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synced 2024-12-21 10:33:08 +00:00
# Objective - Morten Mikkelsen clarified that the world normal and tangent must be normalized in the vertex stage and the interpolated values must not be normalized in the fragment stage. This is in order to match the mikktspace approach exactly. - Fixes #5514 by ensuring the tangent basis matrix (TBN) is orthonormal ## Solution - Normalize the world normal in the vertex stage and not the fragment stage - Normalize the world tangent xyz in the vertex stage - Take into account the sign of the determinant of the local to world matrix when calculating the bitangent --- ## Changelog - Fixed - scaling a model that uses normal mapping now has correct lighting again
249 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
249 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
#define_import_path bevy_pbr::pbr_functions
// NOTE: This ensures that the world_normal is normalized and if
// vertex tangents and normal maps then normal mapping may be applied.
fn prepare_normal(
standard_material_flags: u32,
world_normal: vec3<f32>,
world_tangent: vec4<f32>,
uv: vec2<f32>,
is_front: bool,
) -> vec3<f32> {
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping explicitly requires that the world normal NOT
// be re-normalized in the fragment shader. This is primarily to match the way mikktspace
// bakes vertex tangents and normal maps so that this is the exact inverse. Blender, Unity,
// Unreal Engine, Godot, and more all use the mikktspace method. Do not change this code
// unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
var N: vec3<f32> = world_normal;
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping explicitly requires that these NOT be
// normalized nor any Gram-Schmidt applied to ensure the vertex normal is orthogonal to the
// vertex tangent! Do not change this code unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
var T: vec3<f32> = world_tangent.xyz;
var B: vec3<f32> = world_tangent.w * cross(N, T);
if ((standard_material_flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_DOUBLE_SIDED_BIT) != 0u) {
if (!is_front) {
N = -N;
T = -T;
B = -B;
// Nt is the tangent-space normal.
var Nt = textureSample(normal_map_texture, normal_map_sampler, uv).rgb;
if ((standard_material_flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_TWO_COMPONENT_NORMAL_MAP) != 0u) {
// Only use the xy components and derive z for 2-component normal maps.
Nt = vec3<f32>(Nt.rg * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0);
Nt.z = sqrt(1.0 - Nt.x * Nt.x - Nt.y * Nt.y);
} else {
Nt = Nt * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Normal maps authored for DirectX require flipping the y component
if ((standard_material_flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_FLIP_NORMAL_MAP_Y) != 0u) {
Nt.y = -Nt.y;
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping applies maps the tangent-space normal from
// the normal map texture in this way to be an EXACT inverse of how the normal map baker
// calculates the normal maps so there is no error introduced. Do not change this code
// unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
N = normalize(Nt.x * T + Nt.y * B + Nt.z * N);
return N;
// NOTE: Correctly calculates the view vector depending on whether
// the projection is orthographic or perspective.
fn calculate_view(
world_position: vec4<f32>,
is_orthographic: bool,
) -> vec3<f32> {
var V: vec3<f32>;
if (is_orthographic) {
// Orthographic view vector
V = normalize(vec3<f32>(view.view_proj[0].z, view.view_proj[1].z, view.view_proj[2].z));
} else {
// Only valid for a perpective projection
V = normalize(view.world_position.xyz - world_position.xyz);
return V;
struct PbrInput {
material: StandardMaterial,
occlusion: f32,
frag_coord: vec4<f32>,
world_position: vec4<f32>,
// Normalized world normal used for shadow mapping as normal-mapping is not used for shadow
// mapping
world_normal: vec3<f32>,
// Normalized normal-mapped world normal used for lighting
N: vec3<f32>,
// Normalized view vector in world space, pointing from the fragment world position toward the
// view world position
V: vec3<f32>,
is_orthographic: bool,
// Creates a PbrInput with default values
fn pbr_input_new() -> PbrInput {
var pbr_input: PbrInput;
pbr_input.material = standard_material_new();
pbr_input.occlusion = 1.0;
pbr_input.frag_coord = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.world_position = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.world_normal = vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.is_orthographic = false;
pbr_input.N = vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.V = vec3<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return pbr_input;
fn pbr(
in: PbrInput,
) -> vec4<f32> {
var output_color: vec4<f32> = in.material.base_color;
// TODO use .a for exposure compensation in HDR
let emissive = in.material.emissive;
// calculate non-linear roughness from linear perceptualRoughness
let metallic = in.material.metallic;
let perceptual_roughness = in.material.perceptual_roughness;
let roughness = perceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptual_roughness);
let occlusion = in.occlusion;
if ((in.material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_ALPHA_MODE_OPAQUE) != 0u) {
// NOTE: If rendering as opaque, alpha should be ignored so set to 1.0
output_color.a = 1.0;
} else if ((in.material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) != 0u) {
if (output_color.a >= in.material.alpha_cutoff) {
// NOTE: If rendering as masked alpha and >= the cutoff, render as fully opaque
output_color.a = 1.0;
} else {
// NOTE: output_color.a < in.material.alpha_cutoff should not is not rendered
// NOTE: This and any other discards mean that early-z testing cannot be done!
// Neubelt and Pettineo 2013, "Crafting a Next-gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886"
let NdotV = max(dot(in.N, in.V), 0.0001);
// Remapping [0,1] reflectance to F0
// See https://google.github.io/filament/Filament.html#materialsystem/parameterization/remapping
let reflectance = in.material.reflectance;
let F0 = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance * (1.0 - metallic) + output_color.rgb * metallic;
// Diffuse strength inversely related to metallicity
let diffuse_color = output_color.rgb * (1.0 - metallic);
let R = reflect(-in.V, in.N);
// accumulate color
var light_accum: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(0.0);
let view_z = dot(vec4<f32>(
), in.world_position);
let cluster_index = fragment_cluster_index(in.frag_coord.xy, view_z, in.is_orthographic);
let offset_and_counts = unpack_offset_and_counts(cluster_index);
// point lights
for (var i: u32 = offset_and_counts[0]; i < offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1]; i = i + 1u) {
let light_id = get_light_id(i);
let light = point_lights.data[light_id];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
&& (light.flags & POINT_LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOWS_ENABLED_BIT) != 0u) {
shadow = fetch_point_shadow(light_id, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = point_light(in.world_position.xyz, light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
// spot lights
for (var i: u32 = offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1]; i < offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1] + offset_and_counts[2]; i = i + 1u) {
let light_id = get_light_id(i);
let light = point_lights.data[light_id];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
&& (light.flags & POINT_LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOWS_ENABLED_BIT) != 0u) {
shadow = fetch_spot_shadow(light_id, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = spot_light(in.world_position.xyz, light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
let n_directional_lights = lights.n_directional_lights;
for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < n_directional_lights; i = i + 1u) {
let light = lights.directional_lights[i];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
shadow = fetch_directional_shadow(i, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = directional_light(light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
let diffuse_ambient = EnvBRDFApprox(diffuse_color, 1.0, NdotV);
let specular_ambient = EnvBRDFApprox(F0, perceptual_roughness, NdotV);
output_color = vec4<f32>(
light_accum +
(diffuse_ambient + specular_ambient) * lights.ambient_color.rgb * occlusion +
emissive.rgb * output_color.a,
output_color = cluster_debug_visualization(
return output_color;
fn tone_mapping(in: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
// tone_mapping
return vec4<f32>(reinhard_luminance(in.rgb), in.a);
// Gamma correction.
// Not needed with sRGB buffer
// output_color.rgb = pow(output_color.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));