Alice Cecile 599e5e4e76
Migrate from LegacyColor to bevy_color::Color (#12163)
# Objective

- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.

## Solution

I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.

- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes

Incidental improvements to ease migration:

- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`

## Migration Guide

Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.

These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.


- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <>
2024-02-29 19:35:12 +00:00

86 lines
2.4 KiB

//! Demonstrates how to work with Cubic curves.
use bevy::{
color::palettes::css::{ORANGE, SILVER, WHITE},
math::{cubic_splines::CubicCurve, vec3},
struct Curve(CubicCurve<Vec3>);
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, animate_cube)
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// Define your control points
// These points will define the curve
// You can learn more about bezier curves here
let points = [[
vec3(-6., 2., 0.),
vec3(12., 8., 0.),
vec3(-12., 8., 0.),
vec3(6., 2., 0.),
// Make a CubicCurve
let bezier = CubicBezier::new(points).to_curve();
// Spawning a cube to experiment on
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Cuboid::default()),
material: materials.add(Color::from(ORANGE)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(points[0][0]),
// Some light to see something
commands.spawn(PointLightBundle {
point_light: PointLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
intensity: 10_000_000.,
range: 100.0,
transform: Transform::from_xyz(8., 16., 8.),
// ground plane
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(50., 50.)),
material: materials.add(Color::from(SILVER)),
// The camera
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0., 6., 12.).looking_at(Vec3::new(0., 3., 0.), Vec3::Y),
fn animate_cube(time: Res<Time>, mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Curve)>, mut gizmos: Gizmos) {
let t = (time.elapsed_seconds().sin() + 1.) / 2.;
for (mut transform, cubic_curve) in &mut query {
// Draw the curve
gizmos.linestrip(cubic_curve.0.iter_positions(50), WHITE);
// position takes a point from the curve where 0 is the initial point
// and 1 is the last point
transform.translation = cubic_curve.0.position(t);