bjorn3 6d6bc2a8b4 Merge AppBuilder into App (#2531)
This is extracted out of eb8f973646476b4a4926ba644a77e2b3a5772159 and includes some additional changes to remove all references to AppBuilder and fix examples that still used App::build() instead of App::new(). In addition I didn't extract the sub app feature as it isn't ready yet.

You can use `git diff --diff-filter=M eb8f973646476b4a4926ba644a77e2b3a5772159` to find all differences in this PR. The `--diff-filtered=M` filters all files added in the original commit but not in this commit away.

Co-Authored-By: Carter Anderson <>
2021-07-27 20:21:06 +00:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

use bevy::{prelude::*, tasks::prelude::*};
use rand::random;
struct Velocity(Vec2);
fn spawn_system(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<ColorMaterial>>,
) {
let texture_handle = asset_server.load("branding/icon.png");
let material = materials.add(texture_handle.into());
for _ in 0..128 {
.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
material: material.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_scale(Vec3::splat(0.1)),
20.0 * Vec2::new(random::<f32>() - 0.5, random::<f32>() - 0.5),
// Move sprites according to their velocity
fn move_system(pool: Res<ComputeTaskPool>, mut sprites: Query<(&mut Transform, &Velocity)>) {
// Compute the new location of each sprite in parallel on the
// ComputeTaskPool using batches of 32 sprites
// This example is only for demonstrative purposes. Using a
// ParallelIterator for an inexpensive operation like addition on only 128
// elements will not typically be faster than just using a normal Iterator.
// See the ParallelIterator documentation for more information on when
// to use or not use ParallelIterator over a normal Iterator.
sprites.par_for_each_mut(&pool, 32, |(mut transform, velocity)| {
transform.translation += velocity.0.extend(0.0);
// Bounce sprites outside the window
fn bounce_system(
pool: Res<ComputeTaskPool>,
windows: Res<Windows>,
mut sprites: Query<(&Transform, &mut Velocity)>,
) {
let window = windows.get_primary().expect("No primary window.");
let width = window.width();
let height = window.height();
let left = width / -2.0;
let right = width / 2.0;
let bottom = height / -2.0;
let top = height / 2.0;
// Batch size of 32 is chosen to limit the overhead of
// ParallelIterator, since negating a vector is very inexpensive.
.par_for_each_mut(&pool, 32, |(transform, mut v)| {
if !(left < transform.translation.x
&& transform.translation.x < right
&& bottom < transform.translation.y
&& transform.translation.y < top)
// For simplicity, just reverse the velocity; don't use realistic bounces
v.0 = -v.0;
fn main() {