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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:38 +00:00
This commit implements a more physically-accurate, but slower, form of fog than the `bevy_pbr::fog` module does. Notably, this *volumetric fog* allows for light beams from directional lights to shine through, creating what is known as *light shafts* or *god rays*. To add volumetric fog to a scene, add `VolumetricFogSettings` to the camera, and add `VolumetricLight` to directional lights that you wish to be volumetric. `VolumetricFogSettings` has numerous settings that allow you to define the accuracy of the simulation, as well as the look of the fog. Currently, only interaction with directional lights that have shadow maps is supported. Note that the overhead of the effect scales directly with the number of directional lights in use, so apply `VolumetricLight` sparingly for the best results. The overall algorithm, which is implemented as a postprocessing effect, is a combination of the techniques described in [Scratchapixel] and [this blog post]. It uses raymarching in screen space, transformed into shadow map space for sampling and combined with physically-based modeling of absorption and scattering. Bevy employs the widely-used [Henyey-Greenstein phase function] to model asymmetry; this essentially allows light shafts to fade into and out of existence as the user views them. Volumetric rendering is a huge subject, and I deliberately kept the scope of this commit small. Possible follow-ups include: 1. Raymarching at a lower resolution. 2. A post-processing blur (especially useful when combined with (1)). 3. Supporting point lights and spot lights. 4. Supporting lights with no shadow maps. 5. Supporting irradiance volumes and reflection probes. 6. Voxel components that reuse the volumetric fog code to create voxel shapes. 7. *Horizon: Zero Dawn*-style clouds. These are all useful, but out of scope of this patch for now, to keep things tidy and easy to review. A new example, `volumetric_fog`, has been added to demonstrate the effect. ## Changelog ### Added * A new component, `VolumetricFog`, is available, to allow for a more physically-accurate, but more resource-intensive, form of fog. * A new component, `VolumetricLight`, can be placed on directional lights to make them interact with `VolumetricFog`. Notably, this allows such lights to emit light shafts/god rays.   [Scratchapixel]: https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/volume-rendering-for-developers/intro-volume-rendering.html [this blog post]: https://www.alexandre-pestana.com/volumetric-lights/ [Henyey-Greenstein phase function]: https://www.pbr-book.org/4ed/Volume_Scattering/Phase_Functions#TheHenyeyndashGreensteinPhaseFunction
205 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
205 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
#define_import_path bevy_pbr::shadows
#import bevy_pbr::{
mesh_view_bindings as view_bindings,
shadow_sampling::{SPOT_SHADOW_TEXEL_SIZE, sample_shadow_cubemap, sample_shadow_map}
#import bevy_render::{
const flip_z: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
fn fetch_point_shadow(light_id: u32, frag_position: vec4<f32>, surface_normal: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
let light = &view_bindings::point_lights.data[light_id];
// because the shadow maps align with the axes and the frustum planes are at 45 degrees
// we can get the worldspace depth by taking the largest absolute axis
let surface_to_light = (*light).position_radius.xyz - frag_position.xyz;
let surface_to_light_abs = abs(surface_to_light);
let distance_to_light = max(surface_to_light_abs.x, max(surface_to_light_abs.y, surface_to_light_abs.z));
// The normal bias here is already scaled by the texel size at 1 world unit from the light.
// The texel size increases proportionally with distance from the light so multiplying by
// distance to light scales the normal bias to the texel size at the fragment distance.
let normal_offset = (*light).shadow_normal_bias * distance_to_light * surface_normal.xyz;
let depth_offset = (*light).shadow_depth_bias * normalize(surface_to_light.xyz);
let offset_position = frag_position.xyz + normal_offset + depth_offset;
// similar largest-absolute-axis trick as above, but now with the offset fragment position
let frag_ls = offset_position.xyz - (*light).position_radius.xyz ;
let abs_position_ls = abs(frag_ls);
let major_axis_magnitude = max(abs_position_ls.x, max(abs_position_ls.y, abs_position_ls.z));
// NOTE: These simplifications come from multiplying:
// projection * vec4(0, 0, -major_axis_magnitude, 1.0)
// and keeping only the terms that have any impact on the depth.
// Projection-agnostic approach:
let zw = -major_axis_magnitude * (*light).light_custom_data.xy + (*light).light_custom_data.zw;
let depth = zw.x / zw.y;
// Do the lookup, using HW PCF and comparison. Cubemaps assume a left-handed coordinate space,
// so we have to flip the z-axis when sampling.
return sample_shadow_cubemap(frag_ls * flip_z, distance_to_light, depth, light_id);
fn fetch_spot_shadow(light_id: u32, frag_position: vec4<f32>, surface_normal: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
let light = &view_bindings::point_lights.data[light_id];
let surface_to_light = (*light).position_radius.xyz - frag_position.xyz;
// construct the light view matrix
var spot_dir = vec3<f32>((*light).light_custom_data.x, 0.0, (*light).light_custom_data.y);
// reconstruct spot dir from x/z and y-direction flag
spot_dir.y = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - spot_dir.x * spot_dir.x - spot_dir.z * spot_dir.z));
if (((*light).flags & POINT_LIGHT_FLAGS_SPOT_LIGHT_Y_NEGATIVE) != 0u) {
spot_dir.y = -spot_dir.y;
// view matrix z_axis is the reverse of transform.forward()
let fwd = -spot_dir;
let distance_to_light = dot(fwd, surface_to_light);
let offset_position =
+ ((*light).shadow_depth_bias * normalize(surface_to_light))
+ (surface_normal.xyz * (*light).shadow_normal_bias) * distance_to_light;
// the construction of the up and right vectors needs to precisely mirror the code
// in render/light.rs:spot_light_view_matrix
var sign = -1.0;
if (fwd.z >= 0.0) {
sign = 1.0;
let a = -1.0 / (fwd.z + sign);
let b = fwd.x * fwd.y * a;
let up_dir = vec3<f32>(1.0 + sign * fwd.x * fwd.x * a, sign * b, -sign * fwd.x);
let right_dir = vec3<f32>(-b, -sign - fwd.y * fwd.y * a, fwd.y);
let light_inv_rot = mat3x3<f32>(right_dir, up_dir, fwd);
// because the matrix is a pure rotation matrix, the inverse is just the transpose, and to calculate
// the product of the transpose with a vector we can just post-multiply instead of pre-multiplying.
// this allows us to keep the matrix construction code identical between CPU and GPU.
let projected_position = offset_position * light_inv_rot;
// divide xy by perspective matrix "f" and by -projected.z (projected.z is -projection matrix's w)
// to get ndc coordinates
let f_div_minus_z = 1.0 / ((*light).spot_light_tan_angle * -projected_position.z);
let shadow_xy_ndc = projected_position.xy * f_div_minus_z;
// convert to uv coordinates
let shadow_uv = shadow_xy_ndc * vec2<f32>(0.5, -0.5) + vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5);
// 0.1 must match POINT_LIGHT_NEAR_Z
let depth = 0.1 / -projected_position.z;
return sample_shadow_map(
i32(light_id) + view_bindings::lights.spot_light_shadowmap_offset,
fn get_cascade_index(light_id: u32, view_z: f32) -> u32 {
let light = &view_bindings::lights.directional_lights[light_id];
for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < (*light).num_cascades; i = i + 1u) {
if (-view_z < (*light).cascades[i].far_bound) {
return i;
return (*light).num_cascades;
// Converts from world space to the uv position in the light's shadow map.
// The depth is stored in the return value's z coordinate. If the return value's
// w coordinate is 0.0, then we landed outside the shadow map entirely.
fn world_to_directional_light_local(
light_id: u32,
cascade_index: u32,
offset_position: vec4<f32>
) -> vec4<f32> {
let light = &view_bindings::lights.directional_lights[light_id];
let cascade = &(*light).cascades[cascade_index];
let offset_position_clip = (*cascade).view_projection * offset_position;
if (offset_position_clip.w <= 0.0) {
return vec4(0.0);
let offset_position_ndc = offset_position_clip.xyz / offset_position_clip.w;
// No shadow outside the orthographic projection volume
if (any(offset_position_ndc.xy < vec2<f32>(-1.0)) || offset_position_ndc.z < 0.0
|| any(offset_position_ndc > vec3<f32>(1.0))) {
return vec4(0.0);
// compute texture coordinates for shadow lookup, compensating for the Y-flip difference
// between the NDC and texture coordinates
let flip_correction = vec2<f32>(0.5, -0.5);
let light_local = offset_position_ndc.xy * flip_correction + vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5);
let depth = offset_position_ndc.z;
return vec4(light_local, depth, 1.0);
fn sample_directional_cascade(light_id: u32, cascade_index: u32, frag_position: vec4<f32>, surface_normal: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
let light = &view_bindings::lights.directional_lights[light_id];
let cascade = &(*light).cascades[cascade_index];
// The normal bias is scaled to the texel size.
let normal_offset = (*light).shadow_normal_bias * (*cascade).texel_size * surface_normal.xyz;
let depth_offset = (*light).shadow_depth_bias * (*light).direction_to_light.xyz;
let offset_position = vec4<f32>(frag_position.xyz + normal_offset + depth_offset, frag_position.w);
let light_local = world_to_directional_light_local(light_id, cascade_index, offset_position);
if (light_local.w == 0.0) {
return 1.0;
let array_index = i32((*light).depth_texture_base_index + cascade_index);
return sample_shadow_map(light_local.xy, light_local.z, array_index, (*cascade).texel_size);
fn fetch_directional_shadow(light_id: u32, frag_position: vec4<f32>, surface_normal: vec3<f32>, view_z: f32) -> f32 {
let light = &view_bindings::lights.directional_lights[light_id];
let cascade_index = get_cascade_index(light_id, view_z);
if (cascade_index >= (*light).num_cascades) {
return 1.0;
var shadow = sample_directional_cascade(light_id, cascade_index, frag_position, surface_normal);
// Blend with the next cascade, if there is one.
let next_cascade_index = cascade_index + 1u;
if (next_cascade_index < (*light).num_cascades) {
let this_far_bound = (*light).cascades[cascade_index].far_bound;
let next_near_bound = (1.0 - (*light).cascades_overlap_proportion) * this_far_bound;
if (-view_z >= next_near_bound) {
let next_shadow = sample_directional_cascade(light_id, next_cascade_index, frag_position, surface_normal);
shadow = mix(shadow, next_shadow, (-view_z - next_near_bound) / (this_far_bound - next_near_bound));
return shadow;
fn cascade_debug_visualization(
output_color: vec3<f32>,
light_id: u32,
view_z: f32,
) -> vec3<f32> {
let overlay_alpha = 0.95;
let cascade_index = get_cascade_index(light_id, view_z);
let cascade_color = hsv_to_rgb(
f32(cascade_index) / f32(#{MAX_CASCADES_PER_LIGHT}u + 1u) * PI_2,
return vec3<f32>(
(1.0 - overlay_alpha) * output_color.rgb + overlay_alpha * cascade_color