers {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
let render_device = world.resource::<RenderDevice>();
let render_queue = world.resource::<RenderQueue>();
// Create the vertex and index buffers.
let mut vbo = RawBufferVec::new(BufferUsages::VERTEX);
let mut ibo = RawBufferVec::new(BufferUsages::INDEX);
for vertex in &VERTICES {
for index in 0..3 {
// These two lines are required in order to trigger the upload to GPU.
vbo.write_buffer(render_device, render_queue);
ibo.write_buffer(render_device, render_queue);
CustomPhaseItemBuffers {
vertices: vbo,
indices: ibo,
impl FromWorld for CustomPhasePipeline {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
// Load and compile the shader in the background.
let asset_server = world.resource::<AssetServer>();
CustomPhasePipeline {
shader: asset_server.load("shaders/custom_phase_item.wgsl"),