ickshonpe 4e9a62f094
Ignore clicks on uinodes outside of rounded corners (#14957)
# Objective

Fixes #14941

## Solution
1. Add a `resolved_border_radius` field to `Node` to hold the resolved
border radius values.
2. Remove the border radius calculations from the UI's extraction
4. Compute the border radius during UI relayouts in `ui_layout_system`
and store them in `Node`.
5. New `pick_rounded_rect` function based on the border radius SDF from
6. Use `pick_rounded_rect` in `focus` and `picking_backend` to check if
the pointer is hovering UI nodes with rounded corners.

## Showcase

cargo run --example button

## Testing

Modified button example with buttons with different corner radius:

use bevy::{color::palettes::basic::*, prelude::*, winit::WinitSettings};

fn main() {
        // Only run the app when there is user input. This will significantly reduce CPU/GPU use.
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(Update, button_system)

const NORMAL_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
const HOVERED_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
const PRESSED_BUTTON: Color = Color::srgb(0.35, 0.75, 0.35);

fn button_system(
    mut interaction_query: Query<
            &mut BackgroundColor,
            &mut BorderColor,
        (Changed<Interaction>, With<Button>),
    mut text_query: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
    for (interaction, mut color, mut border_color, children) in &mut interaction_query {
        let mut text = text_query.get_mut(children[0]).unwrap();
        match *interaction {
            Interaction::Pressed => {
                text.sections[0].value = "Press".to_string();
                *color = PRESSED_BUTTON.into();
                border_color.0 = RED.into();
            Interaction::Hovered => {
                text.sections[0].value = "Hover".to_string();
                *color = HOVERED_BUTTON.into();
                border_color.0 = Color::WHITE;
            Interaction::None => {
                text.sections[0].value = "Button".to_string();
                *color = NORMAL_BUTTON.into();
                border_color.0 = Color::BLACK;

fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
    // ui camera
        .spawn(NodeBundle {
            style: Style {
                width: Val::Percent(100.0),
                height: Val::Percent(100.0),
                align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
                row_gap: Val::Px(10.),
        .with_children(|parent| {
            for border_radius in [
                BorderRadius {
                    top_left: Val::ZERO,
                BorderRadius {
                    top_right: Val::ZERO,
                BorderRadius {
                    bottom_right: Val::ZERO,
                BorderRadius {
                    bottom_left: Val::ZERO,
            ] {
                    .spawn(ButtonBundle {
                        style: Style {
                            width: Val::Px(150.0),
                            height: Val::Px(65.0),
                            border: UiRect::all(Val::Px(5.0)),
                            // horizontally center child text
                            justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
                            // vertically center child text
                            align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                        border_color: BorderColor(Color::BLACK),
                        background_color: NORMAL_BUTTON.into(),
                        TextStyle {
                            font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
                            font_size: 40.0,
                            color: Color::srgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9),


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Matty <>
2024-09-03 12:38:59 +00:00

345 lines
13 KiB

use crate::{
picking_backend::pick_rounded_rect, CalculatedClip, DefaultUiCamera, Node, TargetCamera,
UiScale, UiStack,
use bevy_ecs::{
prelude::{Component, With},
system::{Local, Query, Res},
use bevy_input::{mouse::MouseButton, touch::Touches, ButtonInput};
use bevy_math::{Rect, Vec2};
use bevy_reflect::{std_traits::ReflectDefault, Reflect};
use bevy_render::{camera::NormalizedRenderTarget, prelude::Camera, view::ViewVisibility};
use bevy_transform::components::GlobalTransform;
use bevy_utils::HashMap;
use bevy_window::{PrimaryWindow, Window};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
use bevy_reflect::{ReflectDeserialize, ReflectSerialize};
/// Describes what type of input interaction has occurred for a UI node.
/// This is commonly queried with a `Changed<Interaction>` filter.
/// Updated in [`ui_focus_system`].
/// If a UI node has both [`Interaction`] and [`ViewVisibility`] components,
/// [`Interaction`] will always be [`Interaction::None`]
/// when [`ViewVisibility::get()`] is false.
/// This ensures that hidden UI nodes are not interactable,
/// and do not end up stuck in an active state if hidden at the wrong time.
/// Note that you can also control the visibility of a node using the [`Display`](crate::ui_node::Display) property,
/// which fully collapses it during layout calculations.
/// # See also
/// - [`ButtonBundle`](crate::node_bundles::ButtonBundle) which includes this component
/// - [`RelativeCursorPosition`] to obtain the position of the cursor relative to current node
#[derive(Component, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Reflect)]
#[reflect(Component, Default, PartialEq)]
feature = "serialize",
derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
reflect(Serialize, Deserialize)
pub enum Interaction {
/// The node has been pressed.
/// Note: This does not capture click/press-release action.
/// The node has been hovered over
/// Nothing has happened
impl Interaction {
const DEFAULT: Self = Self::None;
impl Default for Interaction {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A component storing the position of the mouse relative to the node, (0., 0.) being the top-left corner and (1., 1.) being the bottom-right
/// If the mouse is not over the node, the value will go beyond the range of (0., 0.) to (1., 1.)
/// It can be used alongside [`Interaction`] to get the position of the press.
/// The component is updated when it is in the same entity with [`Node`].
#[derive(Component, Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Debug, Reflect)]
#[reflect(Component, Default, PartialEq)]
feature = "serialize",
derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
reflect(Serialize, Deserialize)
pub struct RelativeCursorPosition {
/// Visible area of the Node relative to the size of the entire Node.
pub normalized_visible_node_rect: Rect,
/// Cursor position relative to the size and position of the Node.
/// A None value indicates that the cursor position is unknown.
pub normalized: Option<Vec2>,
impl RelativeCursorPosition {
/// A helper function to check if the mouse is over the node
pub fn mouse_over(&self) -> bool {
.map(|position| self.normalized_visible_node_rect.contains(position))
/// Describes whether the node should block interactions with lower nodes
#[derive(Component, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Reflect)]
#[reflect(Component, Default, PartialEq)]
feature = "serialize",
derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize),
reflect(Serialize, Deserialize)
pub enum FocusPolicy {
/// Blocks interaction
/// Lets interaction pass through
impl FocusPolicy {
const DEFAULT: Self = Self::Pass;
impl Default for FocusPolicy {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Contains entities whose Interaction should be set to None
pub struct State {
entities_to_reset: SmallVec<[Entity; 1]>,
/// Main query for [`ui_focus_system`]
pub struct NodeQuery {
entity: Entity,
node: &'static Node,
global_transform: &'static GlobalTransform,
interaction: Option<&'static mut Interaction>,
relative_cursor_position: Option<&'static mut RelativeCursorPosition>,
focus_policy: Option<&'static FocusPolicy>,
calculated_clip: Option<&'static CalculatedClip>,
view_visibility: Option<&'static ViewVisibility>,
target_camera: Option<&'static TargetCamera>,
/// The system that sets Interaction for all UI elements based on the mouse cursor activity
/// Entities with a hidden [`ViewVisibility`] are always treated as released.
pub fn ui_focus_system(
mut state: Local<State>,
camera_query: Query<(Entity, &Camera)>,
default_ui_camera: DefaultUiCamera,
primary_window: Query<Entity, With<PrimaryWindow>>,
windows: Query<&Window>,
mouse_button_input: Res<ButtonInput<MouseButton>>,
touches_input: Res<Touches>,
ui_scale: Res<UiScale>,
ui_stack: Res<UiStack>,
mut node_query: Query<NodeQuery>,
) {
let primary_window = primary_window.iter().next();
// reset entities that were both clicked and released in the last frame
for entity in state.entities_to_reset.drain(..) {
if let Ok(NodeQueryItem {
interaction: Some(mut interaction),
}) = node_query.get_mut(entity)
*interaction = Interaction::None;
let mouse_released =
mouse_button_input.just_released(MouseButton::Left) || touches_input.any_just_released();
if mouse_released {
for node in &mut node_query {
if let Some(mut interaction) = node.interaction {
if *interaction == Interaction::Pressed {
*interaction = Interaction::None;
let mouse_clicked =
mouse_button_input.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) || touches_input.any_just_pressed();
let camera_cursor_positions: HashMap<Entity, Vec2> = camera_query
.filter_map(|(entity, camera)| {
// Interactions are only supported for cameras rendering to a window.
let Some(NormalizedRenderTarget::Window(window_ref)) =
else {
return None;
let viewport_position = camera
.map(|rect| rect.min)
.or_else(|| touches_input.first_pressed_position())
.map(|cursor_position| (entity, cursor_position - viewport_position))
// The cursor position returned by `Window` only takes into account the window scale factor and not `UiScale`.
// To convert the cursor position to logical UI viewport coordinates we have to divide it by `UiScale`.
.map(|(entity, cursor_position)| (entity, cursor_position / ui_scale.0))
// prepare an iterator that contains all the nodes that have the cursor in their rect,
// from the top node to the bottom one. this will also reset the interaction to `None`
// for all nodes encountered that are no longer hovered.
let mut hovered_nodes = ui_stack
// reverse the iterator to traverse the tree from closest nodes to furthest
.filter_map(|entity| {
let Ok(node) = node_query.get_mut(*entity) else {
return None;
let view_visibility = node.view_visibility?;
// Nodes that are not rendered should not be interactable
if !view_visibility.get() {
// Reset their interaction to None to avoid strange stuck state
if let Some(mut interaction) = node.interaction {
// We cannot simply set the interaction to None, as that will trigger change detection repeatedly
return None;
let camera_entity = node
let node_rect = node.node.logical_rect(node.global_transform);
// Intersect with the calculated clip rect to find the bounds of the visible region of the node
let visible_rect = node
.map(|clip| node_rect.intersect(clip.clip))
let cursor_position = camera_cursor_positions.get(&camera_entity);
// The mouse position relative to the node
// (0., 0.) is the top-left corner, (1., 1.) is the bottom-right corner
// Coordinates are relative to the entire node, not just the visible region.
let relative_cursor_position = cursor_position.and_then(|cursor_position| {
// ensure node size is non-zero in all dimensions, otherwise relative position will be
// +/-inf. if the node is hidden, the visible rect min/max will also be -inf leading to
// false positives for mouse_over (#12395)
.then_some((*cursor_position - node_rect.min) / node_rect.size())
// If the current cursor position is within the bounds of the node's visible area, consider it for
// clicking
let relative_cursor_position_component = RelativeCursorPosition {
normalized_visible_node_rect: visible_rect.normalize(node_rect),
normalized: relative_cursor_position,
let contains_cursor = relative_cursor_position_component.mouse_over()
&& cursor_position
.map(|point| {
*point -,
// Save the relative cursor position to the correct component
if let Some(mut node_relative_cursor_position_component) = node.relative_cursor_position
*node_relative_cursor_position_component = relative_cursor_position_component;
if contains_cursor {
} else {
if let Some(mut interaction) = node.interaction {
if *interaction == Interaction::Hovered || (relative_cursor_position.is_none())
// set Pressed or Hovered on top nodes. as soon as a node with a `Block` focus policy is detected,
// the iteration will stop on it because it "captures" the interaction.
let mut iter = node_query.iter_many_mut(hovered_nodes.by_ref());
while let Some(node) = iter.fetch_next() {
if let Some(mut interaction) = node.interaction {
if mouse_clicked {
// only consider nodes with Interaction "pressed"
if *interaction != Interaction::Pressed {
*interaction = Interaction::Pressed;
// if the mouse was simultaneously released, reset this Interaction in the next
// frame
if mouse_released {
} else if *interaction == Interaction::None {
*interaction = Interaction::Hovered;
match node.focus_policy.unwrap_or(&FocusPolicy::Block) {
FocusPolicy::Block => {
FocusPolicy::Pass => { /* allow the next node to be hovered/pressed */ }
// reset `Interaction` for the remaining lower nodes to `None`. those are the nodes that remain in
// `moused_over_nodes` after the previous loop is exited.
let mut iter = node_query.iter_many_mut(hovered_nodes);
while let Some(node) = iter.fetch_next() {
if let Some(mut interaction) = node.interaction {
// don't reset pressed nodes because they're handled separately
if *interaction != Interaction::Pressed {