Gino Valente 6183b56b5d
bevy_reflect: Reflect remote types (#6042)
# Objective

The goal with this PR is to allow the use of types that don't implement
`Reflect` within the reflection API.

Rust's [orphan
prevents implementing a trait on an external type when neither type nor
trait are owned by the implementor. This means that if a crate,
`cool_rust_lib`, defines a type, `Foo`, then a user cannot use it with
reflection. What this means is that we have to ignore it most of the

struct SomeStruct {
  data: cool_rust_lib::Foo

Obviously, it's impossible to implement `Reflect` on `Foo`. But does it
*have* to be?

Most of reflection doesn't deal with concrete types— it's almost all
using `dyn Reflect`. And being very metadata-driven, it should
theoretically be possible. I mean,
[`serde`]( does it.

## Solution

> Special thanks to @danielhenrymantilla for their help reviewing this
PR and offering wisdom wrt safety.

Taking a page out of `serde`'s book, this PR adds the ability to easily
use "remote types" with reflection. In this context, a "remote type" is
the external type for which we have no ability to implement `Reflect`.

This adds the `#[reflect_remote(...)]` attribute macro, which is used to
generate "remote type wrappers". All you have to do is define the
wrapper exactly the same as the remote type's definition:

// Pretend this is our external crate
mod cool_rust_lib {
  struct Foo {
    pub value: String

struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

> **Note:** All fields in the external type *must* be public. This could
be addressed with a separate getter/setter attribute either in this PR
or in another one.

The macro takes this user-defined item and transforms it into a newtype
wrapper around the external type, marking it as `#[repr(transparent)]`.
The fields/variants defined by the user are simply used to build out the
reflection impls.

Additionally, it generates an implementation of the new trait,
`ReflectRemote`, which helps prevent accidental misuses of this API.

Therefore, the output generated by the macro would look something like:

struct FooWrapper(pub cool_rust_lib::Foo);

impl ReflectRemote for FooWrapper {
  type Remote = cool_rust_lib::Foo;

  // transmutation methods...

// reflection impls...
// these will acknowledge and make use of the `value` field

Internally, the reflection API will pass around the `FooWrapper` and
[transmute]( it
where necessary. All we have to do is then tell `Reflect` to do that. So
rather than ignoring the field, we tell `Reflect` to use our wrapper
using the `#[reflect(remote = ...)]` field attribute:

struct SomeStruct {
  #[reflect(remote = FooWrapper)]
  data: cool_rust_lib::Foo

#### Other Macros & Type Data

Because this macro consumes the defined item and generates a new one, we
can't just put our macros anywhere. All macros that should be passed to
the generated struct need to come *below* this macro. For example, to
derive `Default` and register its associated type data:

//  GOOD
struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

//  BAD
struct FooWrapper {
  pub value: String

#### Generics

Generics are forwarded to the generated struct as well. They should also
be defined in the same order:

#[reflect_remote(RemoteGeneric<'a, T1, T2>)]
struct GenericWrapper<'a, T1, T2> {
  pub foo: &'a T1,
  pub bar: &'a T2,

> Naming does *not* need to match the original definition's. Only order
matters here.

> Also note that the code above is just a demonstration and doesn't
actually compile since we'd need to enforce certain bounds (e.g. `T1:
Reflect`, `'a: 'static`, etc.)

#### Nesting

And, yes, you can nest remote types:

struct OuterWrapper {
  #[reflect(remote = InnerWrapper)]
  pub inner: RemoteInner

struct InnerWrapper(usize);

#### Assertions

This macro will also generate some compile-time assertions to ensure
that the correct types are used. It's important we catch this early so
users don't have to wait for something to panic. And it also helps keep
our `unsafe` a little safer.

For example, a wrapper definition that does not match its corresponding
remote type will result in an error:

mod external_crate {
  pub struct TheirStruct(pub u32);

struct MyStruct(pub String); // ERROR: expected type `u32` but found `String`

<summary>Generated Assertion</summary>

const _: () = {
  fn assert_wrapper_definition_matches_remote_type(
    mut __remote__: external_crate::TheirStruct,
  ) {
    __remote__.0 = (|| -> ::core::option::Option<String> { None })().unwrap();


Additionally, using the incorrect type in a `#[reflect(remote = ...)]`
attribute should result in an error:

mod external_crate {
  pub struct TheirFoo(pub u32);
  pub struct TheirBar(pub i32);

struct MyFoo(pub u32);

struct MyBar(pub i32);

struct MyStruct {
  #[reflect(remote = MyBar)] // ERROR: expected type `TheirFoo` but found struct `TheirBar`
  foo: external_crate::TheirFoo

<summary>Generated Assertion</summary>

const _: () = {
    struct RemoteFieldAssertions;
    impl RemoteFieldAssertions {
        fn assert__foo__is_valid_remote() {
            let _: <MyBar as bevy_reflect::ReflectRemote>::Remote = (|| -> ::core::option::Option<external_crate::TheirFoo> {


### Discussion

There are a couple points that I think still need discussion or

- [x] 1. `Any` shenanigans

~~If we wanted to downcast our remote type from a `dyn Reflect`, we'd
have to first downcast to the wrapper then extract the inner type. This
PR has a [commit](b840db9f74cb6d357f951cb11b150d46bac89ee2) that
addresses this by making all the `Reflect::*any` methods return the
inner type rather than the wrapper type. This allows us to downcast
directly to our remote type.~~

~~However, I'm not sure if this is something we want to do. For
unknowing users, it could be confusing and seemingly inconsistent. Is it
worth keeping? Or should this behavior be removed?~~

I think this should be fine. The remote wrapper is an implementation
detail and users should not need to downcast to the wrapper type. Feel
free to let me know if there are other opinions on this though!

- [x] 2. Implementing `Deref/DerefMut` and `From`

~~We don't currently do this, but should we implement other traits on
the generated transparent struct? We could implement `Deref`/`DerefMut`
to easily access the inner type. And we could implement `From` for
easier conversion between the two types (e.g. `T: Into<Foo>`).~~ As
mentioned in the comments, we probably don't need to do this. Again, the
remote wrapper is an implementation detail, and should generally not be
used directly.
- [x] 3. ~~Should we define a getter/setter field attribute in this PR
as well or leave it for a future one?~~ I think this should be saved for
a future PR

- [ ] 4. Any foreseeable issues with this implementation?

#### Alternatives

One alternative to defining our own `ReflectRemote` would be to use
(as suggested by @danielhenrymantilla).

This is definitely a viable option, as `ReflectRemote` is pretty much
the same thing as `TransparentWrapper`. However, the cost would be
bringing in a new crate— though, it is already in use in a few other
sub-crates like bevy_render.

I think we're okay just defining `ReflectRemote` ourselves, but we can
go the bytemuck route if we'd prefer offloading that work to another


## Changelog

* Added the `#[reflect_remote(...)]` attribute macro to allow `Reflect`
to be used on remote types
* Added `ReflectRemote` trait for ensuring proper remote wrapper usage
2024-08-12 19:12:53 +00:00
compile_fail bevy_reflect: Reflect remote types (#6042) 2024-08-12 19:12:53 +00:00
derive bevy_reflect: Reflect remote types (#6042) 2024-08-12 19:12:53 +00:00
examples fix nightly clippy warnings (#6395) 2022-10-28 21:03:01 +00:00
src bevy_reflect: Reflect remote types (#6042) 2024-08-12 19:12:53 +00:00
Cargo.toml Glam 0.28 update - adopted (#14613) 2024-08-06 01:28:00 +00:00 reflect: implement the unique reflect rfc (#7207) 2024-08-12 17:01:41 +00:00

Bevy Reflect

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This crate enables you to dynamically interact with Rust types:

  • Derive the Reflect traits
  • Interact with fields using their names (for named structs) or indices (for tuple structs)
  • "Patch" your types with new values
  • Look up nested fields using "path strings"
  • Iterate over struct fields
  • Automatically serialize and deserialize via Serde (without explicit serde impls)
  • Trait "reflection"


Derive the Reflect traits

// this will automatically implement the `Reflect` trait and the `Struct` trait (because the type is a struct)
struct Foo {
    a: u32,
    b: Bar,
    c: Vec<i32>,
    d: Vec<Baz>,

// this will automatically implement the `Reflect` trait and the `TupleStruct` trait (because the type is a tuple struct)
struct Bar(String);

struct Baz {
    value: f32,

// We will use this value to illustrate `bevy_reflect` features
let mut foo = Foo {
    a: 1,
    b: Bar("hello".to_string()),
    c: vec![1, 2],
    d: vec![Baz { value: 3.14 }],

Interact with fields using their names

assert_eq!(*foo.get_field::<u32>("a").unwrap(), 1);

*foo.get_field_mut::<u32>("a").unwrap() = 2;

assert_eq!(foo.a, 2);

"Patch" your types with new values

let mut dynamic_struct = DynamicStruct::default();
dynamic_struct.insert("a", 42u32);
dynamic_struct.insert("c", vec![3, 4, 5]);


assert_eq!(foo.a, 42);
assert_eq!(foo.c, vec![3, 4, 5]);

Look up nested fields using "path strings"

let value = *foo.get_path::<f32>("d[0].value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, 3.14);

Iterate over struct fields

for (i, value: &Reflect) in foo.iter_fields().enumerate() {
    let field_name = foo.name_at(i).unwrap();
    if let Some(value) = value.downcast_ref::<u32>() {
        println!("{} is a u32 with the value: {}", field_name, *value);

Automatically serialize and deserialize via Serde (without explicit serde impls)

let mut registry = TypeRegistry::default();

let serializer = ReflectSerializer::new(&foo, &registry);
let serialized = ron::ser::to_string_pretty(&serializer, ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default()).unwrap();

let mut deserializer = ron::de::Deserializer::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
let reflect_deserializer = ReflectDeserializer::new(&registry);
let value = reflect_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer).unwrap();
let dynamic_struct = value.take::<DynamicStruct>().unwrap();


Trait "reflection"

Call a trait on a given &dyn Reflect reference without knowing the underlying type!

struct MyType {
    value: String,

impl DoThing for MyType {
    fn do_thing(&self) -> String {
        format!("{} World!", self.value)

pub trait DoThing {
    fn do_thing(&self) -> String;

// First, lets box our type as a Box<dyn Reflect>
let reflect_value: Box<dyn Reflect> = Box::new(MyType {
    value: "Hello".to_string(),

// This means we no longer have direct access to MyType or its methods. We can only call Reflect methods on reflect_value.
// What if we want to call `do_thing` on our type? We could downcast using reflect_value.downcast_ref::<MyType>(), but what if we
// don't know the type at compile time?

// Normally in rust we would be out of luck at this point. Lets use our new reflection powers to do something cool!
let mut type_registry = TypeRegistry::default();

// The #[reflect] attribute we put on our DoThing trait generated a new `ReflectDoThing` struct, which implements TypeData.
// This was added to MyType's TypeRegistration.
let reflect_do_thing = type_registry

// We can use this generated type to convert our `&dyn Reflect` reference to a `&dyn DoThing` reference
let my_trait: &dyn DoThing = reflect_do_thing.get(&*reflect_value).unwrap();

// Which means we can now call do_thing(). Magic!
println!("{}", my_trait.do_thing());

// This works because the #[reflect(MyTrait)] we put on MyType informed the Reflect derive to insert a new instance
// of ReflectDoThing into MyType's registration. The instance knows how to cast &dyn Reflect to &dyn DoThing, because it
// knows that &dyn Reflect should first be downcasted to &MyType, which can then be safely casted to &dyn DoThing

Why make this?

The whole point of Rust is static safety! Why build something that makes it easy to throw it all away?

  • Some problems are inherently dynamic (scripting, some types of serialization / deserialization)
  • Sometimes the dynamic way is easier
  • Sometimes the dynamic way puts less burden on your users to derive a bunch of traits (this was a big motivator for the Bevy project)